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bear 2x06

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Payam Sharifi

Yeah I can't even begin to imagine how one would navigate this combination of mental illness/addiction/abuse. I haven't dealt with this sort of thing directly but I have friends with narcissistic parents and it's made me think a lot about how differently we think about narcissism vs. other illnesses in this era of increased mental health awareness, and furthermore how one can navigate that sort of dynamic with sympathy while also holding the troubled person accountable for real harm that they cause. And I don't really have an answer, but this episode made that conflicting mix of emotions (love, sympathy, fear, hatred) so incredibly visceral. Also, I believe Bob's character was their mom's on and off boyfriend, hence the tension between him and Michael (and Michael saying "are we really doing this again" to them and later bringing up that this is their dad's house).


Great discussion, every scene with Mikey also broke me a bit, specially the one with Carmy in the pantry. "I give like the biggest fuck" has so much weight knowing how it all ends up. Sometimes this show makes me feel like I take my relationship with my brother for granted. Can't wait for the next one

Michael M

I was disappointed that the runtime was spoiled for you by a commenter. It was such a fun surprise thinking I was going into a regular episode and have this epic, special moment of television hit me out of nowhere. People who hype up specific, future episodes ruin these moments. If I were a moderator, comments like that would be insta-deleted.


I CANNOT WAIT for your reaction to episode 7. The best of the show, imho.


You and I have different definitions of 'fun surprise'. That episode would have made me throw up from anxiety if I was 50 minutes in not knowing how much longer it was going to last.

the chosen one

I was gonna wait for you to upload the whole season so I could binge it with your reactions but I couldn’t wait after this episodes hype, and I’m glad I didn’t this show and especially this season is so good and the episodes feel like the shortest things I’ve ever seen. Watching John mulaney, bob odenkirk, Sarah Paulson, Jamie lee Curtis, and John bernthal being apart of the same toxic family was like a fever dream. John bernthal has the best performance I think in an episode with so many great ones. The pantry and table scene were masterpieces. So tragic he couldn’t pull himself out of the hole he was in during this episode. Natalie being with Pete is the best thing she could have, her mothers horrible but it’s even not her fault she’s clearly sick. John mulaney basically being the viewers was so good. best episode of the show.


Hello! Episodes 9, 10, 15 & 18 of FMAB are currently missing. Could you upload them when you have the time? Thank you!

Mike Conlin

Every family should have a cool cousin played by Sarah Paulson.


It's interesting that you (and others from the comments), view Michelle's character as positive in trying to help Carmy get away from his family. When first watching it I got the impression that it was a kind of backhanded (perhaps the wrong word there) where she specifically brings up him focusing on his work and being the best chef he can be, rather than getting away because it is actually seriously is affecting his mental. Kind of feels like the right thing for the wrong reasons in my mind, but maybe I'm being too harsh!


I've been 'Carmy' in the situation you talk about, a few times. Relatives recognizing a situation isn't good for me and offering me a break. Cousin Michelle's offer is focused on keeping that door open, trying to get him to break away, recognizing it's a hard situation to . "You okay?" [...] "Yeah, it's a lot." [...] "You can just, like, decompress" [...] "This is, um, this isn't good for your head. It's not good for anyone's head but it's not good for yours." [...] "You gotta get out of here. That's what you gotta do." [...] "I see what happens here. I see how it gets in your head." [...] "Keep going." Trying to view the scene in the lens you talk about, Joe, the line where it might feel backhanded is "I think it's really important for you to keep your head in the game, you know. Stay focused. Keep your eye on the motherfuckin' prize." Given the context, though, all the other lines focused on how bad this environment is mentally, I think it's more that she's trying to find an avenue through which she can convince him to get away. He's sensitive, and it's an environment that is hell for the sensitive. If you look at the parts of the episode where he interacts with Donna, in the first third of the episode it's him not calling or visiting enough, but he was sucked in enough to come back. Then later, when it's him and Donna in the kitchen, she's telling him to go, but the hooks are sunk in so deep that he's refusing and needs to be pushed away. Cousin Michelle's challenge in this is extricating him from that. Keeping the door open, seizing on a tentative agreement with "I'm going to hold you to that", not pushing, looking for avenues to get past the pressures and hooks already in place, like appealing to his professional pride.


I get where you're coming from Joe, but you're poisoned by future knowledge - you know he moves to NYC, focuses (maybe too much) on work, ends up at "the best restaurant in the world" and gets abused by the horrible head chef w/ long lasting workplace trauma. Even knowing that I think the best move for Carmy was to get out, and Michelle provides a soft low-stakes but not no-stakes way of doing that. I do think he would be doomed if he stuck around living locally in Chicago for years. Additionally at this point we have no idea what his relationship to work is like, it seems mostly positive - he talks positively about Copenhagen and Noma and doesn't seem to come home much. I suspect it's the endless grind at the Michelin star joint in NYC that breaks him. So Michelle's offer isn't perfect but I bet that first year in NYC felt soooo good and freeing for Carm, just like when he moved to Copenhagen.


Yeah fair points both! She doesn't know what Carmy has been through/is going through and it does make sense for her to relate the desire to get him away to his work, as that's one of the things she knows about him I guess. I think perhaps I was being too cynical! I have also been in situations like this where offers such as this weren't always made with the best intentions, so I probably projected a little onto the situation. Thanks Wildbow and Kara for the considerate comments :)


please watch cathedral of the sea


I've never heard of this, could you sell me on it? It looks interesting!