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For your own sake it's probably best to decide how you're going to say 'Phantom Troupe' because it's going to be said a lot. I believe it's pronounced 'troop'.


Yeah, Killua starts to become the best character!

Kya Colosseum

Gyo: A high level application of Ren. It's where you focus the excess aura generated by Ren on a specific part of the body, in this case the eyes. In: A high level application of Zetsu. You can conceal your aura abilities (Hatsu) from anyone who isn't using Gyo in their eyes. Hatsu: The abilities created through nen. Hisoka's Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise are both Hatsus. The creepy guy's nen arm in this episode is a Hatsu, just like Gido's spinning tops and the troupe member's nen stitches are.


To this day, even in the 99 version, I never really figured out the imagery of Sadaso's face getting cut in half. Did Killua used some assassination technique to make him see his own death? Did Sadaso imagine it himself because of pure fear?

Shivering King Banana

Even if Killua didn't threaten that creepy guy I think they both would have beaten him easily since they learned Gyo. His arm was real slow when he ambushed Zushi I bet the boys would have easily dodge it.


He’s great! But I can’t help loving Kurapika the most.


I always thought it was the latter, that he imagined it. I think it was specifically made for the viewers to get a sense of how fear had cut through him in that moment.

Sergeant Jay

I know you girls will finish Vinland saga soon so I would like to recommend the anime show “Your Lie in April” it’s perfect for you girls.


The last one. Killua's murder intent make Sadasso to vizualize his own death.


I’m the one person who didn’t get into kurapika 😭


Makes sense, thanks for clearing that up for me


Quick question for the girls for the next episode, what do you think are the “fan favourite” character rankings so far? How do they compare to the official character popularity poll that was held on chapter 56? (it corresponds to anime ep 33 so it’s where you are in the story now) These were the results: https://twitter.com/YourAnimeGuy/status/1020801383954407424


Fine I deleted it if it did indeed seem elitist. But really I don’t mean “lcd” in that derogatory of a sense. My favourite arc in this show honestly fits the same definition. Once something is that universally liked I just apply that label to it, whether or not I like it as well. My bad.


since youre finishing vinland soon, you should react to Madoka Magica, Its short and you will love it im sure


Much as I love that show, I think it’s better watched after people have somewhat more familiarity with the magical girl genre.


You would consider CA arc for lowest common denominator?


Ah fair enough. I didn't want to call you out or something.

Payam Sharifi

I love Kurapika too but Killua has the advantage of far more screen time. Like he has a character arc throughout every arc in the show, even when he's not as much of a focus. Which doesn't necessarily say anything about how well-written or lovable a character is, but I just got a chance to experience and appreciate Killua more fully.


Comparing anyone to Tonpa is down right cheating. Unfair to every other character, smh


I can sort of understand why Killua's family was so tough on him looking back. You need a pretty specific mindset to start learning Nen from such a young age. If nen can do almost anything, then the family is right to be paranoid.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

This has nothing to do with any show you’re watching but I just came across a Tiktok about how Serbia is handling the mass shootings you just had, and you should be very proud of your country. It obviously won’t solve the problem of guns, but damn is it a better way than just people in charge saying “thoughts and prayers” 👏🏼


Jay, my friend. Don’t do this to me. I just rewatched it. My body can’t handle the journey again…


Killua will always be my favorite character because the vulnerability he shows is unmatched in the series


What surprised me most is how big of a gap there is in votes after the first two! Just to give some context though, this was only a poll for Japanese fans in 1999.


This is the best advice I can give you when it comes to the mechanics of how Nen works. Stop trying to figure out the rules, because when they are relevant and the characters use them for the most part they'll explain them again in the moment. This is really important because there will be an arc where it will just be a constant info dump about rules and mechanics that will drive you crazy especially since you girls can't just pause all the time for the full length reaction. This is honestly one of the things I've come to dislike from HxH. Tons of info dumps with fights sprinkled between.

Luke Powers

There was a time where madoka magica was my favorite TV show of all time, but I'm not sure if its up their alley. I don't think you necessarily need to have watched other magical girl shows first to appreciate it, I certainly didn't, but it is very 'out there' and I don't know how much they'd vibe with it. Maybe they would though, and its good that its a 12 episode anime, so I'm not against it... I just have some reservations that aren't even that meaningful.

Orr Malus

The fact that Lola and Milena get blamed or praised for whatever it is Serbia does is hilarious. 🤣


i binged all of hxh in a month about five years ago and honestly? the mechanics of nen are entirely beyond me and always has been. its soul magic and it makes weird shapes and thats all you really need to enjoy hxh.

Nathan Elkin

On top of choosing your favorite characters for this anime, I think you should also keep track of all of Killua's outfits and rank those as well. My boy likes to randomly pull up in new clothes like it's nothing, and it's funny because he is the only one to change clothes.

Shivering King Banana

I think it's cause Killua's rich while Gon grew up on a fishing island and was probably relatively poor. Also NGL

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I said they should be proud of their country and what it’s people are doing, not themselves. Unles they gave over firearms (which I can’t see them having) in which case they should be proud of themselves lol