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Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I love that the girls canā€™t call Flint, James lol. I feel like we all had to watch the flashbacks and then get further context toā€Flintā€ from himself, before we get to see that there is an actual visual distinction between the McGraw version of him and the Flint version of him (and that is all down to Tobys actingšŸ¤ŒšŸ¼) And only then do we feel comfortable calling the younger one James and the current one Flint. Or was that just me?


I'll try post this one more time, really hope it works correctly: 2x03 First Impressoins - Thomas and Flint; The show is doing a great job of showing us with the two storylines how someone such as Flint came to be the man he is today, and how he navigates the fallout of his past life. Seeing the man he used to be makes it all the more tragic, especially given what he and Thomas are discussing. Miranda is so pretty ; _ ; - Silvy in the mess hall; The crew like him , love that. Not really sure what that dispute between the crewman and Silvy was meant to signify, if I'm being totally honest. - Vane and Low; I think what Low did here was very clever, and again a testament to the writing. When Low gives Vane the money and mentions the 'tax' El imposed on him, it's clear that his goals are not simply to make sure that Vane won't be an enemy, but to create a possible divide between him (Vane) and El. Present himself as straightforward, respectful, reasonable. Give off the impression that he is, indeed, laying all his cards on the table, and then plant a seed of doubt in Vane's mind. The problem here of course is that Vane is way too fucking clever, and were there anything that would make Vane cross El, it will take a lot more than a man like Low whom Vane sees right through. Both with this moment and the rest of the scene in general, they do a great job at presenting Low as a formidable foe. - Anne and Max in bed; this scene made me sad. In 1x05 Anne gave us a brief snippet of information regarding men's mistreatment of her in *that* particular way, but the scenes with Anne really indicate how much apprehension and safeguarding is there. I don't like thinking about what it is Anne has had to go through to make her behaviour the way that it is. - Flint and Dufresne; scenes like this are good because Dufresne's totally in the right to fight against Flint, both in this case and generally speaking. Both men handle each other quite well, Dufresne seems to be fitting into the shoes Gates left quite well in this regard. The last 24 hours have illustrated to Dufresne quite clearly that he still has much to learn. Flint and Silvy; I could watch them bicker back and forth all day, honestly. They make such a good odd couple. Miranda and El; Put Mianda and Jack in a room together immediately. These are the two most articulate motherfuckers on the show without fail. A question for those who may be able to clarify something for me: at this particular point in time, does Miranda have any 'real' reason for helping El here? I'm curious as to why she seems so calm and respectful to El here. Why would she not just tell her to fuck off instead? Is it purely out of sympathy, or knowing that it would piss of Flint if she didn't help her, or is there a third thing here that I'm just not seeing? - Silvy and Flint; another scene that reminds me of The Wire, in that we forget that Flint and Silvy are only just now realising that Vane has taken over the fort and forced Hornigold to the beach. I wonder if they nicknamed their new location Hamsterdam for old times sake... Vane and Max; Vane, that's rude. You can just move out of the girls way. The dialogue in this show fucking rocks. I fucking love how smart all these characters are, the relationships are almost soap opera in nature but the complexity of the characters and the dynamics of the relationships are so incredibly deep it's like a novel. Vane not wanting to know how to get over El, just perfection. El and Eme; It's great to see her character back, however briefly, to show that El did put the work in to help these people. El and Flint; Jeeeeeesus they did so much there. Flint chewing her out for succumbing to Vane, point blank asking her where she really sees all this heading, him confessing his murder of Gates and using it to explain (and possibly rationalise) his actions against hers, El showing genuine fear and vulnerability in saying "it can wait till the morning", and then bringing Miranda into it all by the very end. Fuck. - Miranda and Flint; "Would you not enjoy my company?" goddamn that made me grin ear to ear on my first watch, I'd have been wrapped around her finger no question if I was Flint in that moment xD The rest of the scene speaks for itself. Miranda is really doing a lot as a character to impresss me, and the actor is fantastic too. Silvy and Hornigold; When Silvy said "Why, how do you do it?", was he directly referencing El there? Jack and Anne; I took Anne totally on face value there. Perhaps I'm way too naive to have done so, but I guess time will tell. Vane and Jack; "still as thick as the moment I found you fucking behind the galley" why did I find that so sweet?! I love Jack and Anne together. Anne reaching for her sword was a nice moment of extra dramatic tension. And is it me or does Jack remind anyone else a bit of Daniel from Lost (no I am not stopping with the Lost callbacks, I never will. Cope.) Silver and Flint; Flint deliberatelly wanting to rile up the crew, I can't stand the way he looks upon them so often. Miranda and Flint flashback; I wonder if the driver thinks to himself "what the hell is going on back there?", or maybe he just thinks "every damn week..." lmao Miranda and Flint today; I take it that those kids were just in Flint's head, and not actually real? I never actually questioned until now whether or not Miranda had had children prior to her having to leave for Nassau. - Low and Vane; I'll admit that I fell hook line and sinker for this scene. I totally thought that Vane honestly wanted to strike up a deal with Vane. Also when we first saw the crewmen swimming underwater, I was convinced it was Jack and Anne at first :') "Mr. Holmes doesn't work here anymore", holy shit. I'm in no way whatsoever doubting the writing at all, but during that split second where it appears 50 / 50 as to whether Low or Vane lost the fight, if the reveal had been Vane's held being held by Low, that would have been a real shocker. He most likely would have then been killed by the crew (though, you never know, perhaps they may have been incredibly impressed by Low's ability in that moment), but for us to then have to pick-up the pieces of Vane being slaughtered with so much of the episode (and series) still left to go, it would have amazing. - Scott and El; I'm glad we're seeing more of Scott. He looks so different with short hair! I'm... not 100% sure what Scott was getting at, is he low-key implying that staying on Flint's side is the right decision if it's one she's able to commit to? I doubt this will be the last time these two converse so I'll move on for now. El and the crowd; Gotta give props to the penmanship. I assume Vane got one of the other men to write that down, but the letters are well spaced and very legible. Props! Vane and El; Jesus Christ this show was made for the bi folks wasn't it? 10/10. Jack and Anne (and Max lol); I'm glad to see that there's an air of reconciliation to Anne, her character is really proving to be a lot more complex than I originally thought. The very slow reveal of her character over time is exciting, but very sad as well of course. I really don't like to dwell on what it is she may have had to endure, and what it is that Max is helping her work through. I mentioned before that at this point in time Jack is my favourite character. I really hope his ethics as a character don't diminish, as he truly does care about Anne (or at least it seems that way). I guess the future conflict(s) with Max will reveal Jack's true nature also. Vane and El; Oh, Vane is going to die isn't he? :( They made such a point of how dangerous this all it that he can't NOT die. And I like hiiiiiim :( Silvy and Flint; Fucking hell, Flint is committed. The story is *really* starting to kick off now. And Miranda picking up the book the next morning? Though I doubt this would happen, it would be incredible if Flint died smack dab in the middle of this season, or by the season end at least. All the build up and tragedy, seeing him sink lower and lower into his narrow-minded pursuit of relief. It would be a perfectly tragic storyline, to see him completely unravel at the seems, to see the life drain from him as a result of grasping so hard to both the past and future. I say that it's unlikely to happen as the way people have been talking in the comments implies that he's going to live past season 2 (a reason why I'm no longer peeping the comments as heavily as I did when the show began, I want to go in unbaised), but nonetheless I think that killing Flint by the end of the season at least would be the most appropriate for how weakened he is as a character at this stage.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Of course the kids were real. Never heard of anyone questioning if they werenā€™t until today lol Miranda was entertaining company, possibly the Underhills. Flint didnā€™t go in probably because he didnā€™t want to ruin her evening, and good mood. He does have a reputation. The guests would probably leave. lol. And I canā€™t say that Jack reminds me of Daniel. At all. Theyre both pretty smart, I guess, but that would be the only similarity. And Iā€™ve never heard anyone think that Flint was weak at this point either. Itā€™s definitely a different take than Iā€™ve ever seen from anyone else; wanting Flint to die by midseason? Lol And as much as we all love Jack, you do have to remember that heā€™s a pirate. Not only that but he was quartermaster to Vane and his dickhead crew. So, heā€™s about as ethical as everyone else on the island, he just treats Anne well because he loves her.

JR Reed

A lot of the comments here focus on Vane killing Lowe for Elanor but there is also another reason. Vane wasnt lying to Lowe, he does need a ship and recall when he first went back to where he rose from the dead, he told the men they are pirates who belong at sea. Part of his goal for this crew is to get a ship and sail the seas. This is the perfect plan to do so. Take out a captain no one likes, claim their ship, help Elanor, plus they get Lowe's "treasure" and keep his crew happy all at the same time. Now he doesnt "need" the fort, but it gives him power leverage over the island. The dialog and convo between Vane and Lowe is hilarious when he ends it with Mr Holmes doesnt work here any more. We also have the puzzle pieces that will move these characters going forward and you can see the lines that lead to the end of the season when you look back. Vane's choice to tell Elanor about the girl and who she is being a major piece that will lead to disaster for some and heart break for others. But also some badass moments for our characters that are very enjoyable to watch.