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M Salam

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Joe Gaspard

Loved your discussion/argument about how Lola hopes for a positive outcome, eve when she knows it is a futile hope. Puts me in mind of an Emily Dickinson poem: “Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all - And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm - I’ve heard it in the chillest land - And on the strangest Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me.


The anti police rhetoric flying around nowdays is a sickness. It offers no solution to the problem just blame. I wish you'd try putting yourself in their shoes and see if you could do the job better, they are playning with the cards they are dealt and i doubt you'd do a better job. It's systemic issue and it needs to be solved with more money and a actual police education like in other countries. It just irks me when you jus go on about how bad the cops are.


The anti police rhetoric is the problem? not the reasons people are so angry about police? your blatant disregard to the completely understandable frustrations with police is a sickness. If you can't appreciate why then you're part of the problem. Especially when watching The Wire, which shines a light on how bad police can be, you're missing a big point of the show.


To add to this - those who have a desire to protect and serve, and are talented will generally choose a better regarded, higher paying career path. Add the American publics horrible regard for police officers and the challenges they face, particularly in struggling municipalities, and the problem cycles down and down. You're attracted less talented, less compassionate people who are more likely to be jaded to the publics perception of them. Imagine you are a compassionate officer who does his best for his community. Yet you are blanketly hated for the uniform you wear, through no fault of your own. And with the increasing public pressure on your leadership for harsher penalties for offending officers, you won't even feel like your own department will have your back. This blanket harsh regard for officers and departments will literally push out those that you would want to be the ones serving you, and perpetuate the very things you hate in your departments. I'm so glad I'm canadian :P


Surely the policing problem is a much greater sickness than the 'rhetoric' ahahah