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Hello everyone!

My vacation, for those of you counting, is almost over.

In the last week+ I was able to write up all the next chapters for WF that you'll be receiving in two weeks time releasing on the 8th of February. Once we give our beta readers time to sift through everything and make sure I didn't stick my foot in my mouth somewhere :)

There's also a possibility that there's going to be an extra surprise in the updates. Something really cool that I've been looking forward to showing if its all finished on time, but on that one I can't make promises since its out of my hand.

Also, announcement- There will be another fic  for all of you :D

"The Three Houses of Westeros"

As you can probably guess by the title; this fic steps away from the Galaxy far far away and brings us straight into the happiest place on earth. Westeros. Where everyone will happily backstab each-other for their own gain.


Cause its a happy place :)

Joining this happy family in Westeros will be the cast of Fire Emblem Three houses in a Fusion style Crossover :D

This will be releasing on Sunday the 11th of February

This here is my call for any Beta readers that are interested in helping hammer out grammatical issues, or storyboard/brainstorm ideas for the fic itself if you're knowledgeable of FE or GoT or both. Both would be really good :)

Now; one word of warning- This second fic will NOT be getting a weekly update cadance like Weaving Force. There's simply no way I could do it without risking and eventually falling into serious burnout. This fic will be updated once every 3-5 weeks. The upside, is that most of the updates will be upwards of 15-20 pages long if possible (For context WF averages at 10-12 pages)

WF will continue its weekly update schedule (though honestly last run I went for an average of 2 updates a week which was... something) to its conclusion as long as I'm able to do so.

In other related news, work on my own original work continues, and I still feel that an April/May timeline is the most likely to have the whole "first draft" completed from start to finish.

So like I said *GOOD NEWS EVERYONE* :D

(PS: If you're interested in Beta reading I will need your Email for a Google Doc, I don't usually like having more than 3 Beta readers on any one project so there are limited spaces, if you don't get an answer from me its nothing personal.

If you'd like to be a Beta reader for this project and don't want to share your email publicly you can message me privately here or on Discord)


Malir Blackspear

Honestly I forgot you were on vacation and was concerned that you'd hit a writing block. The news to the contrary is, of course, excellent to hear.


Hope you've enjoyed your vacation. Can't wait to see more of WF. Easily one of my favorite fics.