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Hi, all! It's that time of the month again!

Rewards: I have sent out the official Patreon rewards. For those who are new, these are freebies you can get from me as you accumulate pledges over time. This process is not automated, so if you think I missed you, comment below. Messaging me triples the time it takes to figure out if I missed you and I might not see it for weeks.

Radley's Christmas: The hardcover edition proof has been ordered. We're really trying to catch up on the physical editions, I've got quite the hole dug for projects I need to catch up on. The paperback edition and an ebook art change is coming soon. Also, the audiobook is being recorded now or will start real soon!

Special Edition Art: I won't even go into the massive ass cramp that we had regarding special edition art. The good news is that we seem to have locked in a trio of decent artists who will get me caught up on Caretaker art along with chapter art for the Special Edition of Underworld. I am so grateful to have Ripley taking care of this for me, they have saved me so many hours on dealing with this project alone.

A New Series is Coming! Next week, I will be launching preorders for a brand new series! This book will be a KU exclusive, but I will share the first couple of chapters here (free of charge) so that you can see if the story is right for you. With the success Master Class has had, any new series I am a part of has massive shoes to fill, so I am both excited and nervous to finally move forward with this next project.

I'm sure there was something important I forgot to mention, but you are all familiar with that behavior by now 😆

Until next week!




I missed out on redeeming some of the earlier tier rewards and was wondering if I could get a renewed message for claiming them...

Steven Steier

I have been a member for at least 6 months and have never received any reward emails. Still enjoying the site without it but since it is included I figured I would say something