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Once again the sun rose over the Red Mountains, reflecting glare in the snowy tops. The Red Mountains were a bad place.
Humans, elves and dwarves usually tried to avoid that cursed place. Everyone, young and old, knew about the kind that inhabited this region, it was described in innumerable ballads and songs, and not always from the best side.
These kind were orcs. Great blacksmiths and unsurpassed, fierce warriors. Many elven and human historians have noted that orcs united forces could have easily captured part of the kingdoms of humans or the empire of elves, but fortunately for elves and humans, orcs were busy with other things. Mostly a wars among themselves. Orcish society, since ancient times was a clan society, there were a little more than a dozen clans. Each clan had its own land, warchief, distinctive features. The only thing that Orcish clans had in common was the desire to grab a piece of the neighbor’s territory in order to get more vital space. 

Why didn't the orcs unite? Maybe they were lacking strong leaders? Unfortunately for the orcs, yes. All attempts to unite the orcs ended in failure and death of the one who tried to do this. Orcs can only understand the word of strength and blood, and none one of the leaders will be willing to voluntarily join another clan with his people, they will not be allowed by honor. Orcish honor is thing not that other races can’t understand. The leader of the Orc tribe is the chosen one before the gods and people, the path of his formation is the path of the warrior, the path of cruel trials, intrigues and conspiracies, only after passing through which he can be recognized as the leader before the face of the gods, ancestors and tribe. Finishing his thorny journey, the leader takes an oath on blood, in which he swears allegiance to his tribe, promising to lead the tribe to prosperity and greatness before the bones of their ancestors, respect freedom and honor, clan customs and traditions. Voluntarily accepting a proposal for the merger of two tribes, or joining another, would be a betrayal of this oath. 

Warchiefs in an orcish society could be both women and men, unlike shamans, which can be exclusively men. This is due to the fact that anyone who has shown the necessary qualities can become a warchief, but as shaman one can only be borned. 

Shamans in the orcish society play the role of the spiritual mentors of the tribe, those who speak with spirits and those who can read signs of nature. All orcs, without exception, respect shamans with great trepidation, because shamans are the only representatives of the orcs who are endowed with magical abilities. 

It is not known for certain why only male orcs are born with magical powers, but this rarely happens, and is most likely one of the genetic mutations that affected all living creatures during the Rift. An indicator that the orc is the bearer of magic is eye color. Future shamans are born with light blue eyes, unlike regular orcish blood-red eyes. Those who born with the imprint of magic are excommunicated and transferred to the care of a shaman who helps them develop their magical abilities, teaches them to read and understand signs of nature. Part of the future shaman training is learning medicine, as well as reading, writing and acknowledging the history of the Orcs. 

Blue-eyed orcs are considered to be carriers of a genetic mutation arised as a result of exposure on the genes of their ancestors by the power of Alainish, a primitive entity that is attributed to the creation of life, magic, skies and oceans. 

Unlike blue eyes and magical powers, Orc women got another genetic mutation that came from the power which is antagonistic to Alainish. They are marked by Ningusarang - a god, associated with darkness, chaos, rage and bloodlust, the creator of volcanoes, who sends earthquakes and pestilence. The genetic mutation that arose under the influence of the Ningusarang force, and inherent in women are the male genital organs. 

Many consider this kind of mutation to be a manifestation of the essence of Ningusarang - pure chaos, which is the opposite of the ordering that Alainish wanted to put into the universe. 

Women that are marked by such a genetic mutation are not able to reproduce, although they have a seed similar to male seed. They are known for cruel disposition, craving for a fight, obstinate character. 

If blue-eyed orc magicians are born extremely rarely, once per thousand, then out of 5 girls, 1 is born marked by Ningusrang. The attitude towards them among the orcs is normal, the mutation that causes such an anomaly showed itself in ancient times, after the Rift, and for the current generation of orcs it is ordinary thing. 


Despite this, some Orcs are afraid of the Futanari because of their nature and tendency to violence, and not without reason, because many of them are not able to curb their temper, which pushes them to murdering and other crimes, creating trouble within the tribe.

Many of the great Orc warriors are futanari, and some of them were even able to become warchiefs. Rarely do orcs judge someone by the fact of his birth, with the exception of blue-eyed boys. As for all the others, deeds and accomplishments are always considered in the first place, therefore all roads except motherhood are open to the Futanari in the Orcish society.



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