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Break Poll No. 3

  • What tribute have you offered Mighty Settra!? (Withhold the chapters) 23
  • You may leave this place, but your legs will remain- for am I not the Magnanimus and Merciful Settra!? (Release the chapters) 173
  • 2023-12-21
  • 196 votes
{'title': 'Break Poll No. 3', 'choices': [{'text': 'What tribute have you offered Mighty Settra!? (Withhold the chapters)', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'You may leave this place, but your legs will remain- for am I not the Magnanimus and Merciful Settra!? (Release the chapters)', 'votes': 173}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 21, 12, 54, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 196}


Hello friends, as discussed previously I'll be taking a month long break soon to recharge my batteries and recover.

Now that we're closer to that (just one chapter left for the end of the arc and the break) I'm posting one of my usual polls to decide on whether to release the Patreon exclusive chapters to the public or not.

For those of you who have joined us since October when the last break ended, here's how this works-

The three "Patreon chapters" which in this case would be 67, 68 and the upcoming chapter 69 can be either withheld for the duration of the break or released to the public, both these options have their pros and cons for you, and they're what you're donating your dollar for; hence why you get to decide how to proceed.

If the Patreon chapters are withheld, then I'll simply go on my break and return in about a months time (Late January Early February) picking up where we left off with little issue.

If the Patreon chapters are released to the public, then the break will last *longer* (Mid to late February) but when I return, I'll be coming back with four chapters published immediately right off the bat. One public release chapter everyone gets access to immediately and three Patreon exclusive chapters you guys get access to and everyone else has to wait for.

So this is entirely your choice.

Also to give our Publisher tier group a progress report on my original work, its proceeding along steadily I'm pleased to say and I'm hoping to have the project complete or near complete by March/April of 2024 with the way things are going. When we get closer to that date and I have a much more solid estimate I'll be conducting another Poll to know if you'd like to have another advance preview (Roughly 2/3rds of the book) released early here, or if you'd prefer to simply wait for the full release.

Lastly, no promises but I will be tinkering away on another little project that shows a lot of promise and maybe, just maybe, advance chapters of that will be released on my return too. Like I said, no promises. But it'll be fun to see if it happens :)

Anyway that's all for today guys, be sure to vote down in the poll what you would prefer to happen. We've finally made it to the Clone Wars proper when we get back things will probably get a little spicy.

Have a happy holiday and I'll catch you all in the next one. Peace.



I would say to release the chapters if only to cleanly canonize the Vista sidestory on sb before you go on break.


I say leave SB with this chapter, and don't say anything about it so they will have to wait to see if it is canonized or not. Mwahahahaha!!!!