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Chapter 66:


The pyres were beginning to burn.

One by one, Jedi by Jedi, like fireflies in the night beginning to light up in the distance and drawing closer.

Soon, the whole field would be dotted with flames.

In front of me… Master Tapal.

My friend.

A sharp, painful reminder of just how badly it had gone, how much worse it could have gone.

Vicky was behind me, along with the kids. I was conflicted about bringing them. I was still conflicted about bringing them. Vicky didn’t think it was a good idea, but a part of me felt like they should see. That they should know that death was real and that it could come for even the people we knew, and that they should be careful.

So with my heart in my stomach I insisted.

And so here they were.

Besides… there was also another reason, standing beside me.

Cal trembled, emotions warring within him. The torch burned on its stand, ready to be thrust into the kindling that made up Tapal’s pyre.

The boy hiccupped, fighting the tears I could see glimmering in his eyes as I tossed him a quick glance out of the corner of my eye.

“Cal.” I called his name, seeing his lips tremble “It’s ok to cry.”

“Jedi don’t cry.” He answered automatically… robotically

Not for the first time, I found myself detesting this code.

“If that’s true,” I whispered. “Then it's not worth being a Jedi.”

The boy turned, looking at me with red swollen eyes, surprised but also not.

And the tears finally fell, even as he sucked in his lip to try and stave them off, but it was no use.

The tears came in force now, and even though comforting distressed children wasn’t unfamiliar to me anymore, this felt different, heavier… it was more real than a scratched knee, or hurtful words.

I reached out, my fingers barely brushing over Cal’s shoulder before he fell into me, his face pressed into my navel, his shuddering breaths seeping through my robes as his whole body trembled and his lungs heaved with deep, sobbing breaths.

One arm coiled around him, the other brushing through his ginger red hair as I shushed and rocked him as gently as I could.

I heard Vicky through my bugs, kneeling at the side of the other children, gently reminding them that they could cry too, and to be nice to Cal during this time. I’d thank her for it later.

The flames crackled now, close enough that their heat was beginning to warm my hair and back.

“Come on.” I told the boy, pulling away as he tried to compose himself, the sleeve of his robe wiping away his tears as I turned us to face the pyre. “Let’s say our goodbyes.”

He nodded, but I could sense his… emotion, through the Force.

Not quite fear, but close. Uncertainty. The fear of the pain that this was it. That this would make it real.

I understood that fear. It was probably one of the memories I could recall the most from any lifetime.

I made certain to clutch at his shoulder tight, a physical reassurance that I. Was. Here.

He wasn’t alone.

I couldn’t save him from the pain.

Even if I could, I’m not sure if it’d be right to do so.

But I could help make it easier.

Cal reached for the torch, and my hand fell gently over his.

“No.” I said.

I threaded my touch through the Force, taking his hand in mind.

The flame sputtered to life over his palm, slowly, so I wouldn’t startle him.

“Do as I do.” I instructed.

Cal listened, his manipulations following my guiding prods and nudges in the Force. Sloppy, but the significance was in the gesture, not the result.

The sparks became a candle flame, and that candle flame an orb of fire.

Cal stared at the fire, his Force signature and mine threading through its creation. If I could have, I’d have left it to him, but if I stopped at best it would fizzle out into nothing.

“Now-” I breathed, physically letting go of his hand even as my touch over the flame held. “-say goodbye.”

Cal stopped, freezing stock still, even as the other pyres caught the flame. I smothered the oxygen around Tapal’s, making certain the embers wouldn’t light the tinder before he was ready.

He reached behind himself, taking my hand, squeezing it tight.

When he stepped forward, it was shaky.

But when his hand pushed the flame into the pyre, he held steady.

It was enough.

The fires crackled, the smell of smoke meeting us first as we stepped back and watched the embers dance as an ocean of fire spread out as far as we could see.

Ashes lingered in the air, the Green Jedi holding the motes of gray dust within a telekinetic bubble of sorts. It was… a haunting sort of beautiful.

We led the kids back inside.

Tomorrow would be the service for the clones. And immediately after-

“-we’ll head for Coruscant.” Master Plo Koon was leaning over a holo table, a mess of dataslates on its surface.

I hadn’t read them, but I knew what they were. Casualty reports, enclave messages, security concerns, messages from the Coruscanti Temple Guard on updated security measures, coordination and intelligence sharing between CorSec, the Duros and Nubian forces, and other nearby government entities. Miscellaneous messages from the neighboring planets, everything from offers of assistance to thinly veiled requests the Jedi leave Corellia and not let the door hit them on the way out.

And worse, requests for orders and confirmation on… replacement generals for the clone battalions being mobilized. At least four of the intended eighteen had died here. Three more were injured and wouldn’t recover for at least a few months.

That was nearly half of the intended command structure for this first batch of Clone legions out of commission.

How many other parts of the Jedi’s logistics and command structure would suffer like this? How many people were gonna be shoved into roles to fill in for dead men? Roles they hadn’t been preparing for at all, that they weren’t briefed on?

I wasn’t a Xeno-biologist but even I could tell Master Plo looked completely exhausted. I could almost feel it in the air around him, as much as he tried to hide the emotion so it wouldn’t affect others around him.

I nodded. “I understand-” I said. “I can get all the kids ready, along with the clones.”

Master Plo let out a sound of acknowledgement. “I ask my next question now to both of you”

“Yeah?” Beside me, Vicky perked up.

“Its reported that Kronos, the smuggler was the one transporting Master Yoda and Master Windu before their disappearance; You know him personally yes? He is another Parahuman?”

“He is.” I said, eyes narrowing. “Wait- Dennis is missing too?”

Plo Koon winced, then brought his hand up to rub at his head, as though trying to stave off a headache. “I’m sorry… I should have-”

“You’ve got a lot on your plate, no harm done now lets focus.” Vicky interrupted, clapping her hands twice. “So Dennis was the one flying them. Yoda and Mace disappeared with him. You were going somewhere with this question.”

“He is another Parahuman” Plo nodded. “Can you use that to find him?”

I blinked, opening my mouth, then shut it.

“Your signature in the force is distinct-” He went on to explain. “And your capabilities are, frankly, unknown to us. If its possible-”

“I mean-” Vicky hesitated, looking to me with an uncertainty I shared.

She shrugged “I’m willing to try Master but I don’t know.”

“So you’re asking us to head to those hyperlanes and see if we find anything?” I surmised.

“Not… immediately.” Plo said, almost shamefully.

“Believe me.” He hastened to say- “I wish Masters Yoda and Windu to be found as soon as possible but once we return to Corruscant I… will need your insight.”

“For what?” Vicky asked, the faintest edge of incredulity in her voice. I sort of understood what she might be thinking. As far as Jedi matters went, we were still relatively ‘insulated’ from most aspects of it. We did “our thing”-“our way” so to speak with a general adherence to the rules but we were hardly experts or advocates.

“We are moving into conflict.” Plo-Koon said. “A war unlike that which any of the Jedi alive today have ever seen. Your perspective will be invaluable.”

“Woah, hol-up.” Vicky brought up her hands, waving them between herself and master Plo as if to ward him off. “Me and Tay might have a bit more… Street smarts I guess than your average cloister Jedi but we’ve never been involved in a war. Especially not a galactic war.”

She was right… strictly speaking.

“I know.” Plo conceded. “But we need outside perspectives. We need alternative ways of thinking, views that provide fresh information and ideas. That you do possess. And for the first meeting of the high Council, I would like you both there at my side.”

“Do you think they’ll push back against your appointment?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Did he want backup just incase things got… well… bad?”

“No.” The Kel-Dor denied. “I know your instincts Taylor, but I also know my fellow Masters. They recognized and acknowledged my appointment before Master Yoda and Windu. They will not go back on their word without reason.”

I opened my mouth and Plo held up a hand.

“And before you ask, no. Having you two present will not be considered enough of a reason.” He said drily. “As I said… I know how you think my student.”

I heard Vicky snicker

I gave them both a dry, flat look.

Then I offered a shrug. “If that’s the case, tell us where you need us I guess.”

Vicky nodded. “We’re happy to help Master.

The funeral the following day was no less sombre, for all that many non Jedi were present. The clones wouldn’t be burned. They had to be transported.

Their bodies, and the genetic material they had, still belonged to Kamino.

Duros and Corellians were in attendance- ready to do their part in transporting and storing the corpses until they could be properly… collected.

I was bothered by it. The clinical, inhumanity of it all. But the squad themselves weren’t bothered and that bothered me in its own right.

The ritual was simple, a six man firing salute.

No prayers given, no songs sung. Barely any tears. Just grim faces and stony anger on the faces of what was now my squad of clones.

Master Plo made one request of the Green Jedi Knight- the ranking leader of the Enclave for this moment in time.

There were a handful of Green Jedi Masters that hadn’t been present during the attack- they hadn’t even been planetside. They were being recalled, but for now, a lonely knight was the defacto commander.

Master Plo asked him to inscribe the serial numbers of every fallen clone.

A proper monument would be erected on Coruscant.

Corellian Media was already dubbing them the Noble Legion.

Nevermind that they were a Batallion, and not a legion.

But, from there- we left.

Not many, Master Plo was still insistent we help the Corellians and the devastated Green Jedi order as much as we could. Master Allie stayed behind, as did the majority of the survivors.

But Master Plo, Vicky, me, the Kids, the Clones and a few other indispensable Masters and as many of the injured as could be safely transported were on a ship to Corruscant just a few hours later.

Cal stayed with us. He had no one on Corellia, and even if he did, I’m not sure staying would have been healthy. He was busying himself with work. Making himself useful. Hoping that distractions would keep him from the sadness. I knew enough about that to recognize the signs.

A lot of my own kids were helping in that effort, at Vicky’s subtle and not so subtle hints mostly.

He seemed to even strike up a bit of a tepid friendship with another Padawan on the ship, a girl named Trilla. Master Cere was one of the injured. Alive, but certainly in no condition to conduct her duties for the time being.

That was another headache just looming on the horizon. The kids.

Master Allie had expressed interest in taking up Decimus, or Zai as her Padawans, or even both but from snips and pieces of conversations I’d overheard there were over a hundred ‘orphaned’ Padawans from this attack. Many hadn’t been on Corellia, thank whatever gods might have been listening- but that didn’t change the fact that there were now hundreds of Padawans just like Cal left without Masters.

It wouldn’t normally be a problem, if the Order itself hadn’t just lost well over four hundred knights and Masters that could have taken up their tutelage and were sending hundreds more, possibly thousands into a galactic war.

The simplest solution would be to eliminate the ‘One Padawan per Master’ policy the Jedi had.

But that was a discussion for after Plo-Koon had his first meeting as Master of the Order with the Council. There was already a lot of pressure on him, for all that me and Vicky tried to help- He didn’t need my panache for diplomatic overtures adding to his issues.

If a solution didn’t present itself soon though, I had zero qualms about ramming change down the stubborn Council members throats if need be.

Regardless, the trip was uneventful albeit tense with the memories and grief of the past few days.

When we finally arrived just over twenty four hours after our departure, there was a small army of healers, droids, Knights and Masters waiting for us.

I’d insisted Master Plo-Koon let me handle coordinating all of this.

After a few… awkward incidents where people realized they weren’t being bitten or swarmed by the native insect life of Coruscant rising up to devour them, everyone began to fall in line and move very efficiently. The droids especially became fast learners, needing only a fly on the back of their hands and a quick download of the galactic equivalent of morse code to get detailed orders via fly wingbeats.

From that moment forward, it was a whirlwind of activity; I barely even had the time to acknowledge Siri had come before I was urged to follow after Master Plo and the others- heading towards the Council chambers.

Many Masters that hadn’t been present on Coruscant were here now. Others were still on their way, moving with all haste.

Still, I was glad to see one face seated there in the flesh.

“Master Yaddle.” I said, feeling a smile of relief beginning to tug at my lips.

The kindly old woman smiled back, though the lines of her face creased with a sombre sadness. “Knight Hebert.” She said. “Good, it is to see you again.”

“You too.” I acknowledged, taking a place standing between her and Master Plo’s seat. Call it selfish, but it was good to have them both here.

The meeting was quickly called into order, Master Poof and Master Gallia had seemingly been preparing ever since Plo-Koon conceded to return and so, everyone was quickly seated and it let me spy some faces that surprised me.

Namely, Anakin and Obi-Wan.

“There are many matters we must attend to.” Master Plo began gravely. “But I and Master Yaddle have discussed certain things at length and we feel this is matter will be uncontested.”

That made me raise an eyebrow, feeling Vicky’s eyes on me before I looked at her out of the corner of my eye and shook my head. I didn’t know what our teacher was talking about.

“Skywalker. Step forward.”

I saw and felt Anakin stiffen, a quick panicked look towards Obi-Wan made his Master urge him forward with an expectant look.

Nearly goose-stepping one foot infront of the other, Anakin made his way to the center of the council chamber.

Master Plo stood and at his next words I realized what was happening.

“Kneel Padawan.”

Wide eyed, Anakin fell to one knee, bowing his head.

Master Plo lit his lightsaber, the blue blade casting a pale glow at their side.

“Like your Master before you, you have faced the power of a Sith and held to your courage.” The blade rose, and fell onto one shoulder. “You met the enemy of the Galaxy blade upon blade and drove him off.” Again it rose and fell over the other.

“Most of all, you protected the life of an innocent… Knighthood’s highest calling.”

With nary a flick of the wrist, the Padawan braid was sliced off, falling to the floor.

“Rise. A Jedi Knight.”

Anakin made it to his feet, still looking dazed, but there was a proud joy beginning to suffuse through his emotions, one resonating with Vicky’s own pride and joy. I myself offered a smile and nod of congratulations when his eyes passed over me.

He deserved it.

He held onto his composure, offering a deep, solemn bow.

“Thank you. Master Plo-Koon.”

The Master of the order nodded.

Then he spoke. “Knight Kenobi. Knight Dallon, Knight Hebert… step forward.”

Wait what?

Surprise cut through the room. Not just from me, but Vicky Anakin and a handful of other Masters too.

Obi-Wan was the first to step forward. After Anakin’s knighting, his ascension to Masterhood was a simple matter of course, but me and Vicky were not.

Vicky stepped forward, hesitated, as though security might jump out of the shadows and tackle her because she misheard, but when ninja security didn’t show up she took another step. Then another.

I felt an urging, Yaddle’s touch on my mind.

Go. She said.

And so I went.

Soon enough, I was standing in the center of the room alongside Obi-Wan and Vicky.

“Knight Kenobi.” Plo-Koon said. “Kneel.”

“As per tradition, upon your Padawan’s ascension to Knighthood, the Rank of Master is granted. But even beyond that- you have proven yourself a credit to your rank and your teachers. You have instructed others on how to face the Sith, opened diplomatic ties with old enemies, and strove for the prosperity and security of the Jedi order. None will contest your contributions, or your merits to this position. Rise now, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.”

The soft spoken man did rise, solemn and serious before he bowed like his student before him. “I thank you, Master Plo.”

The Kel dor offered one more nod and then stepped to the side to stand infront of Vicky.

A heavy silence fell upon the room, the chamber almost crackling with tension.

Who would it be?

Tiin? Piell? Mundi? Or maybe a wilder card, like Rancisis or Poof?

“Knight Dallon.” Master Plo nodded. “By unanimous consent amongst our bretheren the Green Jedi you are the one they credit for our sister Temple’s continued survival. Almost to a man, the survivors requested you be made into a Master, for your skill, your valor and for the sacrifice endured on the field of battle at Corellia.”

I’d known that some of the Greens had gone towards Master Plo and mentioned in passing that they formally nominated Vicky for the position, but not that it had seemingly been so overwhelming. Those sleep drugs must’ve done a number on me.

“Are there any here who would contest the nomination from those that bore witness to these events and survived?”

It wasn’t quite challenge in his voice. But there was something there, a steel and a rigidity that almost dared any of the Masters that were not there to say otherwise.

Silence reigned. Tense and still.

But silence.

Master Plo gave a firm nod. “Then now. Kneel, Knight Dallon. And Rise Jedi Master Victoria Dallon”

Vicky Knelt, and the blue blade dubbed her as it had those before.

And finally, Master Plo stepped infront of me.

“Knight Hebert-” He began. “As our cousins the Green Jedi credit their survival to Master Dallon, so too do many of our own, myself included, credit our survival to your actions on the field. As witnessed, you faced both the Dark Jedi Jorus C’baoth and the Sith Master in battle and drove them off, allowing for the escape of hundreds of our order including the younglings under your care. The surviving clones similarly credit their survival onto you- as such, I ask once more would any here contest her ascension to the rank of Master?”

None spoke. Either out of politeness or simply because Plo had caught them off guard, they stayed quiet.

Plo nodded. “Then… Kneel- Knight Hebert.”

I knelt, falling onto one knee and bowing my head.

The blade rose.

The blade fell.

“And rise now. A Jedi Master.”


Ok, so this chapter was a bit of a "Fast forward" especially around the middle, but to be frank it was a little necessary, there's only so much one can "wallow" on Corellia itself before it gets a little long in the tooth.

Now- to discuss the immediate future.

For this "arc" to be complete we're gonna need at least 1-3 more chapters. It depends on how the pacing and events all pan out going forward. As I said, I don't plan my fics which is why I can't really give an exact number beyond an estimate. Frankly, THIS chapter was going to be split into two parts before I realized it was dragging on and did the "fast forward" and just brought everyone to Corruscant to move things along.

So that's for the immediate future.

Now as everyone is aware we're coming up on Christmas break, I myself will be traveling to visit family so chapters might slow down, but frankly, this is easy writing where I'm just tying up loose ends and doing "setup" for the up coming clone wars, so I can knock out these chapters relatively quickly. So a slow down is possible but not guaranteed.

Either way once this arc is done I am planning to take a break one of my usual "Month long" ones.

I know it *feels* like I only just took a break very very recently but to put this in perspective; we started updating again on October 12th.

In chapter *47*

We are now on chapter 66- almost exactly 20 chapters in on the 14th of December.

That's 10 chapters *per month* almost.

So while the time has been short it has been filled with almost double the content of the previous run of 1 chapter per week.

Granted that *insane* pace was because I wanted to reach Corellia since I was excited for it- but still, an insane pace even for me.

So this break is needed to let me recharge my batteries and sort of map out the loose series of events that will take on the next arc. The next arc being... the massive galaxy spanning civil war which is infinitely more complicated and complex by virtue of having so many extra moving parts this time around...

I blame all of you for this. Especially YOU. Yes YOU *points finger*

Not to mention that the break will also allow me to finish a big chunk of my original work/story that I've been quietly tinkering away in the background with. You guys can expect a Poll on wether you'd like THAT to be added to the 5 dollar bundle or if you'd rather just wait for the full release of the novel later in the year to just read it all in one sitting.

I will, as usual put up another poll for the Weaving Force readers here on Patreon once we start getting closer to the last few chapters on if you want your exclusive chapters released to the general public when I go on this break or not. The usual caveats will of course apply.

Releasing them means a longer break but a bigger "impact" once I return with four chapters and not releasing them means a shorter break.

At any rate, I hope you all have enjoyed the ride so far and next chapter should have some exciting developments for our favorite pair of Knights- I mean. Masters ;)

See you all later :D


Emma V.

You don’t have to justify your break. The frequency and quality of chapters has been fantastic. Thanks for the heads up though!!


Enjoy the break! Great satisfactory pausing chapter.