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Hi my Dear Patrons! The first half of the rebellion is here! I'm very excited to share them with you!



Idda is the leader. She didn't want to become one but she's been chosen by the other elves. She's a reserved and down to earth woman unlike many other elves who are very prideful. She didn't want this rebellion to happen and she does everything she can to prevent piontless deaths of her elven brothers and sisters. Human lifes matter to her as much as the elven ones. She wants to make peace with humans but she also wants freedom for the elves. But is it really possible?

Aavil has always been an optimistic and happy person. She loves working with people and as a healer she can do just that. She's always smiling, no matter how bad the situation is. Aavil's duty is to save lifes and she would gladly sacrifice herself for the others. She also talks to herself, even when there are people around. Sometimes however she can be very indecisive which often leads to dangerous situations for the group. Other than that, probably nothing will cheer you up more than Aavil's honest smile.

Darnas is your typical jokester. He jokes even when he shouldn't and other elves find him either very funny or very annoying. Not everyone knows this but deep inside Darnas is a cowardly person who lacks confidence. He uses his jokes as a defense mechanism. However he wants to prove himself - prove that he can be a real warrior and a loyal soldier willing to die for the greater good. Maybe he is a coward but would a real coward join an elven rebellion?

Meari is a skilled assassin. She knows how to move quietly and strike quickly. She's one of the few who actually has experience in real combat. She can be terryfying as an enemy but when you get to know her she's an amusing and friendly girl. Many think of her as a killing machine without any emotions but it's not true. Meari just does what she has to do, as she likes to think. She knows what mercy is. Also she laughs very loud... So it's better to not tell her a joke when sneaking into the enemy's camp...


Let me know if something's not working!




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