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Yes yes yes


If it is possible , try to watch the next two episode ( 84,85 ) together , you’re gonna love it 🔥


well, again, nothing to do with hxh but here's the tattoo. thanks for the input :) https://twitter.com/dykeinspace/status/1729275091207242029?t=TcLYY33y4rjZtmMeSMdbeg&s=19

Dario Campos

daily reminder that no one cares about your opinion of the arc, let them have their theories, they don't have all the info you got, stop thinking they misinterpreted stuff, we all did when watching for the first time, thanks.


I forgot how good this episode is


This arc is a rollercoaster that doesn't let go. Also it induces a lot of stress, lots of other reactors said so. If you were like some of us who had to wait for a new episode every week, the anticipation beat the stress lol


thanks. it's also a panel from the manga but i decided to forgo the speech bubbles or it would be too much. it's already bigger than what i was thinking when i went to get it 😂


Haven't listened to your full discussion yet so I apologize if you already understand but I think what Kite means with Gon's reasoning being dangerous is that he thinks it's necessary for them to have no sympathy regardless of how the ants behave. Gon says he has no sympathy because they call each other trash, implying that he'd gain sympathy if they didn't, which would make him worse at fighting them.


The image of the Ant hierarchy looked similar to a Bagua https://imgur.com/a/2Ed6hVg They symbolize the nature of the universe being composed of mutually opposing forces


Thank you!


well, you could binge the entire rest of the show and upload the videos throughout the months


Yes, this is what is “dangerous” about Gon’s view, for Kite: his lack of sympathy for the Ants DEPENDS on them behaving inhumanely, meaning he would sympathize if they didn’t behave inhumanely. Kite wants Gon to completely shut down any possibility of sympathy, no matter how human or humane the Ants act, because he believes that is what is necessary to win this war.

Isaiah Cox



The Bombers care for each other and they didn't kill people for fun even if they had fun killing people, they are awful people and murderers but they are not emotionless bloodthirsty ants who kill for no reason...they were fighting to get the cards and complete the game. Gon has never seen the Bombers killing people but he saw the ant killing those human "dogs" and technically he fought to kill in the narcotic factory, he cut that ant in half


I also think of the bhavacakra. In Buddhism, it represents the wheel of life or cyclic existence. It's also represents a sense of maturation or becoming. Funny enough, looking at the Wiki article there's also three animals (or three poisons) at it's center that represent ignorance, aversion (anger), and attachment. I personally believe that represents you know who.

Michael Cannon

I think M is correct in her assessment. Even the bombers had love for their own. The phantom troupe had love for their own. To me, Gon values loyalty over morality. He has befriended killers before like the guy at the start of the Greed Island arc, which is a very defining character trait. He can excuse Killua killing, he may not like it but he can look past it. I think it really ties to his selfish nature, he can prioritize people that he can reach emotionally, folks that help him and look past their awful deeds. So when Kite says he has a dangerous view, it's dangerous because if those ants have humanity, if they manage to show that devotion that Gon values, he might blink and hesitate. I think back to when you guys watched the last of us. Gon would kill the fireflies, he's selfish and will always choose what feels right to him over what's morally correct in the situation.


Oh wow, this is one of the most heated discussions you've had lol. Also, I don't know if this helps, but it's said that "good hunters are liked by animals". Know that people like Ging are liked by animals but they aren't that good of a person. What that line means at its core is that hunters have a mind that's more animalistic and that animals look to them with like-mindedness. So if you view Gon somewhat like a "beast" who just happened to be raised properly by Mito, it's easier to understand. Whatever Gon thinks and feels is what he believes goes. What he thinks and feels generally are good due to Mito, but if he thinks otherwise about something, he'll be self-justified in whatever he does since it doesn't align with his perspective. Another thing is that in the phantom troupe arc, one of the members described Gon to be similar to Uvo. Another kind of subtle detail that describes Gon's character.


All I could say is your conversation about Gon at the end was good to have. Just trust the process lol. You guys are the best reactors to watch this show


The discussion at the end is very interesting...I have nothing to say for now, it's going to be a long walk, just maybe you're overthinking about this supposed death (I'm not sure if Gon really killed him) but, don't forget that Gon is just a child without much life experience and many of his decisions don't make sense, or are selfish, we learned this in the previous arc... even though he has a big heart


Gon seems to see them as apathetic creatures who do not act like human beings at all, so he does not see them as being worthy of respect. Kite said its a dangerous view because the mission is to exterminate them, if Gon sees them as equal as humans he wouldn't treat them as the threat they are (he never killed humans even the bombers) The same goes for Killua, he doesnt want to kill people anymore but has no problem in killing the ants, exactly because for them they are just bugs


gon has put his and his friends lives in jeopardy many times before bc of what he himself feels is right.


Gon is trying to keep it pg-13 and not killing the ants but when you leave him no choice Gon does what he have to do. Kite telling him to not have sympathy for the ants would affect anybody when the pressure is there. Remember Killua kills hundreds of people & Kite probably dealt with similar situations but Gon comes from a happy background.

David Salazar

I really do wish you guys are watching the next two together for yalls sake. I don't mind the two uploads per week!


I think the problem that arises is that Gon makes choices that make himself feel good in the moment. He did it twice in the fight against the bombers, in the fight against Hanzo, broke his arm during Heaven's Arena, talked back against the Phantom Troupe (that could of gone real bad for both kids), was about to hop the Zoldycks fence. Really, this whole quest he's on. These things could have had serious consequences, but he's had other people to look out for him so far. He makes a lot of good moral choices, but he doesn't have self control. For weal or for woe. Killua, in comparison, has an insane amount of self control and he understands gray very intimately. I mean, he put himself below the Bombers. That's either very mature, an inferiority complex, or both.


Gon cares more about someone being loyal than a murderer, which is why he forgave the bombers because they cared and were loyal to each other. Its also why he is still friends with Killua despite him being an assassin. Gon actually has a lot of empathy that's why Kite said it's dangerous because he might go easy on the ants if they show loyalty to their fellow ants.

Orr Malus

Empathy means understanding another person's worldview. Sympathy means understanding another person's worldview and agreeing with it. This is important because, though colloquially the terms are used interchangeably, psychologists always emphasize the distinction. Psychopaths are notoriously empathetic and have a profound understanding of their prey's thoughts and feelings. What psychopaths never have is sympathy for their prey. Gon's personality can be summarized as: "psychopath who really cares about his friends". If you keep this in mind you'll see that Gon has been consistent all throughout the series. Even the reason why he became a Hunter was to -understand- his father. Killua is hunting for friends, Kurapika is hunting for vengeance, Hisoka is hunting for souls, and Gon is hunting to understand people.

David Brown

I also think it is necessary that you watch both chapters 84 and 85 together.

David Brown

I also think it is necessary for them to see both chapters 84 and 85 together.

Kevin Inoj Perez

Kite: No sympathy for the enemy. Gon: It's fine. I don't have sympathy for any for bugs who think their comrades are trash. (this implies that in Gon's mind they are all incapable of caring for each other and are mostly evil which we know isn't true) Kite: That's dangerous. What if you find one who cares for their own. (This implies that kite is worried that Gon will truly sympathize with the enemy. In Kite's mind, he thinks the ants is an existential threat to humanity and outweighs the morality of caring for Ants who are more moral than others.) Respectfully, I don't think there's a contradiction. It only goes to show that in Gon's mind, they can keep on killing them because they are all evil. This is not surprising given all the ants he's met up to this episode are really evil and vile. He hasn't met someone like Colt yet. And if he will in the future, Kite thinks that it's going to be a dilemma for Gon's character and could be a problem for the three of them during this mission to kill all the guards who will prevent them from getting to the queen. E.G. of ants who Gon has met. Rabbit ant who promises to eat all of them. Horse ant who made dogs of humans and killed them in from of Gon. Ant spinner who likes to see humans barf organs. Rhino ant who thinks his comrade is trash. EDIT: Think if Gon imagined this happening in Whale Island where Mito and Grandma lives. I can see him imagining all the horrors they've seen in NGL to Whale island. Remember. Kite tells them that the ants eat a species to extinction. That factors in his calculations that maybe, if the ants are really evil, he can kill them until someone moral comes along to change his current thinking.


oh no, let's not start with the "gon is a psychopath" thing now....it will confuse the girls more, and he definitely isn't.


Yeah, I think a lot of this arc hinges on perspective. For both the audience and the characters. It's also one of the reasons I like the narrator. He sees everything.

Jay rellim

im confused on the reaction to gon's no reaction after killing baro. he thought he killed the ant after cutting it in half last episode, right? since he was surprised the head came to attack. he didn't have a reaction after cutting it in half, so gon's already shown he's ok killing the ants. but he's also ok with not killing them ofc, as he's said before the fight in this episode and in kite's worry of him meeting an ant you can sympathize with. the discussion confused me a lot ngl someone help me pls

Kevin Inoj Perez

"You must crush the head." - Kite The ant is still probably alive. 50/50 if it will die. Rammot's insides were probably scrambled by Gon's punch but he survived. So technically we can't say Gon has killed yet. Gravely injure enemies, yes. Definitely. This is how I interpret this. Gon has never aggressed on someone. It's always been defensive in nature. Yes, to defend himself, sometimes you have to use lethal force, it's a miracle nobody died from his punch but I think it's not lost on him that he could kill someone. And if the bomber died from his punch, I think he will probably think that what he did was terrible and try to repent from that for a long time in his own way but still necessary to incapacitate a mortal threat to him and his friends. He will never be okay to offensively kill and he probably doesn't want to kill defensively either. On the other hand, he will probably be able to accept when he accidentally kill defending himself especially people close to him. And the Kid is 12 or 13 I think. I think he hasn't thought this thoroughly enough anyway. So there could still be some scenarios that will shake his morality. And I think it's great to see that if or when those happen.

Jack SV

I mean the comments here pretty much summarize what I wanted to say but I will just add this to the discussion.. Gon’s character and personality is not set in stone and defined yet. People forget he is still a kid and there is the possibility that he can still develop some negative traits. I won’t say much for the sake of spoilers but that’s something to take into consideration.


I need 84 and 85 so bad but I'll have to wait another week for those two episodes.


I think it was the way he did it. Like, the slow crushing, the crunching noises, and then Gon having pretty much no thoughts about it afterwards.

Orr Malus

What surprises me is that they picked up on Gon's dark traits very early on yet now they're surprised they're manifesting. No matter what you think about Gon, there are a ton of instances that foreshadow his evil side. Even the Phantom Troupe tried to adopt him...


I see how Gon's lack of reaction to taking a life seems bizarre, but you could argue that, from his perspective right now, the ants are just monsters who happen to talk. His only exposure to the ants so far has been a trail of death


oh the second I unpaused at 48:50 after commenting, they raised this exact point, nevermind lol


Gon ironically made that armadillo "vomit [its] own organs with a *plop*".

Kevin Inoj Perez

Apologies for my 3rd long comment and if people are annoyed by them. I just like to discuss Gon's psyche. To Lola, this is just a friendly disagreement. If in the end you still disagree with my interpretation, it's fine. We can agree to disagree and it's okay if that's how we read Gon. Before this arc began. I think Gon is a nature-loving person. So I put his sympathy for non-human creatures at 10/10. He will probably never harm an animal unless it's a life-and-death situation defending himself or other humans. After meeting Kite, he immediately respects him because he is his father's student and he probably thinks of him as his next mentor. Having said that, Kite immediately told them how dangerous the chimera ants are when they are small and the ants will devour them entirely given the chance. This probably made his sympathy for the ants at 8/10. They are dangerous but that's how it is in nature, just leave them alone and everything will be fine. A few days went by and they discovered that ants had grown to human size. And Kite told them that this had become a biohazard and needed to be dealt with. Given how much respect Gon has for Kite, hearing him say that humans might become extinct because of the voracious nature of the ants will probably put Gon's sympathy levels at 6/10. Then they go to NGL. I think Gon has probably recognized Ponzu and realized she was probably killed and eaten by ants. I think Gon remembers people so I think 90% he took that personally. He once saved Ponzu from snakes. He's never gonna forget that. Now, this reality of a person he saved being brutalized by the ants probably shook him. I give his sympathy level at 5/10. And at this point, I think he already thinks that he MIGHT need to kill when needed. The first village they see. He saw a lot of blood. I can only imagine his thinking here. I bet he thought that this massacre could happen to Whale Island. He probably thought of Mito and his Grandma being in danger and all the familiar faces he knew including children in his hometown. Sympathy level 4.5/10. He sees the first ant. He's terrifying. He fought it. Even without nen, the ant survived their attacks and this ant promised that it would eat them. Sympathy level 4/10. He probably thinks that not killing them might not work all of the time. More and more, killing must be the answer to some of these ants. Gon went to the caves. He saw the Yunju the horse ant. Making two dogs out of humans. Killing both of them in front of him. Gon has now for the first time seen how brutal these ants could be. I think in his mind, they aren't human anymore. They might be able to speak and have emotions like people but humanity isn't there anymore. Sympathy level 3/10. That's the time when he used Scissors nen (sword) to intentionally kill them. Or so he thought. He didn't kill the ant but Kite did because he thought slicing was enough to kill. I think it's still within his character to intentionally kill the ant. It's a life-and-death situation. His mentor told them to kill while at 3/10 sympathy level. And there's no time to process after the slice. Hence the no reaction from Gon after the intent to kill. To me, given that they are in the still in the mission. Enemies could come from places where and when they least expect. Processing a killing is not a luxury that they have. Had Gon killed that ant, I believe that after the mission ends, he would probably then process it. Now in the forest. In this episode. At sympathy level 3/10. He still offered the spinny ant the ability to surrender. Mind you, he already accepted that killing might be the only option. All the ants before are murderous and evil. This tells me that Gon is still Gon even at low levels of sympathy. Even after the previous events he was giving a chance for the enemy to surrender. He got laughed at by this offer of kindness and mercy. On top of that, he was told by his enemy that he likes it when people barf up organs. At this point 2/10 sympathy levels for Gon and he won. He didn't crush the head. Even at this level, he didn't crush the head. He probably just crushed the body so that it couldn't move anymore. Killua's fight. He heard the rhino ant told that his comrade was trash. Now, sympathy level is at 1/10. In my opinion. He told Kite that because it's the straw that broke the camel's back. We can't ignore all the vile things the ants have shown Gon up to this point. Gon and the story tells us that Gon is still trying to grasp at anything that might make him sympathize with the ants and I believe if he meets someone like or better morally than Colt, his sympathy levels will return back to 5/10 and he will discern between ants with and without morality. This is why I think Gon's still consistent with his character. It's just a kid who's slowly realizing that the world could be a cruel place and his prior stance in killing might need some adjustments and I love that for his character. EDIT: Gon is not above killing animals for food or a challenge. Lord of the lake, pig in hunter exam, fish during the visit in whale island. One can argue that chimera Ants might be more similar to humans compared to animals because of language and consciousness but when some of them are so evil and enjoy being evil, I think Gon has more hesitation killing the pig over the an evil ant. But again that might just be a wrong read by me.

Dario Campos

I ain't reading all that, I'm happy for you tho, or sorry that happened


Next episode it's finally time for one of my favorite hxh characters


It's quite simple, when you're in a life or death battle, having sympathy for your opponent may cost you your life. This is what Kite is trying to make Gon understand. One moment of hesitation can cost you your life - that's really all it takes. Just put your full trust in the show and keep watching - there are plenty of reasons why this anime is considered one of the best of all time.


I like this comment. I hope they read it


Gon was fighting to kill from the last episode. He tried to kill that ant that had a lot of arms last episode, but he simply failed because he didn’t know to crush the head. He approaches each fight not knowing if he’s gonna be able to kill them or not, it depends on how he FEELS about the opponent, which is why his view is dangerous. Kite and Killua are ready to kill simply on PRINCIPLE, meaning they can kill these ants regardless of whether or not the ants care for each other, because they know it’s necessary for the survival of humanity. They are fundamentally different from Gon in that way. They won’t hesitate, Gon might.


Gon has very particular morality and its been highlighted many times across the show. His issue with the ants this episode, more than killing humans for fun, was that they didnt respect each other. Back in Greed Island with the scissors serial killer guy, Gon didnt feel any ill intent to him and was very appreciative, being completely fine with letting him walk free because this guy helped them get stronger. Bisky in that part mentioned that this might be Gon's undoing in the future. Even in the yorknew arc! When Zepile was talking to them about his counterfeit pottery, Gon was amazed and Zepile pointed about that Gon has a weird sense of morality, where he can turn a blind eye to peoples crimes if they suit him. Hes also befriended Killua while being completely unfazed by the fact that he's an assassin - even saw him pull out a mans heart and then proceeded to teach Killua how to skate 10 mins later. So while Kite is worried that Gon's emotions and empathy might get the best of him in a death battle against ants - in fights where hes not allowed to hesitate for a moment or it could cost his life, there's also the added layer that Gon's morality is often times questionable and unexpected. These ants are killing humans, theyre a biohazard, they have traits of wicked humans but all this might not affect Gon's choices if they respected each other and Kite doesnt like that Gons approaching this emotionally not logically


God I love Gon's writing so much, because it just MAKES SENSE. Killua as well, but what really makes Gon more fascinating -and divisive- imo is that, at first glance, he really looks like your typical pure hearted shonen kid MC. I was always slightly bothered by how anime often depicted children so be so wise and unwavering when they're the main character. Hunter x hunter makes Gon's young age a big part of his flaws and the latters are slowly but surely revealing themselves more and more as he's exposed to the cruel world he's part of. Killua on the other side, has been forced to grow up faster due to the environment he was raised in. He's therefore more adult like, self controlled, nuanced in his opinions and worldview. Which is exactly why he is so attracted to Gon's innocence and childlike brightness. The problem is how long will that last? How long until Gon's innocent veil falls and what kind of effect would it have on Killua if his best friend and model turns out to be the same as the monsters he's met all his life? I think that the reason why people like Killua more than Gon is really because they have opposite developpment. Killua has been consistently improving throughout the journey while Gon's slowly losing his light.


I agree with you, I was even confused by their confusion lol, but he has empathy, which is exactly why I don't consider him a psychopath

Kevin Inoj Perez

HxH Fans: Please don't over analyze the intro! Please. Milena: Did you see kite turning into a monkey? 🤣🤣🤣


"These ants are killing humans, theyre a biohazard, they have traits of wicked humans but all this might not affect Gon's choices if they respected each other " Gon didn't fight back at all and was trying to spare his life until the Ant said he kills humans for fun and laughed about it. The Ant is someone who enjoys killing while the serial killer planned to turn himself in and Killua was attempting to change his ways. the idea that Gon is perfectly okay with murder and murderers is extremely off base in my eyes


I'm not saying Gon is okay with murder! Its my fault for wording it badly. And I know he was upset that the ant killed humans for fun which is what drove him to kill this ant without mercy. But when it came down to it at the end, what angered him more? The other ant calling his colleague trash. I think Gon has mostly good morals, but it's not the normal scale, he has his own measure of things, that's what I wanted to say. The serial killer only decided to turn himself in after Gon thanked him and they let him out. He was moved by Gons attitude And I think Gon is inherently a very good person and this attitude of his does more good than harm because it gives everyone a second chance no matter what life they've led before this. It's definitely one of my favourite things about him But you can't deny that it's flawed. Even if I wanted to ignore it, the show addresses it over and over again through other characters so it's a point the author wants to make. Gon is good. He cares about people. He hates evil. But his measure of good and evil is not very normal, and sometimes problematic. That's all


Gon not having empathy was never a thing, he does, what should be questioned is what he prioritizes over having empathy...but that will be a discussion for later, I hope you watched 84 and 85 together


I hope they can go over some of these comments in the next episode, really interesting analyses and well-put perspectives


Kite's Crazy Slots sacrifices reliability for power. We know in HxH universe that Nen is strengthened by conditions - like Kurapika's Chains. The more severe the restrictions, the more power you gain in return. Kite's restrictions seem quite annoying - you can't pick what weapon you'll get, you have to use it before you can use another, the slot machine is annoying and talks to you. But the flipside is he gains powers like the Scythe and the Bazooka which are insanely powerful. Also, funny thought is that since Crazy Slots is derived from Nen, it's not truly random. He says 'bad spin' but in reality, it almost always seems to give him the perfect weapon for the situation. So his power is actually very good just a bit annoying to use and makes for a funny gag for the show as well.


I think their qualms lie not with the fact he is unsympathetic, but that it's his first murder. For example, if I killed someone that I hated, it would still impact me severely. Yet Gon, who is a child, didn't seem to reflect that same impact killing would normally have on someone. Not just that, but the way that LM perceives Gon's character made them believe that he would at least show some reaction to taking away a life. Whether it be a sentence in his head, looking down at his hand with guilt, etc. Just something. However, what they got was him killing then moving on. This felt so uncharacteristic that they thought it was a fault of the show. Another thing, in their previous reactions they stated that they understood Gon having a potential downfall and becoming a killer who would kill the ants without a second thought. All Gon has seen is the brutality of the ants and how their current goal is to feed off of humanity, get stronger, and hunt for fun. So they do understand how Gon would be able to go down that path. But it's just the sole idea of killing something for the first time and not having any reaction regardless of previous preconceptions that they have an issue with.


Sure I agree with most of that, apologies for misinterpreting your comment

Kevin Inoj Perez

Komikall. I did adress that in my long rant. I think after Ponzu, Gon was locked in. The mission comes first and processing can be done later. I do agree that a sentence like "I can't think about the kill i just did right now, I have to be alert at all times" (if gon sliced the head or crushed it ) will help us and the two of them understand. But in both circumstances. I believe that gon didn't kill them but just gravely injured them. The first slice, yes he intended to kill but again, no time to process and seeing kite do the finishing blow probably made him more relaxed compared to the scenario of his slice hitting the head. I agree that a sentence or one scene could probably help and I understand that i've probably thought about this arc more than LM. That's why I understand Gon more or differently than Lola to be fair to her. People could still agree with her more that Gon's actions or lack of reaction are a bit baffling.

Kevin Inoj Perez

Komikall, I also like to add that Gon got scolded by Kite for looking away for a second when Yunju stomped on the guy. That adds to the idea of we can't let our guard down for even a second to process thoughts.

Orr Malus

Predators (hunters) need to understand their prey first in order to take it down i.e. have empathy (not sympathy) for them. Chimeras aren't human and need to be exterminated, Kite has been explaining this to Gon since the beginning. Kite's greatest fear was that the Chimeras evolved to be too human, a concern he only voiced through his inner monologue. So thus far Gon only considers the Chimeras to be mere animals. The girls seem to be attributing to Gon knowledge about the Chimeras which he does not posses.


I am just explaining what I think their issue with Gon's character is and/or the show. A lot of your rant regarding Gon, although potentially accurate, is based heavily on speculation. LM's speculations and expectations were different from yours and so their expectations weren't reciprocated by the show; leading to an unavoidable distaste. Even if they read these comments, viewing the show from a different perspective than what they had originally makes it feel like a different show entirely. Based on their perspectives, they felt the effects of a kill during the kill would be voiced at least by the show.

Kevin Inoj Perez

Komikall, I agree. That's why I told in the first part that we might have different read on Gon and ultimately the episode. And if nothing on Lola's part was moved by my rant, it's totally fine.

Kevin Inoj Perez

Komikall. Added something. Sorry, I'm not a debate bro. I promise. I just like to discuss this part. It's still okay if other people think I'm missing the point. Gon is not above killing animals for food or a challenge. Lord of the lake, pig in hunter exam, fish during the visit in whale island. One can argue that chimera Ants might be more similar to humans compared to animals because of language and consciousness but when some of them are so evil and enjoy being evil, I think Gon has more hesitation killing the pig over the an evil ant. But again that might just be a wrong read by me.


Lola pointing out Gon's contraditions. You truly get characters in general.


empathy is being able to know or understand how someone else is feeling while sympathy is more like understanding something might be hard for someone but not knowing what that feeling is like.


Yeah like he offered an alternative to protect the Ants, Gon just shuts off empathy when he doesn't want to deal with Unethical Conflict, he needs to be justified