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My business in the village market ended only when the sun began to fall across the horizon.

Even for transactions as simple as purchasing foodstuffs, the presence of Iris's mother combined with my relative unknown meant that no goods could be sold without a firm introduction and a lengthy conversation being part of the process.

Soon, I'd found myself more tired than during any adventuring excursion, and it was only when the bell to signal the closure of the market stalls rang that I was afforded the luxury of returning to that small house filled with warmth that Iris called her home. And that was only due to the sacrifice and mercy of her mother.

Even now, she was still at the market, speaking with the stallkeepers while excitedly explaining about the arrival of her daughter and her party companions. That I was permitted to return to the house was likely as much due to a wish to save me from the endless introductions as much as it was to prevent the sack of ingredients in my arms from going off while the conversations continued.

“Really, now, I hope you're not always this heedless while you're on a commission.”

However, what Iris's parent hadn't accounted for when she sought to save me from the stallkeepers' interests was the arrival of yet another curious soul.

This time, it was the presence of a familiar voice behind me which stopped me dead in my tracks.

Completely evading my senses, this was a voice belonging to a girl I'd only spoken to sparingly, and yet I was under no doubt who it belonged to. There were few people with the ability to so utterly bypass the gifts instilled by our patron goddess. And this heroine was one of them.


Turning around, I saw a beautiful girl smiling politely at me.

She was the same as I'd last seen her, just before we'd headed north for the Northern Bastion. Tall and slender, with an aura of imperviousness aided by the presence of a sword at her side, a crossbow on her back, and enough potions on her belt to cause a major wildfire.

Her long, dark hair gleamed against the setting sun, while her scarlet eyes studied me with the kind of interest that was only present due to the lack of Iris to steal away her attention.

I gulped, still not yet acclimatised to the attention of undeniable beauties, despite the time I'd spent with Iris. I purposefully kept my eyes on her face, grateful for the stunning nature of her scarlet eyes. If my gaze dropped down to the impressive bust shaping her silver armour, there would have been no escape for me, either here or when I returned to Iris.

She smiled, fully aware of the unnaturally fixed point of my gaze.

“Surprised?” she asked, voice playful.

“Very much so. What are you doing here, Sofia? The last I saw ...”

“The last you saw, I was heading off to some mysterious, undefined location, which I was keeping a secret from Iris. Well, here it is. The secret location.”

I felt myself looking at her with more confusion than surprise. Perhaps Iris had a better read on this mysterious heroine, who among almost all of our peers chose to eschew a party in favour of working individually.

It was a given that I wouldn't understand the things she said most of the time.

“You were sent … here? To Iris's village?”


Sofia smiled, then turned her gaze sidewards. There was nothing but empty pastures there, filled with soft grass and apple trees waiting to be unearthed by Magnus's idiocy.

“See that?” she said, pointing at an even emptier field. “What do you see?”

I shrugged and decided to answer honestly, even if I was being led that way.

“I see an empty field.”

“True. In its present state, it's quite a bore, isn't it? You wouldn't even be able to indulge in a picnic in such a drab location. But that's the reason why I was sent here.”

For a moment, I considered asking whether that meant the people in charge over at the Royal Capital had purposefully decided to send her somewhere she couldn't beguile them.

I knew, however, that those scarlet eyes would and could look far less alluring if she suddenly decided she wasn't in a good mood anymore.

“Was a holy artifact discovered in this region or something?” I asked, trying my hand at a reasonable query. “I can't imagine why the Royal Army would hire you to come all the way down here when the war was in the opposite direction.”

“A waste of my talents, isn't it?”

I nodded without hesitation. Sofia was a combat specialist. An exceeding good one, too. My assumption was that she'd been sent off on some dangerous excursion that only she could accomplish.

Here, however, the only danger lay in falling asleep for too long in the grass.

The girl before me blinked at the empty fields, her smile carrying a hidden meaning I could never hope to decipher.

“An academy,” she said.


“The Royal Army has tasked me with establishing an academy. An academy to train knights.”

“The kingdom already has knights. Plenty of them, in fact.”

“Not those kinds of knights,” said Sofia, waving her hand dismissively. “Knights who will not bear down upon a battlefield as part of an army, but who will silently descend on their foes in elite units. Knights who can break an enemy from the shadows as well as the light. Knights who will work in small teams to overcome overwhelming odds. In short--”

“Knights like us.”

Sofia smiled.

“Heroes and heroines in knight's armour, under the direct employ of the kingdom. It'll certainly have its benefits for those in charge. For one thing, they won't have to spend as much. We do like pricing our services up when kingdoms are involved, after all.”

I was stunned.

If this was true, then it was a monumental shift of policy. The kingdom would essentially be seeking to replace the need to rely on ordained heroes for its own specialised soldiers.

Frankly, I had my doubts that such a plan was feasible. There were more reasons than just skill that allowed us to prosper where others failed. We had a patron goddess on our side.

But perhaps this was a problem that had already been overcome somehow.

“So there you have it. I'm to survey a suitable site for the academy, and am tasked with having it built as swiftly as possible. It appears that rather than sending me to the front, they believed my talents were better suited to immediately begin the process of training promising new recruits.”

Sofia leaned forwards. The look in her eye was filled with a certain excitement that was at odds with her mature image.

“I'll also need teachers. Famed heroes. Preferably beautiful ones with golden hair. Do you understand what I mean?”

I gulped.

Suddenly, the reasons for why Sofia had chosen Iris's village as the location for her planned academy became painfully clear.

“Tell Iris I'll be paying a visit to her shortly. I take it her house hasn't suddenly moved recently?”

I shook my head. Sofia smiled.

“Good. Then … I'll be seeing you again very soon.”

~ ~ ~

I arrived back at Iris's home with new thoughts to consider. It seemed typical that I would leave only intending to carry back a sack of ingredients, and instead also bring news of a monumental shift in the kingdom's approach to future warfare.

But most of all, the biggest news is that there might soon be an opportunity for Iris, and I imagine, also both me and Magnus to take part in what may very well be a royal academy tasked with pushing us out of work.

The irony of being teachers in such an establishment was not lost on me. But it was certainly a path other than adventuring through swamps that was worth at least a discussion. I did not know what the future held, but it could only be a positive if additional avenues to earn income existed other than swiping a tattered piece of paper from a commission's board.

With thoughts on the future in mind, I made my way through the front of Iris's home, keenly aware of the sound of an anvil being struck in the outer shed. The clear blows of a hammer being worked beside a billowing fire could be heard from even the outside.

Iris's father, despite his new title as mayor, had never given up his boyhood craft. By all accounts, he used any opportunity to craft something, however small, and I expect that even now, he was finding an opportunity to gift his daughter with something that could aid in her future travels.

He was no weaponsmith, but even a new travelling mug would be an additional expense we would not need to pay.

I couldn't help letting out a wry smile. Despite our great accomplishments, we still had to consider financial burdens at the level of avoiding needless small purchases. There might be riches to be had in war, but there was apparently little to be had in slaying Dark Generals. The Royal Army, apparently, does not ever pay extra.

I let the sack of ingredients down on the kitchen table, then wondered where Iris was at this time.

I did not have to consider this puzzle for long.

Pushing away the sound of a hammer striking an anvil, I listened as the unmistakable sound of a muffled voice could be heard from upstairs. It was both quiet and sharp, as though a conscious effort was being made to mask it.

My heart began beating loudly in my chest.

Slowly, I made my way upstairs, climbing the staircase and following the muffled voice.

Before long, what I was hearing could not be hidden from me.

“... HanHn … annhNn … mhmHm ...”

From a gap in the doorway to Iris's bedroom, a light could be seen reaching out, accompanied by the unmistakable sound of my girlfriend's voice.

“... ahhNn … thisch isch … mhHmm … scho embarrashing … haahHn ...”

Her sweet moans leaked into the hallway, mixed with the sound of flesh hitting flesh. I could hear the sound of a bed made for one creaking beneath the weight of two people.

My heart thumping in my chest, I slowly approached the doorway.

I knew, of course, that there was no need to. Iris would undoubtedly have every moment of her eroticness recorded for me. I would not miss anything were I to offer Iris her privacy as she indulged in her immorality.

But I could not believe that the door had been unintentionally left ajar.

She knew that I had to return at some point.

That gap was meant for me, and right now, it looked more enticing than the thought of any image brought about by a memory stone, no matter how lifelike the experience was.

The thrill of what I was about to see surged through my veins, carrying my feet forward. In moments, I had approached the gap, careful not to allow my presence or my shadow offer any distraction.

Peering through the gap in the doorway, I looked at the small bed positioned at the side of the room, and then at the two people currently on it.

“MhhMm … ahhNnnn … hahHnn … nhHnnhH ...”

A truly breathtaking sight met my eyes.

Iris was on her knees, sensually straddling Magnus as the man lay on his back. The stilettos of her white high heels pointed up at the air as she raised and lowered her hips on the man whose head was comfortably resting in Iris's own pillow. He smirked triumphantly up at the girl whose body was now being used solely to pleasure him.

Her face was flushed red, sweat dripping down the side of her cheeks as she wore an expression of deep satisfaction. But it wasn't the immoral sight of her obvious enjoyment which was the most stunning feature on her face.

It was the thick lines of cum, spilling as she erotically hoisted her hips up and down on the man she was pleasuring.

Gooey, creamy semen covered her lips, dripping down her chin and leaking down onto her exposed cleavage. As she moaned and her lips parted, more cum dribbled out of her lips, joining the creamy deposit building up in the valley of her huge breasts.

She had already given Magnus a blowjob, and I was now watching Iris as she was enjoying her reward for it. Enormous jealousy and anxiousness pumped through me as I imagined what I had missed, of the sight of Iris with her lips greedily around that man's hard cock.

But I also knew that this was a point of worry I did not have to consider for long.

There, on the shelf, a small stone was discreetly hiding between two volumes of books, ensuring that every moment of Iris's immorality was being captured for my enjoyment later.

“HaahHhn … nnHhnn … aahHnH … mmhHmm ...”

However, it wasn't just the sight of Iris erotically straddling Magnus with his seed dripping down her chin that was causing my envy to overflow.

It was what Iris was wearing.

She was wearing her old school uniform. The one that had been secretly hidden in the closet.

Except that it simply did not fit her anymore.

“AhhNhnn … thischi is … hhahHnn … scho wrong … mmHhhMmm ...”

I could hear her embarrassment mixed in with her sweet moans, her cheeks flushed red for more reasons than simply the bliss she was experiencing from straddling Magnus's huge cock.

Her school uniform clung to her even more than her underwear did, digging into her soft skin. Her waist and belly button was fully exposed as both the shirt and jacket failed to cover her upper body. But it was the shirt that struggled the most.

Aside from the top and bottom buttons, every single one of them was undone in order to accommodate the size of Iris's breasts. Her white, lacy bra was on full display, the fabric digging into her breasts as much as the school uniform did to the rest of her body.

Within the tightly pressed together breasts, a pool of Magnus's cum was slowly building up, continuously added to by both his sperm and Iris's saliva dribbling from her lips. And yet no matter how much of his seed he had unloaded into Iris's mouth, he still had more to offer.

Below a skirt so short that Iris's white underwear could be clearly seen, Magnus's huge shaft was being pleasured by Iris's sopping wet cunt. Each time my girlfriend sensually lifted her hips up, I could see the frothy white of Magnus's cum mixed with Iris's own juices caking every inch of that man's cock and around my girlfriend's slit.

I could not tell if Magnus had already cum inside her, or if that was simply the result of their love making. But as Iris motioned her hips up and down on the handsome man before her with a look of desire in her eyes, I knew that she fully intended on drawing out as much of his seed as she could.

“HahHnn … ahHnn … mmHmmM … nhHhnnnh ...”

Magnus wore a deep smirk as he took in the beautiful sight of my girlfriend riding him, cum occasionally dribbling past her breasts and onto his muscled abdomen.

“Damn, you're not just wetter than usual. You're a fucking river. You just couldn't wait to cheat on your boyfriend here, could you?”

“HahhHnn … thatsch … nnHnmhM … thatsch becausche … ahHnahN … I've been waiting … mhHmHmmm … scho long … nhHmhhmm … for this … hahNnn ...”

“You're an absolute whore, aren't you? We already did it before we got here.”

“AhnHnn … thatsch wash … mhMmhm … thisch morning … mhhmhmm ...”

A look of unadulterated lust flickered in Iris's blue eyes as she leaned slightly down. More cum dribbled down her breasts.

“MhhmMm … oncesch a day … nHhnnH ... iscn't enough … hhaahHnn … we need … AhhHn … to have lots … nhHnhm … of shex … HahHnnn … everyday … AhhNhhn~”

Magnus grinned in satisfaction as he took in the sight of Iris's lascivious appearance, completely at his behest. He began to move his own hips with larger movements, instead of simply letting Iris straddle him.

“Heh, if that's what the good little schoolgirl wants, then who am I to say no? From now on, we're fucking every moment that loser isn't here.”

Suddenly, Magnus thrust his hard cock deep into Iris's soaking wet cunt just as she dropped down on him.


She moaned loudly before catching herself, the voice carrying dangerously past my ears and down the hallway. Magnus seized the opportunity to begin ramming his cock easily inside her, the wet sounds of every impact filling the air of the room.

“Then again, nothing about you is little anymore, is it? Look at the size of your tits. You can't wear anything without looking like a prostitute. How does it feel to have guys looking at you wherever you go?”

“HahNnhn … anhHnn … it feelsch … mmHmmm … really … ahhNnhn … good … ahhNhnn ...”

“You really are just a slut, aren't you? Every moment of the day, you're wondering how to seduce more men.”

“AhhNnh … I'm … I'm schorry … mhHmhm … thatsch just … ahhnHm … how I am … mhhHmmh ...”

Magnus grinned as he took in the small look of apology on Iris's face. He picked up the pace of his thrusts, hammering deeply into Iris whenever her hips dropped down on his cock.

“Yeah, I know. Which is why I'm going to fuck you until you'll only want me looking at you from now on.”

Iris moaned as the huge shaft pistoned into her. Even as familiar as she was with that hard cock shoving itself into her, it looked like she could barely take its full length.

Even so, she looked the picture of bliss as she accepted that huge length despoiling her glamorous body. A body that was now exclusively for Magnus's use.

And now, that man also got to enjoy the sensation of having sex with her in a place I never would.

That this was taking place in Iris's childhood bedroom, her most cherished place in her own home, forbidden even to me, only added to the immense jealousy I felt towards the man who now freely indulged in her in a way I never experienced.

“NhhmmHm … ahHnhn … hahNNhnnhn ...”

My breathing grew unsteady as I enjoyed the sight of Iris straddling Magnus in her school uniform, her breasts spilling out as she struggled to properly wear her old clothes. Her figure was so incredibly erotic. It was as though she really were a prostitute dressed up in a tightly fitting costume.

And then--

“AhnHhmhm … nhHNhmm … HahNnhnnh ...”

She turned her face slightly, and her lust-filled eyes glanced towards the doorway.

As though sensing my unsteady breathing as I enjoyed the sight of her immorality, she sent her gaze towards me, catching me as I did more than simply watch.

Then, she smiled.

“MmmHmmm … ahHnnmmmh … hhanHnnn ...”

Instead of looking ashamed at her state, or embarrassed at being caught in the middle of her cheating sex, Iris's cheeks grew even more flushed with lust.

Her glossy lips became a teasing, mischievous smile as she moved her palms from Magnus's chest, instead taking hold of the man's hands which had been digging into her slender waist.

Then, raising Magnus's hands slightly, she tenderly interlocked her fingers with his.

“AhnHnn … mhHmhmm … HanhnN … nhHhnn ...”

It was a deeply intimate gesture. Like newly wed lovers, Iris interlocked her fingers around Magnus's as she straddled him. All the while, she smiled mischievously at the torrent of jealousy that she knew she was sweeping me away with.

With that man's cum caking those sweet lips, she smiled while inviting me to closely watch her latest act of lewdness.


No longer moving her hips up and down, she lowered herself fully on Magnus's huge shaft, then began to sensually gyrate in a circular motion.

Magnus immediately sucked in a shallow breath, his eyes closing as he enjoyed the sensation of Iris's erotic movements.

“Fuck me, that's amazing. Who the hell teaches you these things? You were born to handle my cock.”

Iris smiled down at the man she was pleasuring, then did the same for me. As her eyes glanced towards the doorway once again, she sent a cute wink filled with obvious meaning.

It was the sign that she wanted me to fully satisfy myself.

“MhmmHmm … pleasch … I want you … nnHnhmm .. to enjoy … MhmMm … yourself … ahHnn ...”

Suddenly, Iris began to gyrate her hips at a faster pace.

As she did so, she lifted her hips slightly and then dipped it down again, adding her weight to the erotic movement. In that moment, she looked like she was doing more than having sex with Magnus. It was as though she was giving him a private dance.

“HahhNn … I want … mhHmmm … you to feel … nHnMmm … really good … ahHnn ...”

Increasing the pace of her hips, Iris lifted herself up before dropping back down again on the huge shaft still meeting her movements. All the while, she gyrated her hips, completing the sensual motion as she straddled Magnus's clearly twitching cock.

Even with the frothy white seed covering every inch of his length, it was obvious that he wanted nothing more than to deeply embed his seed into the girl that was pleasuring him so fully.

“aHhnnn … you're so … mHhmhm … hard … HahmnnHm … it'sch okay … mHhmmhm … you can … nhhMMm … you can cum … mHnmm ...”

Glancing at me once more, she gave a teasing, inviting smile.

“MmhmM … pleassch cum … ahhNn … cum … mhMm … I want … hahHnn … you to cum ...”

Hearing her sweet words, the man before her let out a dark smirk.

Tightly holding onto Iris's hands, he let out a low grunt, then began to shove his huge length into my girlfriend's sopping wet cunt without regard to her hip's motions. He slammed into her so hard that even when Iris had lifted herself, they were still fully connected.

“HhahNhnn … AhhNnhnn … HaNnnHnnnn~”

Her blue eyes widening in immense pleasure, she let out a sweet moan that no longer attempted to hide what she was doing. More saliva mixed with cum dribbled from her lips as they fully parted, but even the pool of cum in her deep cleavage now paled compared to the amount of liquid that was building up where her slit was connected with Magnus's rapidly thrusting cock.

“AhnNmmhm … pleascchh … mHhmmMm … cum … aHhnnnn .. cum for me … mmHHmmm … I want you … ahHHnnh … to cum … hahHnn … pleasschh … mmHmmn … cum lots … HaanHnnn … cum lots and lots … mmHmmm … cum right now … aHhmnn ...”

Without needing to hear anymore of Iris's pleading, Magnus slammed his cock deep into Iris's depths. With a satisfied grunt, he kept the tip of his cock rammed against the entrance of her womb as he spurted his gooey cum deep into her.


Iris moaned in bliss, her tongue peeking out of her lips as she enjoyed the sensation of Magnus's seed spurting deep within her. A heavy squirt of juices mixed with Magnus's cum flooded out from her slit as she orgasmed to the familiar feeling of Magnus emptying himself fully inside of her.

But it did not stop there.

“AhhNNhnn … HhanNHhmm … MmhhhmMmmm~”

Suddenly, Magnus began to rapidly shove his still rock-hard cock in and out of Iris, using the force of his powerful thrusts to keep Iris's hips moving on top of him. Without waiting for his own ejaculation to fade or Iris's orgasm to subside, he instead increased the pace of his hammering into my girlfriend's cunt.


Shoving his cock deeply into Iris with each thrust, Magnus's semen continued spilling into Iris's depths, the gooey seed seeping out as quickly as it spurted in. But that was nothing compared to Iris's reaction.


Her tongue fully peeking out of her lips, she moaned loudly as a gushing stream of her juices met Magnus's rapid thrusts. Still in the middle of her squirting orgasm, intoxication filled her expression as the man thrusting his cock deeply inside her refused to give her time for her pleasure to end.

Accepting Magnus's relentless thrusts, a continuous stream of my girlfriend's juices marked the man's abdomen as her orgasm only intensified. And still it didn't stop. The sweet nectar continued to flow as Magnus gave in to his carnal instincts, emptying himself into Iris in an attempt to utterly mark her as his. The semen flowed copiously out of Iris's filled cunt, flooding past her lover's thighs and drenching the bedsheets in a pool of their sticky juices.

“AhnnHmmm ... nmhMMmhm … haaHnnnhn … nhhnNmMmn~”

Yet even as Magnus's thrusts began to slow, the strength of Iris's orgasm didn't. Sweet juices continued to spurt out, her body shivering repeatedly as the sensation of the man's still hard length now leisurely shoved in and out of her.

Her fingers tightly interlocked around Magnus's, she sent her lust-filled eyes towards me, her tongue still peeking erotically out of her lips. Even so, she managed to wear that beautiful, teasing smile I knew so well.

And just when the last shiver of her orgasm had finished, and a final spray of juices joined the flood of liquid around the two lover's figures, she began to move her hips up and down once more.

“MmHmmm … ahhNnm … mhHMmmmm~”

With her smile aimed solely towards me, my girlfriend unlocked a hand from around Magnus's and slowly placed it against the lower part of her stomach, the bare skin visible beneath the tightly fitting uniform. She kept her hand there, as though savouring every drop of cum being spurted inside her.

That smile soon turned back towards Magnus.

“AhnHnn … pleaaschh … mhmM … fill me … nHhNn … don't stop … mHhmm … I want … ahHnn … you to cum … mHhm … lots and lots … aHhnhn … pleasschh … mHHmm … fill me completely … ahhNnnnn~”

As Iris directed her sweet voice towards a man other than myself, I listened and enjoyed every moment. The sounds of immoral love making filled the air, and the scent of sweat and sperm mixed to paint a picture worthy of the cum drenched bedsheets.

And I knew, with feelings of deep jealousy and anticipation simultaneously coursing through my veins, that I would be able to continue experiencing even more of Iris's erotic acts from now on.

Despite my fears … no, because of them, I was looking forward to seeing which heart wrenching path Iris's cheating sex would take her. And I knew that even if I wanted her to stop, I could no longer prevent that beautiful expression from being written on her flushed face.

My girlfriend, whose smile as she sensually lifted her hips up and down on another man's cock was as mischievous as a devil's, yet still somehow also as pure as an angel's.


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