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HH Episode 85

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Q3rf Neym


Q3rf Neym

Was waiting for this one! 😭








Yeah, we were refreshing for this one.


EXCITED! Edit: omg I need my food to come faster!


Pitou is truly terrifying

Dario Campos

wtf cat girl is serious shit

Jack SV

Their expression in the thumbnail says everything that needs to be said about this episode lol I’m still gonna play the video.


I always arrive at the perfect time lol even without the notifications


Damn this was a rough week for y'all lmao. First Omar, then Kite X____X


"you are light"...the most beautiful words ever said to someone 😭😭😭 I'm so happy you're watching this show

Payam Sharifi

Oh fuck oh fuck it's here, it's time, I'm gonna lose my mind


aww I laughed so hard when Milena cried at Killua covering Gon with his shirt, and Lola laughing too


milena crying when she saw that killua covered gon with his shirt is sooo real lol.


Pitou is terrifying af. One moment she a housecat. The next second a wild tiger


Shock value of the ep aside, it's beautiful how Gon and Killua both save each other from themselves in their own way. As Bisky said, the perfect team

Kya Colosseum

Lola's point about how the hunters reminded her slightly of the ants ties back to all the references to "hunting" the chimera ants have been making on their food runs, especially during Ponzu's murder. Think it was very deliberate on Togashi's part to draw comparisons between a group of humans singlemindedly "hunting" for their desires, and a group of bloodthirsty monsters hunting for human flesh. We've seen throughout the show that hunters are extremely selfish characters, and the harm this can cause to innocents who happen to fall into their path. In that sense the ants aren't too different all things considered, they're just fighting for the one thing they desperately want to achieve.


I love how the show makes you believe that Kite is alive after showing Gon's perspective about the whole situation, even Killua who was feeling pretty defeated and hopeless could smile at that moment, but in the next scene we see Pitou holding Kite's head, and the narrator says absolutely nothing. This is just the writter saying "Did you think he was alive? Well, I'm sorry lol".


That's Kite's head in her hands.


Killua has my whole heart, I can never watch that scene with him and Gon without getting misty-eyed 😩

Shivering King Banana

No Milena you were right the first time that's exactly how I typed out that comment.


"Gon you are light. Sometimes you shine so brightly, I must look away" I can't with these two ❤️‍🩹


"Gon you are Light" who else sobbed...


NOT THE GON YOU ARE LIGHT i love my children

the chosen one

Bisky and the reinforcements are definitely stronger than kite


Imagine having the closest thing to a father figure to you tell you “Improve your Nen to get strong & if it’s weak the ants will eat you” and then gets murder by an ant.


My sweet boys 😭😭😭😭

Daniel Gonzalez

Gon you are light 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

William Clinton

"This ending is worse than the previous one" had me rolling

carl houlihan

So funny to hear the girls talk about people getting angry about their first impressions of characters and Morel being introduced this episode, one of my top 3 in the show and seeing their first impression of him... lol loved it!

carl houlihan

Seriously one of my fav scenes of the entire show, it just perfectly encapsulates the two characters.

Ben G

love hurts so bad 😭😭😭


Killua's love for Gon is one of the most beautifully displayed I've ever seen in anime. Their relationship is ❤️




Morel is my GOAT in HunterxHUnter , Definition of an OG

Payam Sharifi

I think I have every moment of this episode from the point where Pitou senses Kite's presence burned into my memory for life. One of many parts of this arc that I get teary eyed just thinking about

Hussain Ghazaly

Netero Top GigAChad <3, The real Arc Has begin ((:

Kevin Inoj Perez

It's kinda interesting that when Kite got his weapon against Neferpitou, it's the first time we heard him not say "bad spin" compared to all previous times facing enemies.

Kya Colosseum

As someone else said on another reaction, the bad spin comments might have been Kite's way of goading the clown into always making his next spin a good one. It's likely he knew there were going to be no more spins after this, so there was no need for his usual put downs.


Kite always says "bad spin" because it means he needs to use it = kill someone, but he doesn't like to kill. If you think about it, the spin was always great and perfectly suited the situation. But in this case he basically saving the world.


I love how you ignored Kite's head on Pitou's lap at the end of the episode 🤭


When Milena started crying because Killua put his shirt on top of Gon 🥲

Kevin Inoj Perez

Terry. That's less likely. He said bad spins to both the scythe and the gun. The scythe has one technique. Slash everything around him. Yep, that's pretty bad if it's one use and everything around you is a target. The gun, on the other hand, he can use to just shoot wherever, I believe. It doesn't have to kill everything around him but still, it's a bad spin for him.


I love your discussion on Gon and Killua's personalities and their compatibility

Nazerke K

After Gon hoped Kite was alive, I also had some hope, but they destroyed everything in a second 🫠