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the time has come, we’ve watched the first 4 episodes yesterday and today and judging by them this is about to be an incredible show


the wire 101

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Let's gooooo




I never got around to watching the final season of this show (don't kill me guys) so this is the perfect excuse for a re-watch and I'll even get to experience the final season for the first time with y'all. Let us enjoy the ride


What's crazy is that the first few episodes are viewed as "slow." There's a huge ensemble cast so it does take a while to get to know everyone. I love that you love it already.


First Expanse, then Mr. Robot and now this? Sheeesh


I love this show and love how well it tackles a lot of systemic issues that are still prevalent and unchanged today in America. My only issue is how pro-cop it is at the end of the day, but I think everyone can see how badly that's aged and can be forgiven due to how well everything else is handled. Looking forward to seeing more from my favorite reactors!


I've only seen 3 seasons, myself, so I'm excited come back to Bmore


I'm interested in rewatching this show. I watched it a long time ago when I was young and remember having a real hard time enjoying it because I found all of the adult characters to be unlikable. I'm curious to see if i'll feel different.


If you are trying to think of where you seen the actor who plays Bubbs...he was the taxi driver in Fringe who drove Olivia around in the alternate universe, when Walternate was trying to turn her into Faulivia.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

R.I.P to Lance Reddick, he was truly phenomenal in everything he was in. You ladies are in for a ride with this show, also there will be some things that will be hard to sit through, but like with other shows you guys have watched, just stick with it and the payoff will be great!!!


Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit, this was a damn good show. Hope you guys enjoy it

Jack SV

Without spoiling anything but this show is far from a pro cop show lol


I think it does a good job showing how this failed system creates the deep deep problems it does in Law Enforcement (including enabling the worst tendencies in people and protecting them when they abuse power) but I feel the show doesn’t frame things in a sympathetic way when they do or even think about doing awful things


This was the first big role for a lot of great actors when they were young/younger, it’s like a game of guess who sometimes😂 I think a lot of the drug dealers in particular in this show are amazing actors

Payam Sharifi

Lmao I had the exact same experience, watched like 5 episodes, LOVED it, don't know why I stopped, and tried to get my friends to watch with me so I'd have an excuse to rewatch. I guess it's time that I actually rewatch those eps and continue the show.


Nothing but bangers. This is why I will be on their Patreon forever


Really enjoy their discussion and insight into the characters! Love how immediately sympathetic they are to the characters outside the law and how quick they are to point out the very real struggles concerning poverty and systemic racism. I compared it to Aaron Sorkin shows only in themes and values lol, definitely two very different styles It’s wild how much the first episode gives us! We see that literally no one in Narcotics even knows about Avon who runs all the drugs on the west side (no communication between departments) and the only reason the case is put together is because Jimmy happened to show investment and be friends with the judge. He’s immediately punished for adding more work to the department (his coworkers are also left to do more work now that he’s gone) and the team running the investigation is told they will have little to no time or resources (the department only wants to run the case to say they ran it because the judge spoke up) Daniels is running the case but they explain that he’s in the running for promotion so might not wanna ruffle feathers or make the case even more of a hassle for the department Good law enforcement work is punished and jokes about beating people on the streets are laughed off They make the joke repeatedly about how “shit runs down hill” but already in this episode alone we see how true this is. In this never ending “war on drugs” the characters on all sides are punished and used as scape goats by the higher ups Excited for you guys to watch the show!


okay, just watched it and it looks like it's going to be a great show. i knew michael b jordan was in it and that he was a kid but damn, he really looks like a baby here. i love how you thought about amos when they said it was baltimore but the first thing that comes to my mind when i hear the name baltimore is hairspray and i know it's going to be month of me having the song "good morining baltimore" stuck in my head. also, i know the guy who kept giving the main guy the finger from person of interest, but i'm pretty sure you haven't watched that show.


One of the best shows ever, Top 5


This might be the best I've seen you two at getting names right after the first episode lol