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Hey Pups, 

Here's me coming to you with my tail between my legs a little. As you may be aware by now, my custom audio give-away has turned into a bit of a beast, there are currently over 70 customs to process and this is an enormous undertaking. 

I need to communicate the following:

1. You do not have to remain a patron to still receive your custom

If you've completed a form, you will receive it once it's ready whether you're a patron or not. Please don't stress continuing to pay for the Alpha Tier if that was the perk you were solely after!

2. August

As you will know by now, I go Audio full time in August and I'm committing myself to clearing as many of the customs on the queue as possible during that period. I hope to clear all custom requests up to the end of May (66 Audios), meaning I can clear June and July in September. 

3. The threshold is going to change

I haven't decided how yet, but I'm definitely going to change the threshold for receiving a custom audio. The current system isn't working, but this may be because I'm having to balance full time work alongside audio work and community commitments. I'll of course keep you updated as soon as I decide this.

4. Sorry

I just want to say sorry, I know it's frustrating having to wait, I really am trying to clear them but I'm only human and only have so much capacity. I genuinely enjoy them when they're on my plate, but finding room for them on my plate at the moment is a struggle - August will make things easier.


I hope this makes sense and finds you all well, thank you for your support to date, it truly means the world to me :)

Pup 💛



An idea for custom audio in the future, have everyone in the alpha tier list be in a monthly raffle for custom audio. See what you could handle, but I could see there being like four winners a month who get a custom audio based on the raffle.


Agreed! Do not feel any kind of pressure to get them all done by some date. We're all a pup pack and would much rather have you keep your sanity.

Glenn Snowden

You don't have to rush anything for me. I am so appreciative that you do this at all and there are plenty of awesome things to listen to that you've posted.