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The next morning, I was greeted with a breathtaking sight.

As my eyes opened to a new day, I slowly realised that I was surrounded by more luxury than I had time to soak in. The lush furnishings, carpets and the sweeping vista offered by the clear window into the Royal Capital's bay were second to none. No residence, be it owned by a nobleman or a proprietor of grand hotels could match the luxury of the room I found myself waking up in.

However, it wasn't merely the sight of waking up in a royal suite within the castle inhabited by the kingdom's royalty that took my breath away. Although the suite was truly exemplary, it was still merely decoration to my eyes.

No, what caught my attention wasn't decoration.

It was Iris, whose face hovered over mine as I slowly took in the angelic sight of her sweet smile as she ensured that today began as well as it feasibly could.

No priceless antiques or majestic views into harbours could hope to compete with her. Against Iris's morning smile, even the most decadent of surroundings paled. It is no exaggeration to say that any man would choose the sight of her face over even the lustre of gold.

But just in case there was any room for doubt, Iris made sure there was no escaping her allure once the sight of what she was wearing was caught.

At first, I thought she was wearing underwear. Then, I saw it was slightly different.

I slowly sat up in the deep bed, any morning tiredness being swept aside by the breathtaking sight of Iris sitting on the bed beside me while wearing a sensational two-piece swimsuit.

It was blue, just lighter than her eyes, and was adorned by white frills and a ribbon on both pieces. It was less tightly fitting than her usual underwear, allowing both her deep cleavage and her milky-white skin to be generously exposed in the window light.

Merely smiling as she patiently allowed me to soak in the sight of her beautiful swimsuit-clad figure, she shifted position ever so slightly, drawing attention to her legs as they lay splayed out on the bed beside me. I followed the reflection of the sun grazing down her bare thighs and legs, until it settled on her favourite pair of white ankle-strap high heels.

The sight of her swimsuit matched with her impractical high heels instantly made my mouth go dry as I almost forgot to breathe. As if there was any room for doubt, it was clear she did not intend to visit the ocean anytime soon.

This was not garment for swimming.

It was for something else entirely.

“Good morning,” said Iris casually. “Breakfast is ready.”

I looked uncomprehendingly at her, wondering what euphemism she was using.

Then I saw that she was being serious. There was a table of common breakfast items nearby.

“When did that get here?”

“It was on a trolley outside. I took it in.”

I stared at Iris. Her smile told me she took more than her fair share of enjoyment from my confusion.

“Did you sleep well?” she asked.

I found myself unable to reply, still stunned by the sight of Iris in such a unique outfit.

It wasn't anything more revealing than her lacy underwear. On another girl, this swimsuit may have been eye-catching and nothing more. Yet Iris managed to make something ordinary seem incredibly immoral. Even were she intending to simply head out for a swim, it would have been impossible not to gawk at her perfect figure and stunning proportions.

Eventually, I conjured enough saliva in my mouth to reply.

“Yeah. I did. Slept like a rock. How about you?”

“Surprisingly well. As terrible as this sounds, I'm becoming used to these arrangements. First a manor, then a ballroom and now a castle. We must be an inspiration to adventurers everywhere.”

“Or the envy. Guess we're really making our way up in the world, aren't we, huh?”

“As far as the manner in which we wake up, certainly.”

Iris smiled.

She leaned in slightly. A rich perfume wafted out from her. It was a scent I'd never caught from her before, with layers of a musky fragrance that I was incapable of pinpointing.

Wherever she'd found the swimsuit, she must have experimented with the toiletries as well. It was no surprise to me that the castle suites within the heart of the Royal Capital would come furnished like the grandest of hotels.

She had touched herself up as well. As she leaned in, I could see the pink glossiness of her lips and the subtle glitter beneath her eyes, giving her a look that was both seductive and angelic.

However, that is the extent of what I saw.

Iris, after leaning in enough that I could make out the effort she'd put into perfecting her appearance, did not dip her beautiful face any closer.

There was no kiss and no toying with my hair. She merely smiled, her thoughts hidden behind her mischievous blue eyes as she purposefully ensured that no part of her touched me.

That's when I knew that although the sight of her dazzling swimsuit was for me--

It wasn't only for me.

“It's good that we've slept adequately,” she said, purposefully flicking some of her golden hair behind her shoulders. “Rest and recuperation will be harder to come by in the days ahead. I doubt that the king will have granted us leave to enjoy his accommodations were we not expected to repay each and every hour.”

I let out a wry smile.

I knew that already, of course. But what choice did we have? Declining a king's offer was tantamount to treason, and we had just silently accepted custody of the Spear of the Wayward Maiden.

Aside from the fact that we were also too tired to seek alternative accommodation, it was more or less inevitable that we would find ourselves accepting our stay beneath the king's roof. And therefore, his employ.

Iris was right. Rest and recuperation would be difficult to find in the days ahead.

But as I shamelessly gazed between the sight of her glossy lips and her huge breasts, I thought that maybe, that would mean today at least would allow some respite.

“Sounds like we should relax while we can, as a matter of urgency.”

“I agree. Any suggestions?”

I looked at her swimsuit.

“… Don't suppose you had the beach in mind?”

Iris blinked, pretending to look surprised.

“The beach? Well, I didn't quite consider it. But if you'd like us to, I don't suppose I have a reason to decline. But are you sure? …”

My girlfriend lifted a fingertip, then lightly tugged at the top part of her swimsuit. The straps visibly strained from the stress of supporting her huge breasts.

“People would look at me,” she said, her blue eyes flashing in the sunlight. “Is that something you would want?”

My breath caught in my throat as I failed to reply.

Iris, in turn, merely looked faintly bemused as she leaned back, then slid off the bed.

As she landed on the carpet, she took a few steps away, then twisted around on the spot. The ribbons on the swimsuit fluttered, while the sunlight radiated off her bare skin and golden hair.

My heart thumped in my chest.

It was the same sort of twirl she'd do when she wanted to pose for me. To display herself before she was embraced in the arms of another man.

But it had always been in the memory stone.

I didn't know why Iris was here, showing her glamorous figure to me with that knowing smile on her face. But I knew it was causing my heart to beat out of my chest.

“What do you think?” she said, as she easily performed another twirl. “Does it suit me?”

I nodded.

“I think everything suits you,” I answered truthfully. “You look amazing.”

“You'd be surprised at the variety of garments available in the wardrobes. There's appropriate wear for every season.”

“Yeah, I don't doubt it.” I let out an awkward cough, mostly to hide the fact that it was impossible for my lower body not to be reacting obviously to this morning display. “So … if not the beach, what's the occasion?”

Iris cutely placed her hands behind her back and smiled, clearly enjoying the attention I was giving her. Or maybe she was just amused by it.

“The occasion is that I'm here to provide a special service for all that you've done. Do you like it so far?”

I tried hiding my growing erection.

“Yeah, I do. It's an amazing sight to wake up to.”

Seeing Iris in the morning was always a beautiful sight.

But seeing her with so much skin bared, posing in a swimsuit for my enjoyment, somehow only improved on perfection.

However, even as I looked on, a part of me knew that this was the extent to which I could enjoy myself. Even were I to reach out for Iris, she would simply smile and retreat.

Only one other person was allowed to do more than look. And that thought filled me with as much envy as it did excitement.

Because I knew--

That Iris did not come here only to wake me up in a swimsuit.

“Good,” she said, smiling mischievously. “I'm glad it's to your satisfaction.”

And then, she leaned in once more.

The sight of her glossy lips filled my vision. If I didn't know better, I'd think that she was leaning in to kiss me. But I already knew she'd stop halfway.

Instead, she simply whispered to my face.

“There's something more I'd like to show you … as part of this special service.”

I trembled slightly, not even bothering to hide my feelings.

“Something you'd like to show me?”

For a moment, Iris's mischievous smile and dazzling eyes seeing through my every desire was all I could see.

Then, she turned her head slightly, drawing my attention to a furnishing at the side of the room.

Towards where a closet was.

“... As an apology for last time,” she whispered, glancing back towards me. “I'd like to take it upon myself to make amends.”

I looked between Iris's mature expression and the closet by the side of the room.

Understanding filled me as I witnessed a dark strip in the centre of the closet where no light went through, but from which somebody could look out, if they desired.

It felt like my heart was about to escape my chest.

“Wait, you don't mean ...”

Iris leaned past my head. She was so close that I could feel her sweet breath against my ear.

“Please watch closely ... and enjoy yourself.”

I let out an obvious gulp, even more obvious than my erection.

Iris missed neither.

“Is something the matter? Oh, could it be that you have no desire to see this part of the special service? If you'd prefer, I could always prepare a memory stone instead … unless, ah, you'd like it if I did both? Would you like to watch now, and then be able to watch again later?”

I let out an involuntary shiver. It was all the answer Iris needed.

She smiled as she pulled away, a beautiful smile playing on her lips.

~ ~ ~

Darkness surrounded me, other than a faint strip of light falling against my face as I stood within the confines of a cramped closet. Around me fell the musky scent of clothes, but neither the tight space nor the musk was enough to detract me from the view in front of me.

Clearly standing in the centre of the room, with her arms cutely behind back, was Iris. She stood with one knee slightly raised, her heel off the ground as though posing for a crowd. Her long legs looked exquisite in the sunlight, matched by a smile as beautiful as the dawn.

But that smile she currently wore wasn't for me.

It was for the man who just entered the room.

If I'd stopped to wonder whether she'd woken Magnus before coming to me, I now knew the reason why she had not.

It was so that she could show me the act herself.

I heard him before I saw him, courtesy of the whistle he aimed at the beautiful girl waiting for his benefit.

“Not bad. Let me guess, beach hammocks not good enough for you, so you decide to fuck in your boyfriend's room instead?”

Magnus stepped easily into the room, a carefree glance around the suite to assess what differences existed between mine and his.

And then he set his full attention on Iris.

“You should wear that more often. Still look like a whore, but at least you can take one step outside before men start throwing money at you now.”

“I wonder, is there an incurable disease which prevents you from saying anything other than vulgarities to me when I'm in a state of relative undress?”

Magnus smirked.

Already, I could see his bulge in his trousers as he casually approached Iris. Like me, he shamelessly admired Iris's swimsuit figure. But unlike me, he was able to indulge in it.

“You want me to say something nice? Sure. You've got big tits and a nice face. How's that?”

Iris raised an eyebrow. Despite this, her inviting smile never ceased.

In fact, it only seemed to become more heated.

“Are you also incapable of seeing past bodily aesthetics?”


“There's nothing else about me which inspires confidence from you?”

Magnus stopped before Iris. His bulge was heavily tenting his trousers as, true to his thoughts, his eyes lingered between Iris's face and her deep cleavage.

However, after a moment, he gave a casual shrug.

“You're smart, maybe.”

The shock on Iris's face was mirrored by my own.

A moment of silence passed as a foul follow-up comment was anticipated. But it never came.

Magnus had complimented Iris. And it was on something other than her tits.

Seeing her rare expression of surprise, Magnus's grin took on another hue.

“Your mouth could use some work. But yeah, I guess that sometimes, you can be pretty smart.”

Iris's long lashes batted repeatedly as she found herself blinking against the unexpected compliment.

Then, after a moment, her smile returned.

But there was something else about it.

Her lips seemed to glisten even before she allowed her pink tongue to run across it. She leaned slightly forwards, inviting the other man to complete the distance between them.

“Is my mouth truly that terrible?”

Magnus grinned as he pushed himself against Iris. His bulge pressed against Iris's stomach, while his torso was offered the sensation of Iris's breasts squishing against his.

“You know what? I guess that sometimes, it's all right.”

And then--

They slowly drew their faces together, eyes lingering on each other all the while.

In the moment before they kissed, I witnessed Iris's pink tongue peeking out. She gave a little note of satisfaction as her lips fully closed around Magnus's, before wrapping her arms around the man's waist, pressing him even closer.

“Mmhm … nnhm ...”

Without any sense of distance, Iris and Magnus embraced in a deep, tongue-filled kiss.

It was a tender moment fuelled by both lust and desire. As Iris's arms pressed Magnus ever closer into her, the man responded by placing one hand on the small of Iris's back and one on the back of her head.

“Mmhm … nhh … mmnh ...”

It was the posture of two lovers in a deeply familiar kiss. As Iris's sweet moans began to fill the air, all I could see was two people lost in their own world, their eyes locked against each other as their tongues tenderly crossed each others' paths.

“Mmh … nnhmm … ahhmm ….”

It was too much.

I placed my hand on my chest, breathless as I experienced the sight of my girlfriend kissing another man in front of me for the first time. Looking through the opening of the closet, I felt the world crashing down around me as the sharpest jab of jealousy struck me.

And yet I couldn't stop watching.

Just as it was the most heart wrenching sight of my life, it was also the most alluring. I could not stop myself from watching as my girlfriend freely offered her lips to another man, using her wrapped arms to press him deeper into her warmth.

All the while, that huge bulge was pressing against her stomach, teasing what was to come.

“Mmhm … nhgn … mmahn ...”

For a brief moment, their lips parted to a bridge of saliva, and I caught the sight of Iris's tongue as it sought the back of Magnus's mouth. Her face grew as heated as Magnus's cock, clearly twitching behind his trousers as a healthy stain could now be seen through the fabric.

I felt my heart thump loudly as Iris tenderly continued to lean against Magnus, offering her lips far more easily than she ever did for me.

“Mmnh … nhh … pleassch … mh … more … nhh ...”

During this embrace, she took a small, subtle step to the side.

Adjusting his position, Magnus swivelled slightly, his frame turning until his back was towards the closet. Iris's flushed face was now angled towards me, clearly visible as she continued pressing her glossy lips against the other man's.

And then--

“Mhmm … nnhmmm ...”

Iris glanced towards me.

Her expression unseen to the man she was tenderly kissing, she turned her gaze towards me as I watched transfixed from the closet.

My girlfriend's sweet lips twisted into a mischievous smile, even as she offered them to Magnus.

As she smiled at me, she discreetly lifted away one arm wrapped around Magnus's waist, then formed her hand into a shape as though she were gripping a thin object.

She began to pump her hand up and down in a masturbation gesture.

“Mmmhmm …. ahhnm …. nhhm ...”

In that moment, Iris pulled slightly away, showing off her tongue lapping against Magnus's. Her gaze returned to taking in the man in front of her, but her mischievous smile was aimed towards me.

Iris sensually showed off her pink tongue as it toyed with Magnus's. Saliva dribbled down her chin as she discreetly moved her hand up and down in a masturbation gesture, encouraging me to enjoy the sight of her offering her tongue to someone other than me.

“Mmmhm … pleassch … mmmhm … ahhm ...”

Then, Iris removed her other arm from around Magnus's waist.

All the while encouraging me to enjoy myself by pumping her hand up and down, she brought her other hand back towards her front, sliding it between her stomach and Magnus's pent up bulge.

With Magnus's back to me, I could not see what her hand was doing. But I didn't need to. With only her teasing smile to hint at what was about to happen, Iris sent her slender hand down the stained trousers of the man she was deep kissing.

A moment later, Magnus gave a satisfied grunt as Iris's slender fingers wrapped around his hard cock.

“Mmh … pleassch … I want …”

The wet sounds of Iris's hand expertly rolling up and down Magnus's cock could be heard over her moans.

As she began to sensually stroke the other man's cock, she leaned in and pressed her lips tightly against his. Once more, I was treated to the sweet sounds of her moans as she attempted to bury her tongue in the back of his mouth.

“I want … mmmhm … your … anhhm … cum ...”

Iris's eyes glanced back towards me.

With her finger and thumb forming a loose circle, she pumped her hand up and down at a quicker pace. Now, she didn't only want me to masturbate. She was encouraging me to ejaculate.

But not only me.

Magnus gave a small grunt of satisfaction as Iris's expert hands began to jerk him off, just as her other hand was pumping the air for my benefit. I was filled with intense envy at the knowledge that while I could only imagine Iris's soft hand diligently catering to my needs, it was Magnus who got to experience that tender, nursing sensation.

As her hand rapidly began to pump up and down in the air, she pressed her body tightly enough against Magnus's that the man was forced to take half a step back.

Then, Iris performed her most mischievous smile yet …  and sent a playful wink towards me.

“Mmhm … pleaschh … cum … I want … ahhmn … you to … nnhmm … cum … pleassch … cum … mmhhmm … cum lots … and lots … nhhmn ...”

Iris rapidly motioned with her hand up and down, a pleading note in her sweet voice as she urged me to cum as I watched her deep kissing Magnus. The sound of the man's huge cock being caressed by Iris's expert touch filled the air.

“Mmm … cum … cum now … pleassch … cum now … cum lots.”

With her heated smile encouraging me, Iris got her wish.

Watching my beloved girlfriend through the closet opening, I emptied myself more than I'd ever done in my life. But as the smell of semen filled the air of the small closet, so too did a greater, muskier scent come from the suite.

“Mmhm …. ahhm … ahhnnm ...”

As soon as I began to spend myself, Iris turned her gaze from me and locked her eyes on Magnus instead.

As if to reward me for adhering to her wishes, Iris's lips fully closed around Magnus's. For a moment, no sound could be heard other than her sweet moans as she embraced him.

And then, Iris lifted away the hand that had been dipped below Magnus's trousers.

Sperm covered her fingertips, dripping down her wrist and petering onto the floor. It was a huge amount of cum, and yet in one of the few times I could compete with Magnus, I could claim that the amount Iris had coaxed from me was equally matched.

But as she sent another teasing glance towards me, watching from this small opening in the closet, I knew that she was not yet finished.


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