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Hi, all!

Okay, so we've got a small truckload of announcements to share!

Master Class 4 is officially available for pre-order! The book comes out on the 30th of this month, and we have a discounted rate for early buyers. Price will jump up after release, so if you aren't on Kindle Unlimited, this is the cheapest way to get it. Paperback and Hardcovers will release over the summer.

Music Videos! I screw around with other media sometimes, and have made a few music videos of HFHM characters. I shared them on my Discord but wanted to let you know that they're up for viewing on my Youtube channel. I made these as a complete goof, so don't take them seriously, I certainly didn't.

Audiobook alert! Dead and Horny is officially available on Audible! Honestly, I don't expect this one to sell very well, but wanted to make the effort and let you all get another piece of the Radley-verse for your earholes. So if you do listen to it, please make sure to leave a review, or maybe tell someone famous about it. I'm only one A-list celebrity endorsement away from buying a Victorian manor of my own and seeding the place with secret passageways and European chocolate.

Art: My current artist has suddenly become extremely slow, and the artist I found to help him out decided that she's out of the art game forever. So that's why we aren't seeing more art lately, including Special Edition stuff. The artist pool has gotten rough in the last year, and the people who will draw can be quite...flakey.

That's all from me! I mean, there might be more stuff, but I am officially Distracted™ and may never regain my train of thought.

Until next time, monster fans!



Don Oliver

Those of us the have a few hiddenrooms and secrect passages think that a new member to the club is a great idea.

Don Oliver

Keep brining out the audio books and I'll help you get there a little faster.


Sofia: Fuck! Eulalie: That’s a Miss Rosemary word. Sofia: … I beg your pardon? Eulalie: I… It’s… a book I found in the Library… never mind. You were saying? Sofia: o¿ô