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Hey Pups,

I'm going to level with you all and say that I'm struggling. Custom Audios are mounting up, my full time job is becoming increasingly more stressful with major staff shortages in a high-intensity environment (mental health), I'm a dad which carries its own stresses, I'm finding I have less energy than I used to do and I have two growing communities to oversee, all of which is bubbling up and I'm at a point where things are slipping and I hate being in a place where that's the case.

I have no intention of going on hiatus and I'm fighting through the anxiety and stress to keep going but I'm conscious that if you don't know this you'll feel that I'm being negligent. So, here's an update in summary.

Full Time Work

I've applied for part time working at my full time job to drop a day so that I have at least one full day to focus on audio and the community. If this isn't approved I'll be handing in my notice which I've learned is 3 months. This latter fact has thrown turmoil into the mix because there's no guarantee my application will be approved and it can take up to 3 months to be "resolved". I'm hoping that they will decide that keeping me is preferable to losing me but if not, then I'll be gone and all of my time will be devoted to audio.

By having one day a week to focus solely on Audio work I'm confident that I can not only keep on top of everything but also build and grow what I already provide. 

Custom Audios

I know that there are people who have been waiting way longer than the quoted average for their custom Audios and I'm sincerely sorry that there's a delay.

I really struggle with custom Audios because it's a constant battle of trying to balance what feels right for the requester and being in the right head space to record multiple voices and ideas in one sitting.

I've started to set myself targets and goals to work towards each week and am consciously trying to tackle them as quickly as I can without rushing.

Please, bear with me, and remember that you dont have to continue to patronise my work to get one. Hopefully, if my part time application is successful I'll have the time and space needed to complete these more regularly.

Community Involvement

As you will know, a big part of my online presence is the support of two online communities - GWAG and The Playpen. This takes a lot of my time and energy and I'm working hard with the other moderators to try and recruit more Moderators so that I don't feel beholden to the community. I don't mean to say that my involvement will be less, just better delegated so that I can focus on the things that I'm good at which is making great audio!

Content Matter

Recently a number of my audios have "trespassed" the boundaries of what isn't allowed on Patreon and this is something that I can't maintain.

I will be utilising the Discord Server more in the coming months and creating a new channel accessible to Golden and Alpha Tier Pups to post Audios that contain topics and videos that wouldn't be suitable or appropriate for Patreon. 

Thank You

The main thing I want to communicate is thank you, I feel very loved within this community and I think a big part of the anxiety I'm feeling is in part out of not being able to express that love back in the fullest possible way that I can. I'm hopeful that dropping a day at work will mitigate this and enable me to better balance my work/life structure. I'll keep you updated as soon as I know. 

Thanks again - I'm about to edit and upload "Now!" in case you were wondering 🤤




Please, always, put yourself first. Wishing you the best of luck, perseverance and patience in your negotiations and hope it works out well like you want. You have our support either way.


*sends warm vibes*