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the wire 104

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To clarify some of the names, Santangelo is the white haired man who was in the first couple of episodes, major Rawls (Jimmy's boss who he hates) was talking to him about how he's supposed to be his "eyes and ears" in that basement. Lester Freamon is the smart "miniatures" man. Bunk is Jimmy's partner. Herc is the guy with the bandage on his forehead who you don't like, Carver is his partner. Pryzbylewski is the "trigger happy" guy. Prez for short. Jay is the guy vouching for Jimmy in Rawls office (he's a sargeant and the supervisor for the homicide squad). Phelan is the judge talking to Burrell (deputy of operations, he's above Rawls) about the Barksdale case and meaningless arrests. These are just some of them from the police side. You'd probably have learned the names by now while editing this so I don't know much use this comment will be lmao.


Regarding the storylines with each season, think of this show like The Expanse. You meet different groups of characters and see how they fit in the show's universe. Then you meet new groups and the universe grows a little bit, and you see how they fit in with the characters you knew before. All the previous storylines continue, but sometimes the show doesn't show you everyone that they did before, because the universe is bigger. Also I watched Fringe on your recommendation and loved it. If you're wondering where you might have seen Bubbles before, he's the taxi driver that helps Olivia in the alternate universe. He played his role so well in this show that a real person on the street gave him drugs because he looked like he needed it. He calls this incident his "street Oscar".


The opening with the everyone on both sides trying to move the desk in different directions is a great metaphor for the show! No communication between departments or between service workers in the city, everyone just making things harder for each other A pension is an amount of money received by an employee after years of employment. We see that Mahon (the injured detective in the hospital) encourages his buddy to also get injured so he will have to do significantly less police work! They’re just after their pensions so they can retire. This is law enforcement; alcoholic cops who are fed up with their jobs and do as little as possible till they get their pension, actual detectives who wanna get work done but are punished for using their department’s time/resources and people looking for an excuse to enact violence on others. All of this within a corrupt system that brings suffering with next to no reform to all the “lowlife criminals” fostering resentment for the law Bubs and Lester are the most perfect boys! Love that you guys enjoy them! I think the scene with Bubs and Mcnulty is just to show the contrast between Mcnulty’s life with his kids and the deep poverty and horror of Bubs’ life when Mcnulty didn’t even have a home he could drop him off at


The "mandatory minimum" is part of a system that stacks up sentences to try to force a plea bargain (the defendant agrees to plead guilty and/or give information in exchange for less time) 95% of US criminal cases end in plea bargains, but the court system is still so overloaded that if the defendant can't make bail or is remanded they can end up in jail for over a year awaiting trail. People often plead guilty to things they didn't do just to avoid jail. Sorry this is becoming "Issues in the US Criminal Justice System" but that might as well be a subtitle for the show

Mike Conlin

The introduction to Omar happens gradually. It takes several appearances for his character to truly come into focus, but it's a rewarding journey, similar to what you'll experience with several other characters.