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Hey Dear Patrons! Today is the day for the new sims!

These women are sorceresses. Their names (by the order of appearance) are: Annora, Aerin, Nyria, Tiya, Caenthiel and Tabithe.

Make sure to check out the pics to see their outfits and how they look in game!


Aerin is the archmage. People call her talented but she says that everything she achieved was with hard work and determination, not talent. And it's true. She would never reach that high if not for her intelligence and years of trial and error. She's calm, kind and confident.

Annora is a fire mage. She's probably the most powerful sorceress in the world and because of that she's arrogant and overconfident. She has never faced anyone better that her and it will stay that way for a long while. But playing with fire is a huge risk - it is almost certain that one day she will fall. And that fall will be a long one.

Nyria used to work in a pleasure house when she was younger but she's decided to change her ways and she became a healer. She covers her eyes as a form of atonement. She's wise and peaceful. She also serves as Aerin's advisor.

Tiya is the least experienced sorceress of this group but she makes up with her confidence. She's at the stage of bragging about her magic abilities and everyone is fed up with her. But she's definitely talented. She looks up to Annora the most and she wants to be as powerful as she is.

Caenthiel is an elven sorceress that focuses on creating life. Since elves are so few her biggest dream is to be able to artificially create new elves and help her own kind. It's a beautiful idea on the paper... But is it really a good way solve struggles of the elvish kind?

Tabithe is not a sorceress. She cannot use magic of any sort. She serves as the guard and protector of the magic users because sometimes magic is not enough to save your skin. However that's not her only purpose. She's also there to put an end to any overly ambitious plans. In the past there were mages who were so power hungry that they became dangerous. Fortunately their ambitions were in vain, thanks to Tabithe and her sword.


Let me know if something's not working!





Wow they look all very pretty and I love the costumes. Thank you very much for sharing your beautiful Sims with us.


Thank you so much my dear! That means a lot! 💜💜💜