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Hello Dear Patrons!

I've made some more stages. I've decided to go with a blowjob, first slowly teasing just the tip, then something more rough with a little bit of playing with testicles.

Also, I've been thinking about what's next in terms of animations and I think I have a pretty cool idea 😉

I want to make an animation set based 1:1 on a real video. Basically I want to recreate a sex video from the internet from start to finish, with only minor changes. And that's were I need your help 😊

You can send me a link to a video from "the orange Youtube" (or other similar sites) and if I like it, I will try my best to recreate it and make it into the next animation set. The video however can't be longer than 4-5 minutes - recreating a longer video would be very challenging and time consuming. And there can only be two people max in it.

You can send the links here, or message me directly.

Btw, I promise than in July or August I'll finally make a supernatural set (vampire themed most likely)

Have a nice day! 💜
