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thorfinn, son of thors, has my whole heart


vinland 216

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Dammy Oshikoya

The next couple of eps L&M are gonna be something special girls, so brace yourselves and to anyone on here who's anime-only. Get ready for peak fiction

Robert H.

Don't worry, no more than two years until season 3. I expect fall/winter 2024.


as he should be. he's one of the best characters ever written (in my opinion, i know not everyone thinks the same 😑) and he deserves the world. there's actually a panel of this manga i'd love to get tattooed but that won't be animated for years probably 💀 anyway, everyone give thorfinn a bit of love.


The combat stance Thorfinn does almost got me teary-eyed. There's so much history, pain and suffering behind a single combat stance, and I love how Snake's body is giving him warning signs that he's dealing with an experienced warrior.


Snake looking at Thorfinn’s stance.. The contrast between Norse Warrior Thorfinn and True Warrior Thorfinn.. chefs kiss

Robert H.

The last 8 episodes get really chaotic as all the characters clash, much like season 1. I'm looking forward to the adaptation in the anime. So far it has been perfect. And I'm really happy that they love season 2 so much.

Robert H.

I'm also super impatient at the moment. I want season 3, an OVA season and season 4 so bad, preferably yesterday.


Thinking about how long it's going to take for the whole story to be animated hurts me physically


Just re-read the climax, 10/10. Can't wait to see it animated, and more importantly, can't wait for more soft piano tunes that make me cry


same. and what i need the most is the manga to be over so i can read what's left already. i reread the last volume three times already and i need more. but i also want the anime to catch up because whats to come is amazing and i know people will love it. it also pains me to think about how many years it will take ngl. and i really hope the girls still have the reaction channel and patreon by the time it finishes because it would be sad not to see their reaction to the last part of this story. there's a few panels of the last volume i'd love to see their reaction to 😭😭

Orr Malus

Lola and Milena avoiding VS spoilers for 4 years straight be like: https://youtu.be/zmyDrJJaLoo?t=753


i think thorfinn is the most realistic character ever created in a manga, his character development is a constant in this season, first he totally loses he lost the will to live, then he manages to find peace but at the same time he is haunted by people who he killed, so he decides to give up the violence, and never hurt anyone again, but he got into this situation with snake, and he realizes that to protect others he has to compromise, god i love his character

Robert H.

What the heck. I haven't seen these arcade vertically scrolling shooters in a long time.


askeladd giving thorfinn advice before he challenged snake feels like a parallel of when he coached up thorfinn to defeat thorkell. theres a really similar shot of askeladd over thorfinn’s shoulder too


i think i know which panel your talking about too! its gonna be so amazing when that gets animated in 10 years 😅

Joaquín Calderón

"we literally have to wait a week" now you feel like us feel when you watch an airing anime lol

Robert H.

SPOILERS BELOW: I'm just looking forward to the next seasons because there are so many moments I want to see. Please NOT comment about the content (would be huge spoilers for anyone reading it), but I love this compilation from the fourth arc: https://imgur.com/a/yCsfuNU

Robert H.

I remember first complaining on Reddit that I found those fades to black at the end weird, but how it made them think twice that the episode was already over actually redeemed it for me. :D

Robert H.

I don't know how to describe it, but Vinland Saga is popular and will get a third season, just as everyone knows that Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen will get more episodes until the story is fully adapted. And a 24 episode production for a rather dialogue heavy anime is about 1.5 to 2 years.


@Sebastian not 10 years fjjsksak but maybe 4/5 💀 @Robet H. yeah, those will be amazing animated. i'd put the ones i'm more impatient to see animated or to see people's reaction too but i'm too lazy. but one of them is the panel right after the last of the compilation, actually i don't know why they didn't include it since it's one of the most emotional moments of the whole manga, or at least for me. and another moment is the last few panels/pages of volume 13 (the hardcover edition). i've cried every single time i read it.

Robert H.

Vinland Saga is just a great written story and despite knowing where the journey is going, the story just keeps surprising you and bringing in twists you didn't expect.


i just finished the discussion and please, someone with time make compilation of all the different names milena called gardar because omg, she called him a different name every single time she talked about him. garland and arnheld are my favourite.


please shsjaka first it was askeladd, then arnheid and now gardar. but the way she just kept calling him different names was sending me. but yeah, arnold was hilarious too. the new garland and arnold https://diariocorreo.pe/resizer/u0LiSGgn9H_4Ot_rvxJ6hpG_cUE=/992x661/smart/filters:format(jpeg):quality(75)/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-elcomercio.s3.amazonaws.com/public/MXYG4CKIPFCHNGAJ2GMSTFLFWU.jpg


It's okay ladies he's just doing what his daddy did , throwing these HANDS


It's going to get a third season but you are high thinking it's coming out anytime soon lol


I love this series and I love you guys. Thank you for watching


honestly to me, the concept of a true warrior is similar to vinland. its more of an ideal rather than an actual state. vinland the land may exist, but the idea that its a paradise away from war and suffering is only an ideal that ppl like Leif, Thors, Thorfinn want it to be. a true warrior is the same thing. its a state that Thors himself admitted to not have achieved. He knew what it meant to be a true warrior (by his standards) but he believed he never reached it. which makes it so much better because its just like real life. we cant be perfect but we shud always strive to be better and reach towards those ideals even when we know its impossible to achieve




Fighting with daggers, when you see it now, really prepared him well for hand-to-hand combat. Dodging, sneaking in punches without lethal force.


While Arnheid was talking, I could hear "Glory" creep in. I started to get teary eyed, then the madman Yamada merges "Glory" with "Ahead of the road". How dare they use my two favorite tracks from this show in a single scene?


Hijacking this post to announce to the Mr. Robot fans that the 8th and final volume of the soundtrack has finally gotten an official release date, May 9th (aka. 5/9). Confirmation can be seen on Mac Quayle's Twitter.


I think the show's MVP is Yutaka Yamada and the music. It's so good. I've loved him as a composer since Tokyo Ghoul. It really elevates this story and the emotion in certain moments. The show has taken quite a long time this season to get going. I haven't loved it as much as S1 so far but it has a lot of potential. It can setup something really special for later so I'm eagerly awaiting the next step in Thorfinn's journey.


Hearing Arnheid cry during this episode literally broke me. She wanted nothing more than a simple life raising her child with her then husband. That's it. And all of that was ripped away from her. So in this current setting she's essentially moved on from the past (although I'm sure she thinks about it all the time which makes no sense but you know what I mean, lol.) and accepted a life being the mother of her child with Kettle.. but guess who shows back up? Her husband. So now she's back to thinking about him and the potential/hope that the two of them can be together again. I mean, that was the man she CHOSE to live her life with. There's very few things that are worse than accepting your fate in an unfortunate situation only to have a glimmer of hope be presented to you that you're not even sure you can rely on. It's just so sad for someone who is so good to be suffering so much. Seeing her break down and cry while washing those dishes as a slave. It's just heartbreaking. And don't even get me started on what must be going through Thorfinn's head while witnessing this. He knows that because of some of the things he's done in the past that he's participated in creating this situation in so many people's lives. He even said last episode how afraid he was that Arnheid might learn of his past.

Jeffrey Navia

this anime releases around midnight time here in my country, and after that cliffhanger it was the first time i waited for the next episode cause i wanted to see it the minute it drops. and it did not disappoint. what a fucking arc. i mean this episode is my favorite thing i've seen all year, out of all the movies and series i've seen. arnheid breaking down, voice actor is insane. the way snake dismounted and ran to sneak up on them, and the scene where thorfinn realized/felt him coming. every millisecond of snake's approach leading up to thorfinn's attempt to knock him out. askeladd appearing. every word he spoke to thorfinn, and thorfinn taking up the dagger stance. ugh. chills. i've seen it a dozen times. i subscribe to patreon today to see it again. still chills. haha