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Billy Overlord

I watched the Openings throughout Hunter x Hunter, and they really don't spoil anything. I would say you don't need to skip them, and really I wanna at least see your reaction to them the first time they show up


Hisoka when he met Kurapika said that an applicant defeating a standing member replaces them, if the Troupe loses one for other reasons the boss selects the replacement


yeah they are going to ask who is that and who is that other character, you acting like op are not just characters running around with weird songs...anyway they can save time and avoid spoilers by just watching the openings in the last episodes of the arcs

Mahni Alizadeh

chimera ant OP definitely spoils. And yall will definitely figure out exactly what it spoils in like, 10 episodes minimum lol


The chimera ant op does not spoil anything


Honestly, Anti-OP people telling them to not watch the OP for X amount of episodes would be a bigger spoiler than them just seeing the characters. (I wrote a whole ass essay in the replies to 20 16 if you want to @ me about this) + its literally not even the next arc, can we chill bout this.

20 16

Lm reactions have shown time and time again that they are very good at analyzing and predicting what's going to happen on small amounts of detail . So I'm confused why the low iq opening d riders have such a hard on with making sure they watch it on the off chance they get spoiled . The risk in them watching it is they get spoiled the reward is they get to look at a interesting one minute long outro which amuses them for 30 minutes before they move on . The risk versus reward doesn't make sense at all and clearly shows why America is falling behind in basic education.

Majd Odeh

The reward is that they are constantly trying to link what they see in the OP to events in the anime, sparking discussion and speculation. Nothing in the OP spells out the events that will happen. You speaking in hindsight and INSISTING that there's a spoiler tells them that there is more than meets the eye in the OP. The point of the OP is to let the watcher ask "what if" and speculate. Some will theorize correctly, others will not. That's why we watch reaction channels, so we can see how others come up with theories given the limited information they get throughout the show, openings, and endings. You've made your point (albeit incoherently and aggressively), now let LM decide for themselves.


I agree with skipping the opening, the song doesn’t change throughout the entire show, so the only thing that’s new is potential spoilers, no point in taking the risk


stop asking girls to skip the opening it doesn't make any sense lol you can just skip the reaction


No mention of Squala and his death in the discussion. Poor guy :(


it makes sense since they want to skip it...they are annoyed by it, specially when they watch many episodes in 1 day. What doesn't make sense is people asking them to watch the intro before every episode, that's crazy to me

Max Carter

you anime fans are off the rails...what are these comments? Chill guys puberty will end soon I'm sure jeez

Guilherme Marques

Dont skip the openings they're hype af


They can do what they like, but the OP is the same and there are spoilers so skipping them makes sense. Why are people getting mad about this? lmao weird asl

Daniel Rincon

Your reactions to the changes in the opening have been so much fun to watch. It would be a shame to lose out on it, I watched the openings on my first watch of the show and I can assure you it was part of the fun


OMG I can't believe there are people insulting each other and talking about IQ for some openings... I mean, you've all made your points, now just wait and let the girls decide on their own if they want to watch the opening or not. Personally, I love how they react every time they see a new opening, but if they decide to skip them, it's fine, it's their choice.


Seeing how much Lola is fascinated by Chrollo and interested in Phantom Troupe, I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend reading the manga once you finish the anime. Chrollo's backstory is absolutely heartbreaking. Honestly, he went from okay cool mysterious character to one of the best I've seen. Such a fascinating character...