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Hi, all!

Just wanted to drop you a small comic and check in with everyone. As is very obvious, I haven't dropped the next chapter yet. I still need to address edits, but you will have the next chapter by month's end.

As for my recent writing speed, I have nothing really to say other than nobody should worry about it. I am currently adjusting to my new writing device (A Freewrite keyboard) and my schedule has been a mess. Why?

Because it's summer! The main reason I needed to figure out a different way to write is because I am traveling! For most of this month, I have been in a car, hiking, drinking, and thinking. I also got nailed in the face with some absolutely brutal allergies. Horrible! While I was optimistic about nailing down two chapters this month, I realized I was either going to 1) give up significant vacation time to make it happen or 2) throw some shit together and hope that it's good. As you all know, the second option doesn't sit well with me.

Anyway, I have taken the advice of several of my readers, both here and on Discord, and just took some time to myself. I've read ten books this month already, including Wandering Inn Book 12. I am also about a 1/3 of the way through writing the rough of 122, so am hoping for a massive comeback next month. With my family's current schedule, my current planned writing time in the week ahead is only around 6 hours. While I wish I was putting out more content, I'm still writing books faster than G.R.R Martin. 😉

I hope you all have found some down time for yourselves as well. We're still gonna kick so much ass this year together. 😈




Tom Sperka

Well, that comparison is crap! I’ve read the Game of Thrones, and it is SOOOO slow! I’ve not yet had to “plow through” in hopes of something better.

Mc Sweet

Better to change your plans to even ones per two month or something then to crash and burn so think also of yourself first. Family second and work last.....the very last.