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It's been a helluva month fellas. My body was a diseased husk for the first part of may, and then I found out my wisdom teeth need to come out asap so much of my energy has gone into making that possible. 

GOOD NEWS IS I'm finally well again and I should have a surgery date soon! With any luck I won't be out of commission too long, and I'll be able to pick up the slack in the meantime now that I'm not so distracted by the vestigial bone nuggets in my mouth trying to kill me. 



Wolf Bane

Tips from a wisdom teeth removal survivor (lol): 1. Cushion your head between pillows and sleep on your back, sleeping on your cheeks can irritate things more and lengthen recovery time 2. This is a given but be very careful about getting food in your socket, especially sharp foods like chips (speaking from experience lol) 3. And get lots of rest!


Take it easy friend


Thanks! I think they have to give me a bone graft and stitch me up so open sockets won't be an issue, but definitely gonna be on a mushy diet for a bit anyway. I didn't know I'd be sabotaging myself by side sleeping either, yikes! )8