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Chapter 101:


“Hmmm.”  Yoda nodded, rubbing at his chin. “Very carefully must we act. A challenge, these powers will be.”

He… was not wrong.

We (as in the Jedi Masters) were all sitting in the shuttle’s ‘dining room’. As far as ‘Council rooms’ went, this was definitely one of the more slap-dash settings I’d seen.

Anakin was with Ahsoka and Karla, playing a videogame of all things.

I didn’t even know the Jedi ships even had videogames…

Somehow it didn’t surprise me that Anakin did know, and knew how to play it.

It was probably a racing game of some kind. 

“A Jedi that can physically control their own emotions, unbound by the constraints of biology and psyche…” Master Plo mused aloud. “It could be a great benefit but could just as easily cause equal harm. Her psychological development is particularly concerning.”

“It would not be the first time Jedi have dealt with species that have peculiar emotional processing.” Master Halis winced. “Though… admittedly this is an extreme case.”

“I… feel as though I must apologize once again.” Master Bei-Shu admitted guiltily towards me. “I never imagined my words would be taken so literally.”

“What’s done is done. I don’t need apologies, I need ideas.” I answered. I really was trying to… not be angry at him. He hadn’t meant any harm and his words towards my passenger weren’t anything… untrue. It really really wasn’t his fault.

And he was coming to testify on my behalf towards the wider Council.

Me being angry didn’t solve the problem any more than his apologies did.

“It doesn’t… change the fundamentals of the situation, does it?” Adi ventured hesitantly beside me, allowing herself the smallest smile. “She is still your Padawan, the challenges in guiding them and helping them become good people have always been present, and they must’ve seemed as daunting as this when they emerged.”

I groaned, leaning forward and placing my face in my hands.

“I know what you’re saying… and it’s to make me feel better, but…” I shook my head.

I suddenly really, really wanted Vicky here with me.

Master Gallia placed her hand on my shoulder.

“Well, there is one silver lining to all of this.” Obi-Wan chimed in, raising his hands defensively as my eyes swiveled towards him with a glare. “The fact that it is so unprecedented and that the Council is aware of it, so we can all be on the lookout for any potential complications.”

“All of you looking over my shoulder is a silver lining?” I asked drily.

“From a certain point of view.” He defended. 

“A Master should have authority over their apprentice. Padawans are not taught by… committees.” Master Bei-Shu hedged, his voice ever so slightly admonishing.

“No. But a village it takes, to raise a child.” Master Yaddle smirked.

Fair. But I could think of a few members of the ‘village’ I’d rather tell to fuck off than let anywhere near Karla, or Iskt.

Speaking of…

“How much longer before we make it back to Coruscant?” I asked. “Or more specifically when we reconvene with the Council so everyone can report what happened on Kashyyyk?”

Master Plo was the one who answered me. “Around nineteen more hours for our arrival. I suspect another day after to send a message and convene the other disparate Masters along their respective battlefronts.”

So, two, three days tops.

That was fine. Good even.

Still, it was hardly our only problem. “Once we get back and all is said and done, Vicky will be taking command of the 707th, Anakin the 501st, and Obi-Wan the 212th. Will all of them be deployed?”

“Why wouldn’t they be?” Adi asked, not maliciously, simply curious or surprised by the question. “The three legions have had time to rest and resupply by now-”

Honestly, I would request that we not.” Obi-Wan cut in, crossing one leg over the other as he interlaced his fingers together. “Pors Tonith, the admiral captured on Ilum, has been held by the 212th on the Negotiator. This task on Kashyyyk has prevented me from questioning him, but such a long time period might make him more willing to speak with us. If he does, he might reveal operational secrets of the CIS. It would be important to hit such targets simultaneously, if possible.”

“Will his information still be actionable after so long?” Plo Koon questioned.

“Manufacturing plants pumping out droids on the scale as the Separatists are don’t just sprout legs and walk away. Even if some of his information is out of date, that at least he must still know.”

“And you think you can get such information out of him so quickly? What if he doesn’t cooperate, or he lies?”

“Well…” Obi-Wan paused, seemingly chewing on his next words. “We did, perhaps, just get the best empath the Jedi have ever known to fall into our laps.” He looked at me pointedly.

Likely, with the very few bugs on the ship, I wasn’t able to hide my expression as I normally would, so it wasn’t a surprise that I could almost hear Adi Gallia wince somewhere behind me. 

“You want her to help you interrogate him?”

“Only read his emotions. And you know that I will only ask questions of him, nothing more.”

“Use your own empath abilities.” I bit out.

“You know that someone this high up their chain of command will be trained in countermeasures for such. Muuns in particular can practically do mathematics in their heads as a hobby. He can obfuscate my senses, but I doubt he can do the same to her-”

“Obi-Wan.” I took a deep breath through my nose, closing my eyes. “We're going to stop talking about this, and I’m going to calm down before I punch you.”

The Soresu master held up his hands once more, conceding to drop the subject.

For now, at least. 

Intellectually, I knew that he was right. Jedi empath or mind reading was a very soft thing by comparison to say, Lisa, or other shard based abilities. Shards could be fooled, Alexandria could attest to that, but not easily and not without exceptional circumstances. 

Interrogating a Muun that could just run numbers in his head while holding a conversation wasn’t going to get a clean read.

But with Karla there… 

I could see the logic.

But she was still ten.

A ten-year-old that had already been made to kill people, to fear for her life, to trigger.

And Obi-Wan just wanted to ask her to walk into an interrogation like it was fucking normal?

She was younger than even I’d been when my past life went to fucking hell in a handbasket!

“Beyond the material concerns of manufacturing plants, fleets and tanks… I’ve also been growing  increasingly concerned with what I sense.” Master Plo confessed.

“Hmmm.” Yaddle nodded. “Stronger, does the dark side grow.”

“Ever more clouded our vision is becoming.” Yoda’s lip curled. “Blacker the shadows grow.” He looked at me. “Strong, you and Dallon have become. A threat, the Sith are delving deep into their secrets to counter, to eliminate.”

“Mired in this war the, Order is spread thin… to the breaking point.” I could see that the admission cut Adi deeply. “We can’t… we don’t have the manpower to simply dedicate fully to tracking the source of this growing Dark Side strength.”

“One of our own- see this threat coming; they did.” Yoda said.

“Sifo Diaz?” Plo-Koon questioned, and I could tell by the tone he was considering the possibility. “He’s still held in prison. You would seek to have him released?”

I raised an eyebrow, surprised at my old Master. “He did give us the Clone army that’s letting the Jedi and republic even survive right now. Are you opposed?”

I could almost feel Plo-Koon’s frown. “I wish to approach all things with an open mind. But I will admit. In this case I have… reservations. Serious ones.”

“How so?” Obi-Wan asked, and even Yaddle and Yoda turned to the Kel-Dor with curiosity. 

“Yes; the clones are invaluable to our war effort. They are good people and I’m grateful for their service… but Master Diaz went behind the backs of the Council, the Jedi and the Galaxy at large to create…” He hesitated and I could almost feel the bile in his throat as he choked out the next words.  “What he intended very much to be a slave army. It may have been his goal to save the Jedi, and the republic… but the ends cannot always be used to justify the means.”

“I agree.” Master Bei-Shu answered with a careful nod. “But… if he can help track down the sith with his gift of foresight-”

“It might bring this war to a much faster close.” Obi-Wan nodded. “While the sith aren’t proven to be the driving force behind the separatist movement the fact is that they are at a minimum, taking advantage of their resources and the Separatists the Sith’s capabilities.”

Yoda rubbed at his forehead, clearly trying to stave off a headache now; even I was a bit torn on the decision.

Not that it was my decision to make of course, I wasn’t part of the Council. 

But my own experience with Precogs, useful as they undoubtedly could be wasn’t exactly… great to say the least.

There was no guarantee Sifo’s predictions would do the Jedi as much good as they thought.

Yaddle seemed to take pity on the fellow member of her species. “A discussion, the matter of Master Diaz, for the Council as a whole, to be discussed.” She said. 

Obi-Wan nodded. “I believe I concur. Doubtlessly the action would necessitate our going to the Chancelor, and the Senate. A political mess to say the least; one we might not be capable of navigating effectively with so much of our attention, resources and efforts spread so thinly.”

“Astute as usual, Obi-Wan.” Adi nodded, sighing. 

“Rest for now; we all should. Convene with the Council properly, we soon will.” Yoda said, hopping off his seat and beginning to hobble out the door.

“Taylor-” Obi-Wan called, as I moved to stand up. “May we speak privately?”

I glared at him.

“It has nothing to do with Karla’s abilities, I promise.” He hastily reassured.

I kept glaring for a moment longer for good measure before re-taking my seat. The sudden request had drawn some curious looks, but Obi-Wan was a well respected member of the Council, so no one really did much more than offer some mildly surprised and curious looks before marching out the door with polite farewells and goodbyes. 

As the door shut behind Master Halis I sat across from Obi-Wan, admittedly curious as to what exactly he might want.

We were friends; I’d even go so far as to say Good friends, but in my memory I don’t think Obi-Wan’s ever asked for a straight up private word. 

Uncharacteristically ‘The Negotiator’ hesitated, his jaw moving like he wasn’t quite able to make it work enough to speak.

Infact; he opened and closed his mouth several times. 

“Taylor” He finally said. “Can you… tell me what the ‘Warrior’ was?”

I felt something inside me grow cold, and I didn’t even need my swarm to school my expression into utter stillness. 

‘Where did you hear that name?’ I wanted to ask; only for my brain to catch up before my mouth wasted time on stupid questions.

My passenger was the only one that could have said anything…

And Obi-Wan at least had done me the courtesy of keeping whatever she said a secret.

“Lets start with what you know and go from there.” I said. Better to not stick my foot in my mouth.

“I’m aware that Khepri named it her creator.”

Scion was the administrator’s creator; but semantics.

“And I’m aware that Khepri credits your help, in being able to kill it.”

I felt relief run through me. “Is that all?”

“The ‘important’ things’ I suppose.

I took a breath. “Alright… so what is it that you’re actually asking?”

“Well…” He cleared his throat. “Frankly I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around it really. We’ve seen Khepri, the Administrator. The sheer power it wields. Its… hard to fathom whatever created her and…”

“And my killing it.” I finished for him. 

“Yes.” He agreed. “Killing even the Queen administrator alone… would be a tall order. Perhaps even for the whole Jedi order… Like I said; I’m having trouble wrapping my head around it.”

I shook my head, turning away from him. “It’s not a nice story Obi-Wan… and its not one I want to relieve.”

“I… well… I’m a bit disappointed but I’ll respect your privacy if it truly is that bad. But can you answer me one thing at least. What was the Warrior?”

“I’ll answer your question if you answer mine.” I offered. “Why keep what you’ve learned from the rest of the Council?”

“You’ve always been a private person for as long as I’ve known you; especially regarding your past and the shards” He answered with a shrug. “As your friend, I wished to respect your privacy. And trust your reasons for it.”

“I…” I swallowed. “Thank you.”

He nodded.

He waited patiently for me to gather my thoughts. To think of a way to answer his question. 

“We didn’t know him as the Warrior.” I said after a long moment. “His name was Scion- to us…”

I took a deep, slow breath. 

“Think of Master Yoda.” I finally pushed through. “The best Jedi. The one that you know… when he shows up, everything’s ok. That you have a hope. That he’s come to save everyone. To fight the monster…”

Because that’s what he’d been. The Golden Man. The First Parahuman. The Greatest parahuman. 

The man that finally killed an Endbringer.

“And imagine… ” I said. “ finding out one day that Master Yoda was never there to save you. Never there to help you. You were amusement. A distraction. And one day he figures he can get more amusement out of killing you… killing everyone.”

I could feel the disquiet my emotions caused. The terrible feeling of unease and dread that suffused him as he imagined that scenario. 

“You make it sound like he fell to the Dark side in a way.”

I scoffed. 

“No Obi-Wan.” I shook my head. “He didn’t fall. That’s the worst part. It had never been anything more than a lie.” 

I finally turned, looking at him. “We never had hope to begin with.”

“So. You found nothing then?

“You make that sound like an accusation Master Bulq.” Master Billaba said pointedly. “The Council members that went to Kashyyyk went there to examine the Queen Administrator for possible Dark Side corruption.. Not confirm a predetermined conclusion.

The Weequay’s features could have been chiseled out of stone but the minor curl of his lip told me exactly what he thought about that.

Master Asuar turned his attention towards Master Bei-Shu, who held an honorary place on the Council for the meeting, sitting at Master Yaddle’s left. 

“Master Bei-Shu.” The Nik’to nodded. “You were present for this examination I understand.”

“I was Master.” He answered with a calm nod.

“What was your assessment?”

“Well.” He hesitated, just a bit, then offered an almost apologetic smile. “It was… terrifying. But fascinating really. Finding an entirely new life form.” He nodded. “I believe… yes it is dangerous” But not inherently more than any sentient creature can be. We could learn a great deal from its kind.”

Ausar’s lip curled, he was not pleased overmuch either. But he did not protest- openly at least.

“If Master Yoda has determined that there was no dark side corruption-” Master Halcyon nodded “I have no reason to doubt his findings. “ He raised his hand. “I move that the Council formally settle this matter. And allow Master Hebert to continue her places Crechemaster and commander of the Noble Team task force.”

“I am in agreement” Master Tsu-Choi said. “To be frank; we cannot afford to continue with this division and suspicion. So many Jedi Masters committed to one location even for such a short time.” He pressed a button on his chair; bringing up a holo map with… significantly greater swathes of CIS red across the galactic map than what I remembered.

The point was made.

I could tell that several of the Masters that had been against me last time we gathered weren’t happy, Ki Adi Mundi’s features were  blanker than mine when I shunted my expressions into the swarm. Master Tinn’s eyes were closed, not looking at anyone, Master Piell was glaring at… everything.

And if Sora Bulq’s eyes could kill me, I’d be dead on the spot. 


With the five votes I had, Master Billaba, Windu, Halcyon, and Tsu-Choi throwing their weight behind, if not an acquittal then moving on to the issue of ‘the war’ they were outnumbered.

So… through grit teeth and grumbled agreements they went with the greater consensus. 

Yoda nodded.  As the final vote was cast.


For what it was worth.

“Go now, you should Master Hebert.” Yoda said. “Much the Council has to discuss.”

I offered a bow towards him and the others, turning away; Master Bei-Shu, his contribution to the conversation now concluded, similarly stood up, and offered a bow before following me out. 

As I listened with my bugs; in the moments after we left I could hear  the Council discussing the next steps in the wider strategy of the war, their  next troop deployments, updated defensive lines, break throughs and redeployments.

I finally felt I could breathe again.

Then; of course, something had to sour my mood.

“My Legion has finished its task here. I will be returning to the Temple to resupply and rearm.”

“Understood Master Bulq

I let out a slow breath.

I missed Vicky.

I returned to my Creche the next day; much to my crechelings joy… and mine… 

Siri had taken good care of them; as I knew she would, but she was happy to return to her chosen role as my assistant.

I checked in on the 707th. Finding Aras and my Squad training the newest of the ‘Shinies’ So Vicky’s Legion would be ready for her return.

I did my duties. I became Crechemaster Hebert again. And I was so… so glad for it.

But I was still… counting the days. 


I knew ahead of time… Of course I did.

But even so, I couldn’t help it when I walked a little faster. Made sure I was, maybe a bit earlier than I had to be. 

I couldn’t even be mad when I saw ‘The Stalker’ and remembered its namesake.

I actually smiled. 

‘The Stalker’ making me smile… 

Who’d have thought?

The ramp lowered, Iskt was the first one I saw, Karla too. The little red Twi’lek squealing in happiness as she made her way forward and gave the older boy a big hug.

I walked closer.

When I finally saw Vicky and she saw me… I saw her smile light up her whole face as she flew towards me.

I smiled back. “I missed y-”

She didn’t let me finish, her lips crashing into mine. I tasted mint and strawberry.

She wrapped her arms around me pulling me close. I wasn’t exactly holding my flying girlfriend up, but it felt like it as I had to crane my neck up to keep in contact.

Finally she pulled away; we both had to breathe -unfortunately; she looked at me with that sunshine bright smile.

Then she winked… very cheekily. “I know.”

I huffed out a breathy laugh, giving her a subtle pinch that was hidden by the folds of our robes… somewhere less than appropriate.

She stiffened but didn’t... exactly protest judging by her smile.

“Idiot.” I muttered with warm fondness.

I wasn’t counting the days anymore.

My Vicky was back. 


And here we go, a nice lovely little reunion between our protagonists. :)

Next chapter we go into a bit more setup and building blocks for 'Da Big One'

Not much more to say on this one really. Though I will say that I think this scene with Tay and Vicky is probably my personal favorite one.

As usual we have a Discord and a TV tropes if you'd like to join us/contribute to the tropes page :)





“From a certain point of view.” He defended.  All I can think of is the robot chickwn sketch, hah.