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Hey Pups!

It's the end of the month and here's the calendar for June. There were so many great suggestions as well as exciting prospects for continuations that I couldn't include them all, so here are the ones that were the most voted for. 


So, this past 2 weeks has been a rollercoaster. At first I thought the loss of my voice was just because I'd quit smoking, then I was convinced it was laryngitis and now I'm fairly certain it's bronchitis. Alongside sounding like a teenager, a big part of this illness has been a profound level of fatigue and the past month has seen me have little to no energy for anything outside of waking up. I am okay but my voice is still all over the place and it's really rocking me something fierce. 

Two things:

  • Thank you so much for the well-wishes and outpouring of support. I was a little overwhelmed by what you've provided. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • For those of you who joined in the past 2 weeks, I'm so sorry that this is your first experience of my Patreon page. Hopefully you've managed to navigate to the premium/Patreon exclusive content to not feel short-changed by joining. 

For those of you ending your subscription this month, I will try to figure out a way to provide you access to the audios you missed this month. Look out for an email or Patreon message from me in June! 

Work Update

For those of you who have been here for some time will know, I work a full-time job outside of doing audio. The past three years have been a constant juggle of my employment, my family and this wonderful community I'm enmeshed in. 

At the start of May I took the plunge and handed in my notice at work-work, meaning from the 2nd August (yes, my notice period is 3 months because I'm very important /SARCASM) I will be doing audio full-time. 

So... yeah. Thank you all for being here and imbuing me with a sense of confidence and certainty that this is something I want to throw myself into 100% - it's been a long time coming and I can't wait to start the next chapter with you all. 

Thank you.


Pup 💛



Markie W

Make sure that you look after yourself and that voice-box of yours . Take care x

Scotti Flowers

My beloved Bull! So excited 💖


Get well soon and congrats 🖤

Nico Hyde

Congrats and please look after yourself I know how bad voice problems can get. Try ginger it help get your voice back it helps


Thanks Daddy Pup! Damn so excited to meet Adam in Laying Pipe 2!! Hope your voice will be okay soon Pup, sending loves! ❤️



Calm Catalyst

Congratulations 👏🏿🎉 I'm not very vocal usually but it's nice to see you found something that you really enjoy (I enjoy it a fair bit myself). Best of luck with your recovery many of us will still be here when you get better. 😊


I’m so happy the support has been so immense that you can now do this full time. I hope your career continues to soar and you get better soon!


We love you pup and you deserve every bit of that love and then some more. I'm anxious but also excited for you for your new chapter, and to hoard your productivity demon all for our earholes. You're already producing more audio than i can consume so at this juncture especially, I want you to know that I have never felt short-changed throughout the whole time I've been a Patron and I'm here to stay :)