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wire is also coming later tonight



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Yeeee bwoiiii


double episodes for Chimera ant plesh


just in time


Love you guys! Keep it up!


Your Eren comparison is how it works, Lola. Keep in mind that they don't always carry on personalities though. It's inconsistent. It's hard to get into it at this stage of the arc, but you asked


Does anyone know if they're watching with the "malice" or "evolution" subs? I wanna know if I should get my hopes up.

Jack SV

Idk why but I blame the Denver Nuggets for the delay.


in general the ant personalities we are seeing now are basically 1 to 1 human to ant with some other shit mixed in. the royal guard and the king are not so much one person but probably a mix of a ton of people and animals energy. this topic will continue to develop as a minor plot element for sure. the koala ant is spitting a high pressure water bolt at his victims which then leaks out of their face orifices'.

Orr Malus

If you want to watch an anime with a wholesome father-son relationship I recommend Baki. It's life-changing.


* PSA to anyone new to the channel : All days/times quoted should be considered as the starting point of a 72 hour window. For example, “later tonight” means the video will be posted sometime within the next 3 days.😂


yes! 56 mins hxh video! TYY <3


As Lola said previously, ants are not evil, they are just following their instincts and community, but now with DNA from humans, and from various other wild animals with hunting instincts, this changes, for me it makes everything feel like creatures that are already born so powerful and with survival instincts, first demonstrate your violent side... I love the discussions that this arc brings to the table <3


Hot take: Chimera Ant arc is the Breaking Bad of anime in terms of: it only gets better the more it advances, character development and characters dynamics, surprises, emotions, everything happens for a reason. Basically God tier writing all around. Even hotter take: I enjoyed Chimera Ant more than Breaking Bad (by a tad) Yes, I'm that "Chimera Ant arc is the best" type of person

Jack SV

Comparing a whole show to an arc… that’s crazy.


The queen is eating 50 people/day now just to give birth to the king. We know that for many ants just one person combines with other animals. About Colt, the first ant born from a human, there is a moment in the previous episode where he thinks about that woman so we can say for sure that meeting her struck him


CA is a show unto itself. It’s longer than most anime (the vast majority are 12-24 episodes).


An important theme is established with the NGL, the corruption of beauty and nature The NGL is a place that’s supposed to be a safe haven for people who want to live close to nature and away from technology If it REALLY WAS THAT then the Ants wouldn’t have eaten so many devious humans and become devils themselves But at the same time (!) the humans would have had absolutely no defense or way to communicate the outside world and the country would be overrun much more quickly This leads us to the question, if humans weren’t in the NGL at all would the ants have been much less dangerous? After all humanity itself is the thing that brings out this joy of violence in so many of them


Murray had to get injured for a bit to make the league more fair 🥲


Damn crunchyroll always has to ruin everything


blame the card reader, milena was trying to transfer the episode for 4 hours yesterday and the connection kept breaking so she used my card reader today and is editing now 😁 i am still good with 8/2, and i think the bench is looking really good, i hope murray is not out for too long but it will give the younger guys a chance to play and i think that is gonna be good


They don't bleed water, the koala drinks water and hits them with a water bullet


I’m so excited for these discussions! Adore the details with the Koala, we see that like Colt he has specific memories and instincts He specifically says he hates people like the man who said “Animals should know their place (below humans)”


They would probably have a heart attack if they watched baki


"How can something so pink look so mad." Lola always with the classic one-liners.

Orr Malus

Just a father and son playing rock/paper/scissors over who gets to do the dishes. What's the worst that can happen?


Maybe you ladies should not look at the comments until this arc is done . Or have a mod that filters out the comments for you .


I know that for LM engaging the community is an important part of the reaction experience—and it is—but it’s frustrating in moments like this one, where someone asserts their interpretation of an intentionally ambiguous scene as fact (Colt encountering his human mother and skipping over her), which then derails or interferes with LM’s own (frankly more thoughtful) interpretation. I suppose it’s inevitable, as LM have no way of distinguishing between a commentator sharing an interpretation or sharing an uncontroversial fact.


Pls put fruits basket on a poll :)


Your theories are so impressive sometimes because they are close to the truth and so funny other times because they really make sense but still you are far from it! About Ging actually most of HxH fans "hate" him, there are few of us who love him and I'm one of them but at this point I'd be bored if you suddenly started to like him, your reactions to him are funny


Whoever left the comment about skipping the mother because she's not nutritious clearly doesn't remember that the the memory of seeing the mother flashed into the ant's mind afterward.


"I want him to be born. when the f*ck is he coming?" well if you wanna see the King faster then please I need more than 2 episodes a week for HxH 😭 Also, may I suggest reacting to Haikyuu if a slot opens up next year? I think Haikyuu is perfect for you guys. I love it so much and I know you guys can use some love and joy from an anime after watching so many depressing ones lmao


The evolution line falls flat and the malice line is one of the coolest in all of anime, other than that I haven't watched the other sub to know the differences


I will actually cook my underwear and eat it on video if they EVER watch baki


I think a Chimera ant could handle a nen user if a koala is capable of turning his mouth into a high pressure water jet. He’d also be pretty good on the saxophone.


Its not about being mutually exclusive or not. The flashback was put there to show us that something triggered him when he encountered her.


The whole thing about the Queen having human DNA. Remember when the small ant bit Killua and Killua started bleeding? It could be as simple as that. Either she or the one who birthed her bit a human, as a tiny ant (before her giant mutation).


This is spoiler (I think for next episode) but a King needs to mate with another species to spawn another Queen. There’s a lot of missing details, but the Queen is awfully large compared to the ants we saw at the beginning. We’re not entirely sure which generation she is, or how anyone hasn’t encountered her yet. It makes it even more odd because she didn’t know what humans were. I guess an ant colony could have encountered a mass grave. Plenty of human dna with no resistance.


that last sentence sent me high into space, I actually laughed outloud.

Kevin Inoj Perez

There's no hard rule in how many traits from the food the queen eats gets into one ant. As Isaac said. It's inconsistent but there are some ants that get a definite strong, let's a major influence from one person like for Colt that was confirmed by the turtle. The Eren idea is how many of us interpreted it. I'd just like add that although not confirmed, I also think that Eren could get eaten and his personality could be spread out to multiple ants. Many traits from many species of human/non-human goes into one, one trait overwhelms one ant, or one trait spreads to many ants. It's inconsistent but there's still some kind of structure to the chaos behind how it works.


when I first watched hunterxhunter I hated all the ants lol , y’all have the complete opposite reaction I had lol , can’t wait for y’all to meet the royal guards tho.

Kevin Inoj Perez

"I want him (the king) to be fucking born. Give us something to work with." -Lola "That's what I'm trying to prevent with these kids (that you two love), god damn it!" -Kite probably


the hate on ging is so funny. Reminds of me watching for the first time hahaha. Can't wait for the next episodes. Seeing how you enjoy this arc now makes me more anxious for the next parts of it. lets goo


Yuppp the comments have been pretty bad. Like everyone’s already discussing themes that are meant for a lot later it sucks and is definitely going to change the girls experience as they read.


Yeah that could also be the case. I was just trying to let them keep in mind that there are other ways for her to have human DNA than being created in a lab.

Colin Huckestein

I actually prefer "evolution" (though obviously original intention of reflecting both is optimum) - don't get me wrong I think "malice" works great, but I think it's also a little more on the nose and dramatic, while "evolution" is a bit more subtle and thought provoking, like it was just established what the culmination of the ant race was so it makes sense to show the action that follows this line as a culmination of human evolution. The show already takes time to explore the negative implications of the rose and what it is, I think "evolution" works better as a sum of "this is what we have become". Just my personal take, obviously. But it seems really weird that that one word would affect your hype so much for what is one of the best moments of the series either way.


I dont know if you guys remember but Colt human name was Kurt, very similar in sound and pronunciation


Haikyuu & Monster are the likely replacements (unless something like Demon Slayer is suggested)


Next episodes backstory is 👌🔥


Man no matter how you look at it Haikyuu needs to be the replacement for HxH and not Monster. That anime is just happiness in a bottle

Shivering King Banana

Yeah I know but I think Colt is so loyal that if his mom was that plump lady from the same village he would have convinced himself to take her back. The guy you're talking about didn't make it seem mutually exclusive either.


@Isaac just based purely on what I would love for them to react to in order Haikyuu -> Monster -> Jujutsu Kaisen -> Demon Slayer 🙏


Wat. HQ and HxH are at such opposite sides of spectrum . The only thing that ties both of them . Is that they were published in weekly shounen jump

Robert H.

I see more of a three-way battle between Monster, Haikyuu and Spy x Family, as Spy x Family is being kicked out of the once a week slot. But no matter which of the three shows it will be, it will "only" last 6 to 10 months and not 18 months like HxH.

Hussain Ghazaly

Please DO 5 EP in One for this ARC <3 <3 <3

Robert H.

Demon Slayer was probably the most boring show I've ever seen. All that dull fight dialog the whole time: "I have to turn left to turn left." "I have to breathe in deeper to breathe in deeper." "I have to hit the ground harder to make a bigger hole." And then those mindless fighting dialogues are finally over and it's on to: "I'm a wimp and I only want girls' attention." "With the power of the beast, I'm stronger than you." "I'm a morally good person and don't need character development." And then when the opportunity is finally there to show proper character interaction, all that comes is mindless "No, I'm good, really!" or blunt training with similar deep dialog as in the fights or a time skip because character interaction and seeing characters become friends and get to know each other better is boring after all. I only remember one scene that I would describe as worth seeing, and it had nothing to do with the main characters, but with a father who has lost his son. In my opinion, it's simply a show that is only supported by its animation budget. Maybe they see it differently and will love it, but I think that besides Monster, Haikyuu and Spy x Family would definitely be more interesting for them in the twice a week slot.


Spoilers obviously - I don't actually care that much I just think malice is way better. Creating nukes isn't what we've become or some natural evolution of humanity, its just another way humans have found to exploit nature to kill, but its by no means the culmination of humanity. It also foreshadows the poison and how this weapon isn't even meant to be used tactically its just a giant fuck you and it indiscriminately kills everything in its path purely for the sake of killing since the land is now poisoned.


she eats 50+ for a single royal guard/king however she may eat 50 humans then give birth to 50 or so soldiers and the characteristics most likely get split among them


@Robert H I need them to do more than twice a week for Haikyuu 🙏 Do you know if they ever reacted to a show more than twice a week?


Guys, for the love of God, put spoilers warnings for any spoilers and if possible, start your opinions stating they're opinions. Don't help feed the confusion.


The opening line of the episode always makes me swoon. It's so damn iconic to me.

Billy Overlord

We just need to convince them that Baki is a deep, thought provoking masterpiece with beautiful, amazing characters and a tragic storyline. This can happen, just believe!


I mean... the story is kinda tragic though its not that deep