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mm episode 1

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lol, i glad to know i'm recognised as THE ONE obsessed with this show. imagine you end up hating it kjdjkd my name would be tarnished. it was becoming like... sad? well, she's not wrong. but yeah, i've always been here for midnight mass and black sails and watching them lose poll after poll. now it's my time.


the way you talk about THE jumpscare of ep 8 of hill house when i posted it in the comments of the poll just to convince people to vote for midnight mass... lol, one braincell. i'm happy to know you love that jumpscare because it's still literally one of my favourite moments of your reactions and it was back when i started watching you two more than 2 years ago.


If it wasn't for Midnight Mass being on the poll, I would have voted for The Bear.


I’m literally in the same boat, just haven’t been on their patreon as long lol. Black Sails lost again but Midnight Mass finally won! Now we just have to tag team to get everyone to vote for Black Sails when it’s time for a poll again 😂


wire full link broken


They posted it in the replies of one of the comments. Here you go. https://vimeo.com/825647658/8efccf3338?share=copy


The Fall of the House of Usher is Mike Flanagan's next horror miniseries. It's expected to come out sometime later this year.


At some point they just gotta upload Black Sails without putting it on a poll just so it can stop losing to other shows lmao


I'm voting for Black Sails anytime it's on a poll. I haven't seen it yet but I REALLY want to, I just haven't had the time to watch it. I've heard nothing but great things.


ok, last comment, i promise . just finished the discussion and i'm happy you enjoyed it. i knew you two would love the religious discussion. seriously, you're in for a treat. btw, this is not part of the haunting series. the haunting won't have a thrid installment sadly, we can thank netflix for that... fucking netflix. i'm so glad he said fuck off to neflix and now is going to work with prime. anyway, midnight mass is a show on it's own, nothing to do with the haunting, but they share actors because mike loves working with the same actors. the cast of the fall of the house of usher (his next project) is packed. can't wait to watch it, i loved that poe's short story when i read that back in college. i remember my friend and i were the only ones saying that it was a bit gay and the teacher agreed with us but the rest of the class didn't see it. knowing mike he will make it gay as fuck lol and finally, have to agree with lola, ready or not is a must. so funny it's amazing. the older sister is probably the funniest character for me. the movie is worth watching just for the opportunity to hear samara's amazing screams. well, you can reach a deal, milena agrees to watch ready or not (would love a reaction not gonna lie) and lola agrees to make a video with the top shows/characters. would love an update of that video of you two ranking shows.


Get Out definitely has funny elements but its around American cultural issues. And ready or not is a great dark comedy.


What I really want to see from Flanagan is his take on The Dark Tower series, if anyone can do it justice is him.


I've only seen the first episode like you guys so far, but our perception of the priest is very different. To me, his knowledge in the matters of God and the bible I think are extremely profound, and I think him using the "old translation" is supposed to be an indication of that. It's an implication that he's faithful to the original text, perhaps. And I think him wearing the yellow garment was also on purpose, based on what the woman said when she spoke to him about it. Go rewatch that scene cause I don't wanna give too much of my own theories. Maybe I'm wrong. Also, we saw a shot of him sitting in his room during the storm, and the box was open and empty. So make note of that. If anyone has already seen the show and wants to reply, let me know what you thought of the priest after seeing the first episode.

Orr Malus

Except the original text is not in latin, it is in greek though this holds no bearing on the story. Hollywood created this idea in the West that latin is some mystical language that gives scriptures more power or something. The creator of the show was raised Roman Catholic so any theological aspect presented is tainted by that worldview. In fact I would recommend not placing much weight on the theological elements of the story because Mike Flannigan might be a great director but he most certainly can't read a Wikipedia article to save his life.

Orr Malus

Actually let me retract that. Only a Roman Catholic is ignorant enough to think the Bible was originally written in Latin, so I guess Mike Flanagan is spot on.


Noted. Though I didn't say anything about how much weight it has in realism, I'm just talking about what the scene was trying to portray/imply (how I interpreted it), so I'm not sure how your comment is relevant in that sense :S.

Orr Malus

It depends on the writer's level of knowledge. If he's unaware that the Bible's original language was Greek then your assessment I would say is correct. If he is aware that it was Greek then that means the priest character himself lied or made a blunder which is an indication that something's up story-wise. I personally think it's the former.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

He never says the original bible was written in Latin. Just that the new missal is closer to the original Latin copy they had. A lot of churches have a Latin copy of the bible. Pretty old ones as that is what is was originally translated into. At no point does he say that the original bible was written in Latin. I think he was using the “old translations” because that is something from his past that brings him comfort. He probably used the “old translations” a lot when he first became a priest (is that too spoilery) And I think the gold garment was definitely worn on purpose by him, he saw that day as a special one. Any show that delves into theological discussions is going to be “tainted” by the world views, beliefs and upbringing of the writers and creators. I very much enjoyed Mikes take on these discussions. As an atheist I adore Riley’s/Mikes current worldview/beliefs


I just imagined you making like 50 accounts to give Midnight Mass extra votes to win :P


@Camzeee funny how you think that as i weren't broke lol if i were rich i probably would have done that ngl.


I mean Greek isn't the original language either. And the standard Roman Catholic mass was in Latin until 1965. The Eastern Catholic church used Greek, but aside from areas with a lot of Greek or Ukrainian immigrants, you don't see it in the US a lot.

Orr Malus

@Jezabel. That's a fair point. I didn't know Roman Catholics had a missal. The Bible itself is a liturgical document so I assumed he was talking about that not some new specific Roman Catholic thing which would have been by definition originally in Latin.


My knowledge of Catholicism is academic rather than from experience (I'm Jewish), but the reason Riley sits back is because if someone has committed a mortal sin, they are barred from sacraments like communion until they confess and are given absolution. Midnight Mass's dialogue style is probably one of the more divisive elements of the show. Although Flannigan started writing it as a novel, it reminds me of a stage play and a soliloquy, showing the characters thoughts without directly addressing the audience. I like it, but I get why it would turn some people off. Much like Bly, most of the horror in the first episode is derived from making the viewer super uncomfortable. Riley is someone who used to belong here and is treated like an outsider by everyone except his mom and Erin. Father Paul is an outsider who is welcomed by most of the town. I think everyone knows a Bev, no matter your cultural or religious upbringing. She's up in everyone's business and holds her position over everyone else.


Correctemundo! I came out as an atheist in high school but was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school so it’s all I knew. (Lol I’m such a huge Lord of the Rings fan, as an 11 yr I weighed Ian McKellen against a lifetime of homophobic brainwashing and I was like ‘’mmmm I choose McKellen”. My friend and I played phone tag while we watched this show, her Jewish and me atheist former Catholic. I kept leaving her voicemails being like AHHH THE SACRAMENT I NAILED IT 100% AFTER 10 YR GAP. Bitter they changed the wording a little. I’ve been to a few masses for weddings and it’s not the same. The time people say to the priest “and also with you” was 👌🏼flawless. Now it’s a mumble that is 80% the new wording and 20% confused people like me. Even if Riley isn’t supposed to take the Eucharist by church law for his mortal sin Without confession, I sympathy for him because you’re not supposed to take it if you aren’t Catholic. the church still claims us, not just “non practicing Catholics “ (people who just don’t care much religion but go along) but the church also claims atheists who went thru Confirmation (the worlds lamest coming of age ceremony LAMEST). for us to not be considered Catholic in their eyes we have to be excommunicated, but that’s 👎🏼 my family is starting to think, after 10 yrs and increased happiness about the spiritual, that my atheist miiight not be a fad. Whatever the Church thinks, you define yourself. you should feel free not taking the sacrament.


I used to go to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. I have a issue, if I had money or didnt live in America I’d have my circadian rhythm diagnosed for accommodation or something. But the only time I ever enjoyed church was midnight mass because, as a tiny 6 yr old kid hopping up in down in itchy white stockings and a red velvet dress, I was like “EVERYONES AWAKE WHILE IM AWAKE! THIS IS RAD! Is this how other people live?!??”

Orr Malus

I think you hit the nail on its head. It's a 7h movie with stage play level dialogue. Stage plays need soliloquies because of its single stage/pov limitation but with clever cinematography the audience members can easily infer for themselves what's going on in the character's head. All the audience needs to understand that Riley had a crisis of faith is have him accidentally get into an argument with his father about church, then have the pregnant woman make some quip about him being an alter boy. The following endless monologues are pointless and border on satirical. They might as well have looked directly at the camera as if interviewed by a documentary film crew, The Office style.


Would love if you guys watched The Bear! I think Milena could have fun with Read or Not! The humor alone is so good

Liam Wave

I might be in the minority on this one but this show bored me to death lol

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-13 01:25:43 HOHH > Midnight Mass > HOBM > Midnight Club
2023-05-12 03:37:00 HOHH > Midnight Mass > HOBM > Midnight Club

HOHH > Midnight Mass > HOBM > Midnight Club

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

You didn’t know Roman Catholics had a missal when a missal is literally a book that contains the texts that used during mass?? Maybe you should not shit on the writers level of Christian knowledge when yours is clearly lacking 🤷🏼

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

This is definitely Mikes best show after Hill House. I cried way more with this one than Hill House too. Like, sobbing mess through some of it.

Spencer Wattamaniuk

Same, I'm cool with monologues granted they're well-written and delivered but this show has way too many of them.