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So; Vicky's Lightsaber design was a lot of fun Anti the artist did great work here like she did for all the other pieces :)

I know its hard to picture here given no point of reference, but if you go to Vicky's own image you'll notice very quickly that Vicky's Saber is a LONG hilt saber, almost double the length of a normal Lightsaber hilt. Lore wise this is done for 2 reasons-

1) The metal her saber is made out of is extremely durable so it can handle her obscene grip strength and thus, the material itself doesn't particularly "like" being shaped into anything significantly smaller than the particular length of the blade hilt as it is.

2) Vicky favors a two handed style of combat, her flight and acrobatics combined with Jedi speed can be *very* disorienting just through sheer vertigo, even if she is accustomed to it even the best of people can have lapses, as such she prefers to have both hands on her weapon as a means of centering her attention and also being able to move the blade wherever she needs to at a moments notice to complement her Jedi Pre-cog defenses Left or Right doesn't matter, both hands are *always* on her Saber.

This hilt is perfect for a high speed, high acrobatic fighting style that's always airborn like her primary style of Ataru and her "backup" style in Juyo also benefits from the two handed grip given its level of aggression and need for blade control.

Now as for the design itself; I think it reflects Vicky's personality very well IMO.

Its beautiful, but also functional and pragmatic. When push comes to shove; the persona she employs of an "air head" is just that a persona. The person beneath that is very intelligent. Ergo she wants something that will do its *job* not necessarily look pretty on her hip. Any beauty aspect is just a bonus. 

In terms of its functionality; Vicky's entire powerset/mindset is all about versatility and a long saber hilt reflects that by giving her more options on where she grips it and how she fights with it as opposed to most Jedi hilts that are so short they're barely more than a hand and a half in length, if even that given all the knobs and "clutter" along the length of them.

The ergonomic, minimalist nature has made her miss out on some features that some other Lightsabers enjoy, like an adjustable blade length or a precise power setting feature. Most Jedi have a *range* of power settings. Going from light sting- to stun- to "damage" to "hack off a limb and atomize the insides" Vicky's only has 2 settings. Light stun or full on murder-blade. There's nothing in between for her, returning thus- again to the whole "She needs to control herself and her blade"

The wings at the cross guard are not "functional" in the sense that they're going to block a sliding lightsaber. Its the one piece of decoration she allowed herself to "splurge" on.

The wings are white and gold, reminders of her past self as Glory Girl and are also in a sense, a stylized V for her own name. Its clever. No matter what Tay says :p



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