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Black Sails 2x09

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Sweet Owl

This show should be studied as an example of how to make great television as The Godfather is still studied as one of the best movies of all time (the best imo). Miranda's death hits so hard, Louise Barnes did a great job from the beginning but in these last two episodes she truly shined like a supernova. You will be missed Miranda :( You will be missed too Randal, a minor character but with such a great influence on the events, he was the Jolly, the random uncertain element who tipped the scale in major situations. About Hornigold, since my thoughts haven't change I'm gonna copy-paste a comment I posted elsewhere to save time: - He gets a lot of hate in this season but think about it in his perspective: he literally was one of Nassau founders, he was one of the very few people on that island who actually had a sense of honor, he was respected, he was wise (remember his speech to Eleonor about lifting the ban on Vane) and trustworthy. Despite that he was betrayed by Eleonor when she told Vane about the fort tunnels, he was betrayed by Flint when he took back his word and then he saw any possibility to take back the fort disappear once the news about the gold came. Yes he is a very proud man, but with right considering who he was and what he did both as a navy captain and a pirate. So yeah, after everyone turned back on him he thought "well, fuck you all then" and decided to provide security for himself by obtaining those pardons. Thanks girls for understanding Lord Ashe and not just straightforward hate him. Flint and Miranda have all the reasons to, obviously, but as you said he is not an evil man at all, a coward maybe, but not evil. It's too easy to judge him right away and to talk like we are all heroes, how many people would have sacrificed their own family and daughter in the name of righteousness? I'd say almost no one. The only thing I would change in this episode is that I would have placed Eleonor final scene before Vane speech and end the episode with it and that magnificent music crescendo that gives chill to your whole body :D


I need that 2x10 reaction 😩😩