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Chapter 58:

They didn’t realize they were under attack until it was too late.

A single Lucrehulk heavy Cargo hauler from the Trade Federation slipped in system. It’s Callsign was the Dwerilis.

The massive trading vessel entered through the hyperlanes requesting dry dock for emergency repairs after a malfunction in their primary hyperdrive.

This wasn’t in and of itself  anything out of the ordinary really. Corellia and Kuatt were the greatest shipyards in the Galaxy and very few planets even in the core, could offer an emergency Dry-dock to something with the tonnage of a Lucrehulk. Permissions had been given, clearances issued, orders signed and a Docking bay provided.

Then the Lucrehulk began to list, requesting tractor beam support to reach its docking bay.

The Valorum, the single largest ship in the Corellian defense fleet and by far the only vessel that outweighed the massive Cargo Hauler, volunteered to asist, since it could more readily do so, as opposed to sending out several dozen smaller friggates.

It would be the last mistake the venerable vessel would ever make.

Once the Valorum came into range, powering down its shields to provide power to the Tractor Beam itself given the size of its ‘haul’ that is when the ‘attack’ began. Though even then they did not know it.

Formal investigations would later reveal that the internal detonations… had been from the droids.

From the small, cleaning mouse droids, to larger box droids to other maintenance and logistics droids. Each provided by trade federation companies. Each fitted with small, ‘upgrades’ that individually were simply pieces of hardware, but when cobbled together could form ready made improvised explosives.

The droids stationed themselves around critical systems… and set the bombs off.

No one suspected a thing, until more than half of the Valorum’s decks were wreathed in fire.

Then the Dwertis Lucrehulk powered up its weapons, and opened its hangar bay doors.

Salvo after salvo slammed into the underside of the Valorum’s unprotected body. Bombers slipped free of their berths with full armaments primed and prepared. Fighters followed immediately after.

The confused and panicked crewmen not understanding what was happening tried to open communications before realizing the futility of such efforts. The Valorum returned fire, and tried to scramble its own fighter complement to fight off the bombardment- but it was a mortally wounded beast- flailing in its death throes.

The remainder of the Defense fleet, rushed out, attempting to save the mighty Capital ship when suddenly more Lucrehulks appeared to the galactic North of the planet- and then more still from the south. Another two came from the west, and Hyperlane disturbances beckoned even more to the Galactic east.

Even if that hadn’t happened… it is regrettably, doubtful that the rest of the defense fleet would have arrived in time to save their beloved Capital ship. The Valorum lasted twenty-seven minutes from the first detonations until its core went critical, tearing apart the ship in burning wreckage.

The Dwertis, though part of its aft hull was damaged by the blast, nevertheless used the destruction to its advantage. Activating its own tractor beam, in a blatant and brazen violation of all military conventions and terms of engagement, sent the still burning remains hurtling down to the planet below, to crash somewhere amidst the planet wide city-scape.

In analysis later, it would be revealed that every single Lucrehulk vessel in or near the core, that had nominally been gathered around their planets for trade, or resupply, or refueling had detached at exactly the same galactic hour and gone into Hyperdrive at near enough the same time, so as to arrive on Corellia in almost absolute synchronicity.

Twenty-seven Lucrehulk vessels would appear in waves above Corellia.

Each one carried a complement of nearly two hundred and fifty thousand droids, tanks, aircraft, bombers, command vehicles, heavy weapons platforms and artillery grade weaponry. Each one was retrofitted with turbo lasers that could punch through military grade ship shields and bulkheads.

In short, it was an overwhelming level of firepower. And it was meant to be so.

Estimates place the assault force that would descend upon the planet anywhere from five, to six million droids.

To place this into perspective Cor-Sec the police and paramilitary defense force of the planet had a per-continent average total of one million Cor-sec units at any given time. I will repeat for clarity. That is one million Cor-Sec forces across a continent let alone a single target.

Even the Jedi, gathered for their conclave as they were, only numbered a little over a thousand members of their order.

And they had to face an army millions strong, who had the advantage of surprise, firepower, orbital superiority and air superiority.

The ensuing battle, would be a charnel house of carnage and blood for all sides involved.

-Snaarmorr Nilubb

-Scholar and Historian for the University of Corelia

-The mounting danger; the Warning Signs of the Clone Wars



“Can I touch your helmet?”

“Sorry ma’am. Against regulations.

“Does it smell funny?”

Hey can I check out your rifle!?”

“Do you guys have to meditate like we do? Do you like it? It's really boring. I don’t like it.”

I wasn’t sure if I should tell my kids to leave the poor, clearly unsure clones alone or if I should enjoy the ‘break’ for what it was.

The good thing was, that as the children were distracted asking the clones every possible question under the sun; some of the Jedi Knights and Masters were approaching me. Two specifically had asked me about Zaisk, a Knight named Barrek and, of all people, a High council Jedi Master named Trebor. I didn’t know him well, but he was one of the more peace loving Jedi; closely alligned with Master Yaddle.

Personally, I thought Zaisk would be a good fit with someone like him

And Master Stass Allie, Adi Gallia’s sister, a renowned healer seemed to be interested perhaps in Tenhu as a potential Padawan.

I could hope.

I didn’t bring the kids into the large debate happening between the Masters. Mostly because I didn’t want them to get bored, but also because quite a few Masters there didn’t have a great many favorable views about me and I’d rather the kids not get caught in the proverbial spash zone.

Luckily, I hadn’t come up in the conversation much- either because of respect towards Master Plo who was leading the meeting or simply because they were absorbed in nominating and voting for the various enclave leaders.

So far a Master Kai Hudorra had been selected to lead Zygerria, by far the most tense of the relations between an Enclave and the local population. I didn’t know him at all really but from what little I gleaned through bugs and word of mouth he seemed like a decent fit.

A Master Tsui Choi was nominated to go and join Yaddle on Alderaan. He wouldn’t replace her immediately as far as I understood it, but merely join and assist her… an internship if you will; so he could learn the ropes.

One Master called Hylon was volunteering to head to Mandalore. No one seemed to be contesting him so the collective reaction was the equivalent of one giant shrug and a ‘Knock yourself out’ sort of deal.

Eno Cordova was the favorite to lead the temple on Bogano leaving just the tiny temple on Lothal and the ‘Combat Temple’ as it was being dubbed, on Kashyyyk to be decided on.

Tapal had put his name on the list and he was in the running against a literal *dinosaur* named Judd. Not Dinosaur as in he’s old (though given some of the ages the various species could reach who knew) but rather as in reptilian and huge. He was easily taller than most *wookies* I’d met. As in the eight to twelve foot tall furry battletanks who liked to make flower crowns for their guests. Those wookies.

Lothal wasn’t really being discussed heavily yet with Kashyyyk being on the proverbial table right this second but as far as I could tell, many were throwing around the name Dass Jennir for the posting.

Vicky, surprisingly not only decided to attend, she was offered a notable place in the seating arrangement directly behind Master Plo.

That made me smile a bit, even if just to myself.

Plo always had our backs, and the fact that he took the time and effort to show it, even if in subtle ways was…

It was nice. A good feeling that I don’t think I, or even Vicky really had back home much.

“Heh- They’re like the lil shinies aren’t they.”

I turned, looking to the Clone standing by the wall beside me; rifle at the ready.

The question made me raise an eyebrow. “Sorry, Shinies?” I asked.

“Ahh, right, sorry Ma’am.” He cleared his throat. “The lil brothers. Clones fresh out the vats.”

“Children?” That’s right, Clones had sped up aging, they didn’t come out fully grown.

The clone in question nodded. ‘Aye ma’am.” He gestured towards my kids still peppering the two clone guards across from us with questions. “They just reminded me of em. Its a bit surprising really. Didn’t think other kids would act like the lil brothers, ya know?”

“Most children are the same no matter the species.” I said with a shrug. “And you aren’t different species anyway.”

“Right ma’am.”

“Taylor.” I corrected.


“My name is Taylor.” I said with a shrug. “If you Prefer knight Hebert that’s an option too.”

“Understood Ma’am.”

I got the faint feeling of amusement from the clone’s thoughts and I got the distinct impression he was messing with me.”

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Don’t got one yet ma’am. Still a Shiny I’m CU- 853191417”

“That’s a mouthful.” I answered. “You said ‘yet’ so what needs to happen for you to get a name?”

“My brothers give me one Ma’am. Or I do something that gets me one.”

I nodded. That made some sense. There were plenty of cultures that had similar naming conventions around the galaxy. Even back home, if I recalled my history, the Native Americans used to name themselves after peculiar things or events around their birth. Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and so on came to mind.

“Well.” I nodded. “When you get your name, I hope you’ll let me know what it is.”

“Will do Ma’a-” He stopped.

I did too.

Screams echoed through the force, suddenly and brutally silenced.

As the Council Sequestered and hidden in their conclave reeled from the echoes in the force my own insects began to gather information from others across the temple. Holo’s turning on, Vid news reels beginning to play, Clones calling in, requesting confirmation.


Severance Tann:

Her ship, sailed into the system, riding on the last wave of reinforcements.

She was greeted by the sight of the Valorum falling in cascades of fire. The Corellian fleet reeling, and a Ring of Lucrehulks beginning to circle around the planet in stable orbit. Too far still to be seen by the naked eye of those down below.

Tann allowed herself a smile, sipping just a bit on Corellian Red.

To mark the occasion of course.

It was always a pleasure to see a plan well executed.

Now the fun part could begin.

“Ma’am.” A B-1 battle droid called. “The Defense fleet is calling a full retreat.”

“Send the detachment of battlegroup three to chase them down.” She ordered. It had always been too much to hope that the fleet could be completely wiped out. Corellians were some of the best when it came to ship combat both the theoretical and in practice. They would get away and call for reinforcements once they escaped the comms block cordon. “Try to delay them with tractor beams if possible, once they slip free of the system our time here is limited.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

She settled back into her seat. Smiling as she crossed one leg over the other. “Open a channel to the fleet.”

“Channel opened.”

“Battlegroups Four, Six Seven Eight and Nine. Confirm preparations for the first wave onto designated targets.” She called, her head resting over her fist.

“Confirmed Admiral Tann”

“Roger Roger, First wave prepared to descend.”

“We also confirm.”

“Good.” She smiled. “Launch. And… try to enjoy yourselves now; it's not every day we get to wipe out Jedi.”



She stepped out into the Plaza infront of the temple, where just hours before the clones had assembled to officially place themselves under the Jedi’s command.

Fire was falling from the skies.

It wasn’t close. If she were to guess it’d be the equivalent distance between Brockton Bay and Boston but they could still see it. The Kilometer long capital ship made for equally large debris. A veritable meteor shower falling down somewhere populated along the planet sized city.

She felt for Taylor’s presence, a tether between them that lit up like a string of sunlight that she clutched and felt the responding tug answer her.

She felt something, tiny skittering legs along the back of her neck. Taylor, one of her spiders, its tiny legs tapping out a code for her.

They could link their minds, but surrounded by so many Jedi it’d be noticed and likely disturbing, if someone accidentally ‘intruded’ This was a good middle ground.

“How bad is it?”

“Casualties. Estimates. Thousands.” Came the simple, quick reply “Your. Bad. Feeling.”

The words made her focus, closing her eyes as she searched out for that instinct, that tickle at the back of her mind, the acid at her throat.

It was worse now. So much worse. Like a wave set to crash down over them.

“Taking the Kids. Find Master Plo. Green Jedi. Trouble.”

She didn’t need to hear much else. Specifics would have been nice but asking for them would likely waste time that they didn’t have.

She took to the skies, floating over peoples heads. A few rubber necked to look at her in astonishment, clones and some of the Green Jedi she didn’t know, but most knew her by now.

She listened to the conversations happening around her; largely the same as the one she’d just had.

What happened?

How many injured?


Where will it crash?

She found Master Plo standing with what must’ve been some kind of Clone Commander and the head of the Green Jedi a Master Cerulian; one with a very *large* hat.

“I understand the urgency Master, but I beg you, please, hold- something isn’t right here.” Plo pleaded.

The Green Jedi’s Grandmaster shook his head. “It is the duty of the Green Jedi to aid and defend the people of Corellia. We already have estimates of casualties in the thousands. Delaying will cause thousands more. I understand the feeling of unease; that this would happen during our Conclave of all days; but our duty is clear. Please- I am asking you once more, detach some of your clone troops to assist in the rescue efforts along with your Knights.

Plo Koon lowered his head.

Vicky felt it return. That feeling. That sickening, knife like feeling. A thorny bramble vine coiling around her heart. Sharp and stinging.

“Let me go.”

The words slipped out and brought all eyes up towards her. Master Plo tensed.

“Victoria-” He began.

“I feel it too Master, I know something isn’t right.” She said. “But if someone has to go let me go. With my flight and strength I can help in rescue efforts and if something happens…” She shrugged. “Then I’m there and you guys aren’t spread out.”

She felt the spider crawling on the back of her neck, tiny legs scratching at her.

Don’t. Taylor demanded.

“One Knight?” Master Cerulian asked, raising an eyebrow. “I sense… an oddness in the Force but just one Knight Master Plo?”

“It's the best choice.” She said, to both the doubtful Master and to Taylor. “I can literally lift buildings with my bare hands. Search and rescue I can do better than most.”

She was inflating things somewhat. No doubt a cadre of Knights could do just as much if not more with aggregate Force powers pooled together at once. But she felt it down to the marrow of her bones. The Jedi couldn’t go out to that site.

Master Plo bowed low. “I swear to you Master Cerean, the second the instant we are certain that our fears and feelings in the Force are unfounded I will go with all the Knights and Masters myself to aid in your rescue efforts.”

“But you’re not counting on that-” The Corellian argued.

Vicky pulled her thoughts away paying attention instead to the spider, still demanding she not do this.

“It’s done.” She said firmly, mournfully. It was the wrong call. She knew it. Deep in her heart she could feel something coming and the green Jedi were walking straight into whatever was happening. But if it gave Plo-Koon the firmness he needed to keep most of his Jedi here, then she could let herself take the wrong call.

She felt Taylor marching closer, physically approaching even as the pinpricks of ice in the force that was the swarm of insects gathered and coalesced, forming all around them as the Jedi shivered in confusion.

“If we’re going to go we’ve got to go now.” She said. If she got into an argument with Taylor… well… She was stubborn but Tay would likely volunteer to follow her and That Vicky didn’t want, not know.

Master Cerean still didn’t look pleased but he didn’t seem to have the patience to keep arguing. He turned and marched away, an entire column of Green robes following behind him as the Green Jedi marched out of the temple to rush towards ‘rescue efforts and, much to her consternation, several of the Corruscanti Jedi followed as well.

Vicky flew after them and then reached behind her neck, plucking the spider free as she whispered “I’m sorry Tay-” She whispered quietly, depositing the tiny insect onto a nearby tree as she made her forcefield slide the tiny appendages lose traction like water off of plastic as it fell onto the leaves.

As fast as the speeders were, as fast as she was- they wouldn’t even make it halfway towards the devastating crash site, before the first dropships began to descend.



‘I’m gonna kill her!’

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d ever been so furious with Vicky. A strange seething anger that was sharply undercut by my heart falling into my feet as my blonde drew further and further away.

Vicky’s feeling. That sickening fearful twisting of her insides she’d complained about- I felt it now too. That mounting dread that said something was wrong. Like a wave building and building, growing taller and taller on the horizon until it was ready to crest over and devour everything infront of it..

And Vicky my Vicky was flying right towards it!

“Miss Taylor-” I felt a tug on my sleeve, and I turned, bringing my eyes to Karla who still clutched Angelica close to her chest, the other kids standing beside and behind her. “-what’s wrong?”

I could see it in the lines of their faces, the tension in their bodies.

They could feel something wrong too.

I cast my eyes across the hall.

“You- you and you.” I barked, pointing to three sets of clone pairs. “With me.”

“Ma’am?” One called.

“We don’t need you guarding doors.” I answered. “Come with me!”

The six clones tossed eachother a look before nodding and falling in line behind me.

I started walking.

Children followed after me and clones behind them.

As we marched outside towards one of the Temple’s many open air walkways that served as pseudo bridges between sections along the upper floors, it was one of the clones that noticed first.

“Shit. Commander- look.”

At the term commander it took me a second to recognize the Clone was talking to me and not his immediate superior.

I cast my eyes back. Glancing up, and up and up.

There. Ringing the blue sky.


Massive in size and equally massive in their numbers. They were spread out in a near perfect ring over the blue skies above.

And spreading out from them millions of tiny, black dots, breaking atmosphere and drawing closer.



That’s when the massive ring like ships started firing.

Massive turbolasers shot down beams that fell like fiery lances. And for a split second I wondered if we were going to die in a flash of pseudo energy and plasma fire before the Green Jedi temple shields activated. Turbo laser blasts dissipating in the blue corona as Jedi shouted and screamed in surprise and confusion.

“MOVE!” I demanded, beginning to speed up, grabbing Karla and Zaisk by their hands and pulling them behind me.

“Commander, what are we doing?” Another of the clones asked.

“They’re coming after us.” I said. “This attack isn’t at Corellia its at us!” I affirmed.

“What- but why?” Decimus asked behind me, half jogging to catch up.

“Ask why later. Survive first. I’m getting you guys as close to safe as I can. You clones-” I turned, looking over my shoulder to stare at the one I knew to be 853191417 “-are going to keep my kids safe!”

To 853191417’s credit, he didn’t hesitate when he nodded. “Gladly Ma’am. What will you be doing?”

“I’m joining the defense.”

That’s when the Bombardment truly started.



“A top of the line shield. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.” She noted. It would have been too much to hope for the Jedi temple to be quite so vulnerable.

Still; this way would be more fun.

“Confirming-” A B-1 called off to the side of the bridge. “Bombers and fighters in firing range now of the city. Corellian Security scrambling own fighters now. According to calculations our fighters will be uncontested for seven more minutes. Then air superiority not guaranteed for estimated Thirty seven minutes.”

“Well that’s seven whole minutes they’ve generously given us.” She smirked. “Tell the bombers to release their payloads. Maximum spread and yield.”

“Why?’ A Neimoidian, one of the few on board questioned. “They are still far from the temple.” He asserted.

“What was it the Jedi did when the Valorum crashed?” She asked in response.

“They…” He hesitated. “-set out of their temple?”

“They made a mistake.” She corrected. “They’re spread out, vulnerable. They likely won’t do so again of course, but the same can’t be said for Cor-sec and their first responders. Spread the damage, spread resources thin and the Jedi will be left to fend for themselves when there are, quite literally a million other people in need of rescue.”

She nodded, taking a sip of her wine.

“Do it.”


Garm Pellaeon hadn’t been a Green Jedi Knight for very long at all. He’d earned his title and lost his Padawan braid mere weeks ago now, proud of his accomplishment at the time; in this moment now, he felt woefully unprepared for what was happening, same as most of his fellows.

When he’d seen the Valorum falling out of the sky- he couldn’t believe it. The Valorum was the jewel of the Corellian defense fleet. The titan shield that could defend the world from anything.

And now it was pure wreckage.

He’d agreed immediately with Master Cerean. Their duty was to go and help, to lead the rescue efforts. Everything else could come later.

He’d been appalled at their Coruscanti cousins, advocating for apathy and staying in the temple to observe before moving when people were dying right then and there. It had been a mistake to open their doors if that’s how they would react to innocents dying- he’d thought.

Then, partway towards the crash site of the Valorum, still burning with pillars of black smoke rising into the sky- he’d finally seen the first of the Lucrehulks.

His mind flashed towards his diplomatic lessons to the invasion and blockade of Naboo just a decade or so ago.

Had the trade Federation lost their minds?

It was one thing to go after a relative backwater like Naboo. But Corellia?

The Senate would never stand for it. The people of the Republic as a whole would never stand for it.

This blockade would mean the end of the trade federation- he knew.

Then he saw the dropships, he saw the fighters and bombers and he realized… this wasn’t a blockade.

It wasn’t even an invasion.

It was going to be a Massacre.

Master Cerean realized the danger- too late.

Garm and those with him, heard the Jedi Master call for all speeders and ships to return immediately towards the Temple as fast as they could- seconds before the Grandmaster’s ship exploded in a ball of searing the tortured screams of various Masters howling through the Force as they were burned alive as the ship plummeted out of the sky to crash headlong into a building.

Then it was every man for himself.

They didn’t have fighters of their own. They had skycars. Single man speeders. None of them were armed. None of them had ever needed to be armed.

He and his fellows strapped into their seats, praying to the Force and any deity that would listen for safety as their pilot, Bariva, an Aqualish banked and weaved, struggling through G forces and razor sharp turns to keep the ship in the air and not crash into buildings as Droid fighters that didn’t care about G forces or raw physics breaking their necks as they banked and weaved right after them.

Red bolts missed them by inches, buildings exploding around them.

Something hit.

The back of the ship burst into fire, Master Teron used his skill in the force to keep the flames contained, to stop it from consuming the ship and burning them all even as they fell with the aerodynamics of a brick down to the streets below.

People screamed, the crash would have thrown him out of his seat if not for his safety harness, the front of the speeder buckling, twisted metal and bent durasteel unmooring one of the seats to send poor Jeria sailing across the compartment, nearly breaking her neck as she hit the bulkhead.

They sat there, dazed, confused, already half dead as the radio kept going insane with frantic calls for mayday- hollers of people asking for direction, for orders, trying to contact Masters or senior Knights.

So many were trying to reach the temple but they’d never make it.

Garm recovered his wits, unmooring himself from the remains of his seat and harness; he’d have liked to say he had the mind to check on his fellows, but he barely even remembered they were there.

He stumbled out of the ship- bruised ribs protesting his every breath and movement.

He felt the earth tremble, periodic shakes quaking through the asphalt.

He looked up.

The city was burning.

The fires crept closer. Every salvo sending fresh flames blooming across the city skyline, rushing right for him.

“OVERLAP SHIELDS!” Master Teron barked, stumbling out of the ship behind him, carrying Jeria. The Master set her down, two other Knights Garm barely knew rushing out in what must’ve been pure adrenaline as they held out their arms.

He felt the Telekenetic shield form over him, a protective bubble that emerged just in time as the fire reached them.

He knelt down, clutching at his ears as the roar of the flames mingled with the screams of fear, desperation and pain.

Only as he clutched at his head, did he realize those screams weren’t sounds. But echoes through the force.

Echoes of millions of voices crying out… and being suddenly silenced around him.

He wasn’t sure how long the firestorm lasted. Minutes. Hours… All he knew was that by the time it was over, Master Teron was on his hands and knees, panting, the other knights were not much better.

Then the dropships descended.

Garm watched, hands shaking, his whole body shaking as the ships touched down, their hatches opening in long ramps and columns of perfectly marching droids filing out. Hundreds of them, thousands.

They were all going to die here.

He gripped at his lightsaber, drawing it, the green blade shaking in his grip as Master Trebor and the others tried to get to their feet.

They were all going to die.

Then- ice

He felt- cold.

Then the hammer fell.

It was the only way to describe it.

A comet from above. It fell straight down, smashing down onto the dropship with such force the thing was nearly folded in half, the ship exploding into a million pieces, the B-1 droids in the blast radius being torn apart by fire, force and shrapnel. The white Blur burst out of the remains; tearing through the next ship, and then the next.

The droids, what few were left, turned, trying to fire on the fast moving blur, red blaster bolts intercepted by a blue blade.

Garm watched, the droids were cut to pieces, crushed under the power of an impossibly strong fist- Telekinetic pushes and grips tearing apart the rest.

Then the woman, and it was a woman, reached down, grabbing hold of a chunk of wing shorn off from the exploding dropships before she hurled it into the air like a lance, spearing through the body of a bomber, making it burst in an explosion across the skies overhead.


Cere Junda:


Trilla’s voice was an echo of the horror Cere herself felt, watching from the balconies of the temple the conflagration now consuming the cityscape of Corellia beyond the Temple grounds.

Still shielded from the bombs and turbolaser fire, the Temple was an island of stability amidst a sea of death and fear.

She reached out, grasping Trilla’s shoulder, the contact stabilizing her as much as it reassured Trilla.

“It’s ok Trilla.” She reassured, forcing herself to believe it. It’s ok.”

Her senses were alight in a confused mess. The pain and death beyond the shield, contrasting sharply with the growing iciness enveloping the inside of the Temple that felt… unnatural to her senses.

She didn’t know what it was. Some effect of the mass suffering itself? Or some other danger entirely.

She knew one thing though, watching the fleet of dropships depositing their battalions of droids, Millions upon millions of droids marching in lockstep towards the temple, from all sides.

What she knew was that she needed to get Trilla to safety.

“Trilla, listen to me.” She said, turning to kneel in front of the clearly frightened girl. “I must find Master Plo-Koon. He’ll know what to do”

Trilla seemed to realize what was about to happen before the words had even left Cere’s mouth. “Master no, I won’t leave you!”

“You’re scared, I know.” Cere swallowed down her own emotion. Unfitting to a Knight. “I need you to be safe. The Green Jedi have a vault. Like all Jedi temples. Go there. You’ll be safe. The droids won’t reach you there, we’ll stop them.”

She hoped at least.

“I can hel-”

“No. Trilla.” She answered firmly. “Promise me you’ll go to the vaults and be safe.”

“... Yes master.” The girl answered, fighting back tears.

She squeezed her brave Padawan’s shoulders, then stood. “Go-” She demanded, gently pushing Trilla away as the girl turned and began to run.

Cere pulled free her Lightsaber, already beginning to hear the distant sound of blaster fire as the first of the droids began to slip past the envelope of the shield.

She ran, rushing towards the main courtyard, where she hoped Master Plo would be.

She didn’t make it that far.

The hail of blaster bolts down one of the hallways of the far eastern wing of the temple made her hesitate, a collection of Knights and clone troopers falling back through the narrow hall,

The Jedi deflected blaster bolts, and fought with all the strength and skill their rank and station demanded of them. They felled dozens of battledroids each and each shot from the clone troopers was another ‘dead’ droid.

But there were millions more where that came from.

For every dozen, or even two dozen droids a Jedi felled, their defense would slip, a Blaster bolt tearing through their stomachs or chest. For each well placed shot from a clone, ten would answer him back.

The sheer crushing weight of numbers felt endless.

Cere joined the fight. Trying to give them an extra lightsaber to defend with, to give time to pull the wounded back, to regroup and meet up with the Masters.

She’d trained on Kashyyyk. She was a Knight well on her way to becoming a Master- and her instincts told her this was a fight they weren’t going to win.

Then… she felt… cold.

The force moved around her, around the others, like tendrils of ice- it made her shiver, nearly freezing in place.

Then… the Temple began to shake.

Great thunderous Cracks boomed through the hallway, loud enough to make her feel like her her bones were being shaken inside her body, the impact of the sound punching her across the chest and stomach.

The entire temple began to crumple, duracrete and hardened steel snapped like matchsticks along the support columns and confused B-1 Battle droids looked at the walls and surrounding masonry as it trembled and quaked.

Then it collapsed over their heads.

Dozens if not hundreds of droids were crushed under the weight of an entire section of Temple being torn down around their heads rock and rubble doing instantly what sabers couldn’t. Killing and holding back the tide.

‘Knight Hebert-’


Cere turned at the sound of startled exclamations, finding indeed… it was Hebert standing in the hall behind them, the icy presence in the Force becoming all too clear and looming like an icy glacier once they saw her.

Resting over the Crechemaster’s face… was a mask.

She’d never seen it before. Yellow eyed and ghoulish, all sharp edges and jagged… mandibles.

It made a very real shiver crawl down Cere’s spine.

“Come.” The walls hissed as Hebert turned away. “That won’t hold them forever.

They rushed to follow.

All the while, the cold feeling within the temple grounds continued to build evermore.


Now we're having fun :3

In all seriousness, this is kind of how I'm planning (broad strokes) to write the battle going forward. At least this second part which is going to be the most "hectic" with all the moving pieces still on the board. POVs from OTHER PEOPLE not necessarilly Taylor and Vicky alone. Simply because Vicky CAN'T get the "full picture" of the mayhem happening around her and while Taylor can; from her POV its a very "detatched" sort of picture. A very distant one. She can note a couple dozen droids gunning down Jedi in a hallway but she's not THERE like those Jedi are, she's not feeling the fear, the certainty that those people are going to die.

Don't get me wrong, Tay and Vicky will have their own POVs but I'd say the next chap will mostly consist of various other Jedi in the area. Plo-Koon, Master Tapal, Adi Galia, Karla, Iskt, the Clones and so on and so forth so we can get the 'full picture.' (I wasn't lying when I said this was by far the largest battle I'd ever written in terms of scope and scale)

Oh and Sevrance Tann of course (For an order that supposedly only has 2 people at a time Canon/Legends Sidious and Dooku went through apprentices like most people change clothes honestly)

She is the Admiral of the fleet but make no mistake, she is an apprentice.

She, Komari and C'baoth are the replacements for Dooku in this continuation. The truth is that Dooku was literally the *perfect* apprentice at the perfect time (almost as though he was what the plot needed him to be :p)

Dooku was Sideous' assassin that could be subtle, his strong man that could scare/kill Jedi Masters and his Politician/General. It says a lot that I felt Sidious needed THREE people to do the job of one man. (I think Dooku was inspired by Chris Lee :p) Komari as the Assassin, C'baoth as the Strong man and Tann as the General/Politician.

Rest assured Komari and C'baoth will also be involved in this fight and I've got plans for who THEY'LL encounter but that's for next chap ;)

Here's the discord link for those who'd like to join us in the discussion.


Bye for now everyone :D


Nathan Cardoso

"He’d been appalled at their Corellian cousins, advocating for apathy and staying in the" I believe that's supposed to be corosanti cousins considering it's a corellian Jedi's POV. Other than that excellent chapter. 👌


A great chapter but I was quite surprised that Taylor still wears/carries the skitter mask. Much of this story has been about Taylor growing and moving past her history as skitter. I would have assumed that setting a side the mask would come as part of her growth. The mask in this chapter seemed to clash with her progress over the story.


Ahh, someone bet on a Speed chess player not putting the Queen into play. Huge Mistake.