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Chapter 87:


“I love you.”

“I know.”

I let the smile tug at the corner of my lip as Vicky glared, smacking me lightly on the shoulder. “Idiot. Say it back.” She whined, pouting.

“I love you too.” I answered, leaning forward to plant a kiss on her head;

She floated up mid way to steal one on the lips.

I didn’t mind. But given everything with the Jedi right now going for broke on ‘subtlety’ might not be the best idea.

But I wasn’t going to argue the point. I wasn’t sure how long it would be before I saw her again, and I didn’t want our goodbye to be an argument.

“Hmmm.” I let the sound slip as she pulled away, her warmth still lingering on my lips. “My; someone’s daring.”

“Always.” She winked.

Do you have your mitts? I think it gets cold on Nar-Shadaa.”

“Karla I’m ok.”  

“Oh- you have your saber right? Lemme check!”


I felt another soft smile ‘watching’ as our Padawans, still coming around the corner drew closer. I tried not to think of the negative implications on how worried Karla was, choosing instead to just enjoy the simple joy of seeing her fussing like a mother hen over her best friend.

Vicky raised an eyebrow, wondering what I was smiling about but when Iskt and Karla wandered around the corner she couldn’t exactly contain her own giggles. “Wh-what are you wearing!?” She stuttered, her hand covering her mouth as if to hide her amusement.

Iskt, for his part, did not look happy. Then again, he didn’t have much of any expression, waddling forward with his thick winter clothes and scarf wrapped firmly around his head like a mask and turban.

“It’s cold on Nar-Shadaa!” Karla defended; quite sure of herself. “He’ll catch a cold!”

Technically speaking; she was right. Nar-Shaddaa was a moon one that was indeed ‘cold’ but it was so industrialized and overdeveloped, like Coruscant itself; that the temperature was almost ‘maintained’ by the sheer heat of the machinery if not the weather controls put in place to keep any storms from developing anywhere in the planet sized city.

But I wasn’t gonna tell them that. She’d apparently worked very hard to stuff Iskt inside his protective bubble of warmth.

And Iskt had been nice enough to let her.

“Now here!” Karla said, pushing a box of what I knew to be some of Iskt’s favorite snacks his way.

After a second she reached up on her tippy toes to stuff it into his jacket.

 Probably for the best. I wasn’t sure if Iskt’s arms could actually move well enough to grab hold of it. 

He was actually more bundled up now than he was on Illum

Vicky couldn’t quite hide her chortles. 

Then, reaching atop her head Karla peeled away the wiggling Angelica, who offered a little squeak at the motion.

She looked at the little mushroom, and I could see it on her face as she thought about giving her to Iskt too, worried in a way words couldn’t convey, wondering if sending the hug bug with him would help in even a small tiny way.

My heart broke just a bit, and I walked over, placing my hand over the little twilek’s head, bringing her eyes up to me as I offered a small smile that I tried to make sincere. 

“He’ll be fine Karla.” I said softly. “Angelica can stay with you.”

“Are you sure?” She asked, even as she hugged the little mushroom to her chest, much to its squirming delight.

Are you sure he’ll be safe?

Are you sure he won’t need us there to help?

I felt these thoughts in her heart, deep down where she wasn’t letting herself even think them. 

Not because of the code. But because of something far worse.

“I promise.” I nodded, praying it wasn’t a mistake to do so. “Miss Vicky will be with him.” I said, for both her and me perhaps. 

She still looked unsure. She was still worried. 

I couldn’t blame her. I wasn’t sure if the worry could ever really leave.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about Vicky too- anything could happen after all.

There was a howl of engines above us and our attention turned towards it, finding the Stalker swooping in on its final approach towards the nearby landing pad.

Really. For a guy who claimed up and down that I scared him, you’d think he’d know better than to call his ship ‘The Stalker’.

I wondered, briefly; if the resentment was more reflexive than real honestly. After so much time- two lifetimes in a way Sophia was a distant, opaque memory. In a way; so was Emma. I didn’t know if the wound had scarred, faded, festered or just plain stopped mattering.

How would I react if I saw them again in this galaxy?

Would they have changed as much as I had?

Would it matter to me if they had? Or if they hadn’t?

I shook my head, laughing ruefully to myself.

Why was I thinking about this.

Vicky bumped her elbow into mine. “What’s up?”

“Nothing.” I breathed. “Just… getting philosophical in my old age I guess.”

She gave me a flat, unamused look “Tay… you’re twenty six” 

I turned raising an eyebrow in her direction as I smiled again. “Why did you sound insulted?” 

“Cause I’m twenty nine and I’m not gonna sit here and let you call us old!” She harrumphed tossing her hair back over her shoulder with an almost imperious air. “We’re gorgeous and still in our teens at heart!”

“You’re half right.” I teased

Very maturely… she stuck her tongue out at me

Karla raised her hand. “I don’t think you’re old.”

“Thank you sweetie. You were always my favorite!” Vicky beamed down at the little girl. 

“I’ll remind you Iskt is your Padawan.” I pointed out.

“It’s ok.” She said with semi-false bravado, waving it off. “He knows what I meant. Right Iskt?” She offered the still ‘plush toy’ Trandoshan a thumbs up.

Iskt, gracefully, nodded- as best he could anyway.

It’s alright he said from somewhere under his hat and scarf. “Miss Taylor was my favorite”

Vicky gawped and the sharp bark of laughter that left me was entirely genuine as I clapped my hand over my mouth in startled amusement.

I could just picture the Trandoshan’s cheeky, needle toothed  smirk hiding under his layers and layers of clothes. 

“Well I know someone who’s not allowed to hang out with Anakin anymore. Tay! Ban him from the Creche! Skywalker’s a bad influence; he’s corrupting our youth!”

“Weren’t you just saying you weren’t old?” I teased.

Vicky’s head whipped to and fro between me and Iskt “This is bullying!” Vicky fake cried, arms flailing in mock outrage. “You’re all ganging up on meeee!” She whined/sobbed. She reached over suddenly, carrying the surprised Karla in her arms. 

“I’m taking the person who treats me right on this trip! See if I invite either of you anywhere again!”

Once more, very maturely she stuck her tongue out at us.

“Well-” A fresh voice cut in “I’m glad to see everyone’s treating this mission with the utmost gravitas and seriousness before we head out.”

“Hello Dennis” I made my swarm hiss in the air around us; smirking perhaps with just a smidge of malice when he shuddered.

Shouldn’t have named it after Stalker. 

“You really have to do that?” He muttered bitterly. 


“Hi uncle Rugess! Hi Mr. Dennis!” Karla waved from her place in Vicky’s arms. 

The time based hero squawked. “Wha- Why the hell are you uncle and I’m Mr.?” He demanded, rounding on the Bith.

Rugess’ reply was oozing with smugness and it drew a startled laugh out of Vicky and another smirk out of me.

“He’s got you there.” Ventress smirked.

Dennis glared at the both of them. “Oh- Ha ha!” He shook his head, turning to look at us before he paused. “Why does Iskt look like the Pillsbury dough boy?”

I doubted the kids got the reference; regardless, Iskt answered back without a hint of hesitation.

“I was told your driving was very hazardous.” 

He sounded dead serious.

“Oh bullshit!” Dennis growled, pointing a finger at the boy. “You people get on ships piloted by Anakin mother-fucking Skywalker; you don’t get to bitch about My driving! I’ve never crashed ‘half a ship’!”

“Just the whole ship.” Ventress cut in with the deft precision of her bladework

Dennis’ voice was seething and glacial. “Ventress, sweetie. My revenge will be swift and merciless.”

She clicked her tongue. “Promises promises.”

“I love you.” Vicky repeated again as the last of their gear and luggage was hauled onto the ship. 

I didn’t tease her this time. “I love you too.”

The kiss this time was quick, barely there before she pulled away; probably for the sake of the kids. 

Then she  turned, floating up the ramp to get into the ship. Karla waved at her and Iskt, I reached out through the force, brushing my presence across her mind, feeling her respond.

The door closed. And the ship began its ascent. 

“Come on.” I said, placing my hand on Karla’s head. “We have our own jobs to do before we meet with Healer Vushan, including your training.”

“Okay Miss Taylor.”

Halis Vushan:

As he finished preparing the room, Halis considered himself very fortunate indeed that he’d met with Master Hebert earlier if he were being honest. Marching in here without due preparation would have been a mistake.

Just, for example, facial expressions.

It was important to be able to read such, a crucial part of understanding in humans especially.

Oh certainly some could be ‘faked’ but there was usually something.

With Master Hebert however; that often wasn’t the case.

If he’d have found that out mid session, there might have been some misunderstandings on his part, potentially disastrous ones. 

Not to mention he was now somewhat ready for her intimidating demeanor, not to mention her fascinating force presence. 

When the door opened Halis made himself smile; finding as expected Master Hebert and her Padawan stepping into the meditation chamber. 

“Hello.” He greeted, smiling. “You must be Padawan Karla.”

The young twi’lek turned looking towards her Master as though asking her how to proceed.

Before getting some kind of answer though, he saw the girl turn back around, schooling her features into an expressionless mask, like Master Hebert herself; imitating her.

In a girl her age, it was more adorable than disconcerting, but he wondered if this development was recent. It could mean something, or it could simply be a child wanting to be more grownup. 

“Yes Master.” She nodded; her voice only jumping slightly before she leveled it out. 

“Well now.” He let his smile widen a bit. “A pleasure to meet you. Please, have a seat.” 

The little girl marched forward, her Master close behind.

As they took their seats across from him he offered them two cups of tea. Children didn’t typically like tea, but even simply observing the motions , taking in the scent. It provided distractions; some that were often times needed. If he felt a break was ever needed, then preparing tea was a fine way to give them time without making them feel like they’d failed somehow. 

“So.” He began. “Might I ask how your day’s been so far? Anything interesting?”

“Miss Victoria and Iskt left with Mr. Dennis to Nar-Shadaa today.”

“Oh? An assignment?” He couldn’t help the curiosity that piqued his interest. “So soon?”

“A favor for a friend.” Master Hebert explained. 

“Oh.” He hoped it was nothing too complicated. Just because Padawan Karla was his patient didn’t mean that Padawan Iskt might not need some time to himself. 

Still, he was not about to foist those concerns onto the Master and Padawan here right now- so he changed the subject. 

“I see.” He said, nodding.  “Well, Karla-” He continued. “Do you know what this room is for?”

“Meditation?” The girl answered simply, her eyes drawn to the tea as he prepared it with only semi-slowed movements. Letting it distract her.

He gave a short rueful laugh. “I suppose, yes. But more specifically do you know what we’re here to use this room for?”

Now the girl hesitated, a thread of fear snaking its way through her. 

Master Hebert sensed it too, that expressionless facade cracking with her concern. 

He smiled, pretending her silence was her not knowing the answer. “Its a room where we can be honest with eachother.” He said; the girl blinked, still wary but curious now.

“For example.” He leaned forward, as if to whisper. “Don’t tell anyone. But I saw Master Yoda crash his hoverchair once.”

The girl raised a brow ridge and he half projected the mental image into her mind- and there came the smile. 

“That’s not true!” She accused.

“No it absolutely was.” He assured. True, the hoverchair had been struck by a malfunctioning cleaner droid and had been sent flying into a wall, and Master Yoda had jumped off of it; but there had been a moment there where the diminutive master had been spinning like a top along with his seat.

It was very horrifying at the time.

Now the memory made many of his former crechemates laugh. 

“Master Yaddle was held hostage in a pillow fort once.” Master Hebert said, catching on and playing along. 

Or at least… he hoped she was. The whole point of this was to get the girl comfortable enough to tell the truth, it’d be poor form to do that by lying to her.

Still… Master Yaddle in a ‘pillow fort’?

Just what on earth even was a pillow fort?

Questions for later. 

“Don’t tell him.” He whispered, winking at the giggling girl. “But I’m the one that caused the accident.”

“Ohhhhh.” The girl’s eyes shone with childish delight. 

Master Yoda already knew of course. Tell the tale often enough, at least one of his patients was going to tell him.

Which is why he went ahead and told the old Master himself.

Even many years after the fact, a grown adult by then, he hadn’t been spared the many many thwacks of that stick to his shins. 

Something his former creche mates also laughed about…

“What do you think?”

The question was simple only on its surface. Even without the force he could read much into it.

The session was done for the day; Master Hebert had sent her Padawan to go ready the classroom (what she called the Creche) for the students something Karla agreed to easily.

“It’s not that simple Master Hebert.” He answered carefully. “It has been one session and one that was mostly to get her comfortable and establish trust.” He shook his head. “This is not something to be rushed.

She didn’t answer, and the expressionlessness face stared past him without a hint of whatever was going on in her mind.

Hesitantly he waded into the proverbial waters.

“Is there something that perhaps you might like to discuss?” He invited as gently as he could;. “These sessions are for the both of you.” He reminded her.

Her eyes swiveled over to him. Then she shook her head. “No. Focus on her please.”

Without another word she turned and marched away out of the room. 

He was starting to understand that the young Karla might not be the difficult patient to help.


All of them! Five Jedi Masters!”

“Yes chancellor I’m afraid so.” The Knight nodded, eyes wide in surprise Palpatine had to give a tremendous effort in keeping his calm and genial facade in place and not surrender it to the, at the very least prickling sense of irritation.

What in all the Corellian hells would necessitate five Jedi Masters to take a leave of absence.

He searched in the force, and he could indeed feel the tides shifting and churning and for once he had very little time to delve into the mystery and discover it. This… issue was a legitimate problem that needed to be dealt with before all his plans were in pieces. 

He hung up, not even bothering to say goodbye. He didn’t have that much patience right now. 

Normally he’d be happy to simply delegate a dangerous task like this to Jedi that would likely die in the attempt. But that was for problems that had little chance of escalating.

So getting some ragamuffin knight and Padawan simply would not do.

Five Jedi masters of the Council, the only ones even remotely worth the oxygen they breathed were apparently leaving somewhere; Anakin had taken leave somewhere (though he was likely going to Amidala).

He turned his eye to the other in his office. “And your luck?” He asked.

Alexandria planted herself in the chair of his office. 

“Nothing.” She groused, one leg crossing over the other, hands over her bent knee. 

“That is not good my dear.” He answered for lack of anything else to say as the wheels of his mind turned. “Need I remind you that the one bankrolling the Twi’lek freedom fight is your government. I would have thought you’d have been shrewd enough to have tighter control over them.”

“Clan Wren has been acting on their own with no participation or backing from the administration of Duchess Satine” She blithely replied.

"Oh, yes dear me, my mistake-" He answered very; very drily. "Now. While I certainly have no reason at all to doubt you. The Hutts don't share my objective and wonderful view of your trustworthiness."

“Fair.” She sighed. “Alright… so we have few leads, no reliable Jedi to call on and have very very little time before Jabba finds out the Twi’lek freedom fighters kidnapped his son. So lets deal with it before a third front opens on this war and the Hutts actually get off their asses and start mobilizing.”

Palpatine nodded “Quite. I’ll arrange a ship for yo-”

“Oh no.” She cut him off shaking her head “I’m not getting on any ship that you can blow up mid transit when the job’s done. If anyone is going it's you.

He glared at her. “I’m insulted.”

“I don’t care.” She glared right back. 

 This was going to be a very very troublesome problem.


That's right! The frenemies arc that EVERYONE didn't know they needed in their lives :3


Empty Shelf

Palpatine: Mwa-ha-ha! Those foolish Jedi, dancing on my puppet strings! I can't wait until they're gone! Also Palpatine: Where the Hell are the Jedi? What do you mean they're GONE?!

Trent Cannon

There’s a missing line, where Rugess is supposed to reply when asked why he’s uncle while Dennis is mr.