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Hi, all!

Let's get this party started!

Rewards: I have sent out the official Patreon rewards. For those who are new, these are freebies you can get from me as you accumulate pledges over time. This process is not automated, so if you think I missed you, comment below. Messaging me triples the time it takes to figure out if I missed you and I might not see it for weeks.

Audiobooks: Radley's Christmas for Horny Monsters has wrapped production and has passed the beta listeners. It may be out as early as later this month, but most likely will hit in August. Speaking of audiobooks, Halls of Magic is officially available on Audible!

Collabs: Halls of Magic 2 and Master Class 5 have entered early stages of writing. My collaboration with J.R.R. Tokien may have been cancelled on account of my Ouija board catching on fire. I'm only 50% sure I was actually dealing with J.R.R. though, so maybe this is for the best.

Horny Monsters: The going is slow, but the next chapter is started. I will be able to return to my regular schedule for the end of July, which means playing catch up on all the stuff I missed.

Borcht: Did anybody try that Borscht recipe from last post? It's legit a favorite of mine, but I usually wait until the first cool night of fall before I consider making it.

If there's anything else I need to talk about, I've already forgotten it. Back to the alphabet mines for me, I'll see you soon enough!





Lol, flaming ouija board,😂😂. Hate when that happens!


That's what you get for using a Ouija board. If you want Tolkien, you need a Palantir.