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Taylor's squad Poll 2

  • Taylor names her Squad after Old Earth Heroes/Legends- Her Clones are the most badass SOB's in the army and will have names to represent it! 42
  • Taylor names her Squad after Authors/Story characters - Behold the Horror of Trooper Lovecraft stalking you on your own ship ya Sep bastard! 217
  • Taylor names her Squad after Spider species - The Swarm has come for you. Resist if you like. Its useless anyway. 75
  • 2023-11-30
  • 334 votes
{'title': "Taylor's squad Poll 2", 'choices': [{'text': "Taylor names her Squad after Old Earth Heroes/Legends- Her Clones are the most badass SOB's in the army and will have names to represent it!", 'votes': 42}, {'text': 'Taylor names her Squad after Authors/Story characters - Behold the Horror of Trooper Lovecraft stalking you on your own ship ya Sep bastard!', 'votes': 217}, {'text': 'Taylor names her Squad after Spider species - The Swarm has come for you. Resist if you like. Its useless anyway. ', 'votes': 75}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 30, 0, 14, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 334}


So, interesting suggestion was made by the readers that seemed to gain some traction and as promised we're giving it a voice here.

Some readers suggested that Taylor might name her squad after some of her favorite authors from home or characters from some of her favorite books and it was an interesting idea so its now an option to consider. IIRC the logic/reasoning behind bringing it up is/was twofold. 1) As a bit of an homage to her mother of course and her own love of books and 2) Because she sees her swarm as expendable and extending those names to her clone troopers is a bit callous on her part since she wouldn't see THEM as expendable.  A counterpoint noted was that it might make the clones feel more "hers" like the clones themselves feel a greater emotional connection to her because of it.

Note: I'm not saying I agree or disagree, I'm simply pointing out the logic for anyone who may not have read it.

If of the three options one cracks over 51% and stays there over the next 3 days then that's obviously going to be the winner and as such a third Poll will not be needed and we'll go with the simple majority option.

Edit: Just incase

Option 1 would have names like Heracles, Achiles, Hector, Lu-Bu, Memnon and so on
Option 2 would have either authors or book characters (unsure of which as of yet since it wasn't my idea)
Option 3 would have things like Darwin, Hunter, Wolf, Goliath (again, named after various spider species.


Kadili Man

There are some great Author names out there. I hope one of them gets Tolkien as a name.

Aria Raney

Well I still liked the spider idea, but I just love spiders in general lol. Authors is a fun idea too, and I'm just imagining her naming one some variant of "Tolkien" and then they go to Mandalore and everyone's like "I *love* your book 🤣"