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Hi, all!

So I was overdue to drop in with an update and today I can make it all official.

My friend and fellow author Ai Love has passed away. She had a long-term illness and one of her dreams was to finally see one of her stories get made into an audiobook. Sadly, the screenshot I've attached to this message would be the last time I spoke with her. It was my honor to help grant one of her last wishes, and I believe this may be her last published story.

Due to the nature of her illness, she did write a goodbye letter for places she lurked, like our Discord channel. If you check announcements, you'll find a link to where it's located.

I've known this news for a few days now and have had a bit of time to grieve, but it's still pretty fresh in my mind. Naturally, I intend to sit down and write my way out of grief, as that has always been my primary mode of therapy. May 5th is officially declared Ai's birthday in her honor, and I will likely find some small way to celebrate her life with you all on that day.

On. a related note, this will be a one-chapter month. Unrelated to Ai's circumstances, this month has been miserable for me. I (and my whole family) have been horribly sick to the point where I've had a sinus infection, headaches throughout most of my days, and there was a three day span that my eyes were so irritated and blurry that I couldn't see anything on my screen. It's only in the last 24 hours that my brain has been clear of sickness and/or cold medicine that I can finally function behind a keyboard again. Apparently everybody I know with school=aged children is battling this crap, so there's a good chance many of you have had this as well!

So the first chapter of Book 8 will be out by month's end, but no surprise second post. Between being sick and losing Ai, I haven't had the energy or mental faculties to pursue storytelling. Sorry, folks.

However, I do have a spot of good news! Book 5 was uploaded to Audible earlier this month, which means it could literally pop any day now. Book 6 as well as Dead and Horny are on the docket next, which means my audiobook journey continues.

So, that's the news, readers and friends. Sorry that it's mostly no fun. I can only assume that April will be kinder to me and my family.

Because if it isn't, I'm gonna kick somebody's ass.




Please please please take all of the time you need to feel better! I'm sure I'm not talking for just myself when I say that you staying healthy is the most important thing! We can, and will, wait for you. Be healthy!


And I'm sorry for your loss.