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vinland 217

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how long do people wait for the manga? girls , i will tell you the story of a boy who waited 8 months for a 20 page chapter...


Great reaction and Amazing/Sad episode... Originally when people say Snake and Askelad are the same this episode shows thats just not true Snake cares for all of his men while Askelad really only cared for Bjorn and Thorfinn


"How'd a man this skilled end up a slave?" Well... As Sverkel would put it, Thorfinn was just THAT unlucky... Also you know things are gonna get serious when "Still Blade" starts playing, this show as one of the best scores I've heard

Jack SV

I will get a lot of hate but I’m glad this mini arc is over.. I can’t wait to see Canute and the main conflict incoming.

Vivasvan Gautam

Gardar in his end moment did one thing the most that no viking does: Regret. Him Driving cart of his life, his journey, a combination of a bad decision and lot of bad luck lead hin to such lonely and cold place. Gardar looking himself leaving behind arnheid and hjalti reminded me of a scene from movie Interstellar in which Cooper is also looking at himself and yelling to his daughter "Don't let me leave Murph". And then gardar finally coming out of Marsh/forest, reuniting with hjalti... couldn't hold back tears.

Vivasvan Gautam

Also, director of this anime Shuhei Yabuta and Yukimura(author of Vinland) had actually written backstory for Snake. Yukimura has given the director source material(all the drawings and stuff) that can be animated. But they could not fit it inside in 24 episodes. So probably we can get some OVAs about snake before S3 comes. I do hope we get his backstory. Yukimura actually had an arc related to Byzantine Empire(Constantinople/Miklagard) that he later scrapped. He has said in an interview that he regrets not covering that arc.


I was doing well holding back tears until he was home.. A loving Father, a family man who just wanted the best for his family.

Vivasvan Gautam

I always thought still blade was reserved for Thors and won't be utilized anymore, cuz we never heard in s1. But damn it playing for Thorfinn that too when he fights to protect and without his daggers just like Thors. They nailed it.


It also played during the final episode when Askeladd was fighting everyone




For those who don't know, Miklagard was the name given by Vikings to Constantinople. It means that Snake may have been part of the Varangian Guard, the personal guard of the byzantine emperor.

Robert H.

The problem with this arc for Yukimura was that he didn't want to write about a place he hadn't seen himself. Unfortunately, due to Corona and the political situation, scouting was not possible when he wanted to tell this story. I really hope that Yukimura will sit down with the animation team here to tell us what happened in this arc. Snake's OVAs should come before season 3 though. I want to see this story so bad.

Robert H.

This has long been a fan theory that many have read from the sword. When it was mentioned in the last episode and Miklagard was mentioned in that episode, I was really looking forward to a backstory. It's a shame it didn't fit into season 2. But we will get so much in the next 7 episodes, though, that I can't blame them.

Payam Sharifi

Watching this reaction I started to compare Gardar with Walter White lmao. Specifically the whole idea of going out and doing bad things to earn money for your family, unintentionally destroying your family in the process. And that got me thinking about traditional gender roles where the man is the provider and takes care of his family, which isn't necessarily bad but can often be misguided and become become this very masculine ego. Like there's a combination of responsibility and pride that fed into Gardar's decision to leave his family to fight. The themes about gender in Vinland Saga aren't what initially stand out to me the most but I do think a big part of it is questioning the way society traditionally says a man should be. Both this aspect and the whole aspect of somehow trying to find any sort of hope for a better world being possible while living in seemingly hopeless times make this show feel incredibly relevant to me rn.

Vivasvan Gautam

Yeah me too. He really cares about his subordinates. I suspect that he might have not followed some stupid order in the command chain and chose to ran away with his subordinates but still does not give up on his sword, probably it's his father's or teacher's memento. His story has quite the potential.


i didnt expect this episode to hit as hard it did either. gardar’s conclusion (and its relation to the story’s message) is so much more impactful here than in the manga. makes me very excited for these final 7 episodes

Orr Malus

Notice how they show Snake in the intro. It's a very specific type of camera movement pioneered in the movie 300, the scene where we first see King Leonidas fight the Persians. Then we have his curved blade, common in and around the Byzantine empire. Then we have the fact that he's educated and fluent in Greek and capable of reading the Cyrillic/Greek alphabet. The timeline is way off but there was a indeed a famous historical figure with royal blood, unmatched skill in combat, grew up as a slave, used a curved sword, had direct ties with Constantinopol, and had dark hair with green eyes...


i mean i love this arc cuz it did so much for Thorfinn's character. Ofc i feel for Arnheid and Gardar but it also did so much for Thorfinn's development. Not to mention this reminded him of the existence of Vinland, telling Einar its existence, then awakening to defend himself against a formidable warrior, the return of Askeladd almost like Thorfinn's coach. Its simply alot of insanity and development in this arc for me to hate it but im also very hyped to see Canute and the threat thats coming to the arc


I think its also bigger than that because they mentioned that if the "rival faction" got hold of the iron, it would disrupt the balance of power and bring war to their doorsteps that they cannot win. But yes, i do think part of it is also what you say that the tradition of Men fighting for the benefit of their family is a double edge sword. Sometimes we just need to know to take what we got and not covet more even if its for your children and loved ones.


I always like comparing Vinland Saga with Mob Psycho 100 Thorfinn is a reflection of Mob in so many ways and the stories are both about finding ways to live your life with love and kindness. It’s never too change for the better regardless of your background I love that Arnheid could offer Gardar this moment of comfort despite everything


To answer about your questions about manga releases, due to Vinland being a seinen it’s published monthly. A manga chapter for this show is about half an episode’s worth of content give or take due to the fact Yukimura has drawn chapters 30+ pages long while others are 10 or less. Yukimura also has taken several hiatuses. The manga series has been going since 2003. It actually has gotten it’s anime adaptation pretty late (16 years after it’s initial release) compared to other anime.

Robert H.

But I have to honestly say here that I actually like this. This way the manga is as good as finished and the anime can theoretically be produced directly without any waiting time to wait until the book offers enough material for another season.

Jeffrey Navia

lola was just completely destroyed. i know it sounds cruel but it's the main reason i subscribed, i find it funny when they cry like this, cause i can relate so hard. lol. i've seen the episodes 6-9 and this one so many times so i'm kinda numb now but seeing these emotions from thorfinn still pierces my souls somehow plus gardar's death

Jay Craig

They really woke up that morning and were like 'Yo let's make the saddest 22 minutes you've ever sat through'