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mr robot 4x12

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5/9 is Edward Alderson's birthday


Domo arigato, Mr.Roboto🎵🎶 The song is perfect.


Very curious about what their thoughts are going to be on Whiterose after they know everything. I know some people have an issue with it but I think it was the perfect ending to her character. Will have a lot more to say on the finale video


Edward is his father 5/9/1946. Elliot is September 17th 1986 :)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F85aHwez4N4 The song for Lola. First premiered in Season 3 ep 6 when Angela spoke to her mother in the flashback. It's original score, so you shouldn't know it from anywhere else unless there's a sample I've missed


All of the dead people he knew are around in this world. It's the fantasy world where nothing bad happened, not even to the people he didn't really care about


**adds tissue to shopping list in preparation for the finale** I appreciate you two SO MUCH. The way you've embraced this story and have come to love these characters.. I'm so overprotective of this show. Being your silent observer as you've been Elliot's these 4 seasons has meant more than I could have anticipated. This has been such an amazing experience and I want to thank you so so much. L&M = ❤


It is a fair argument that the penultimate episode of the series shouldn't just be the prior episode from someone else's POV. I think the truth is more that the whole ending was designed as a single entity.


Yes, all the cars are white and there's just couples walking on the street (elliot is the only single person). Those are some clues ;)

Cody Pavy

I agree 100%. This is my favorite show of all time and I’ve watched an absurd amount of television lol. These gals are my favorite reactors for a reason. I couldn’t be happier with how much they’ve enjoyed and understood this show. It makes me so fucking happy and just reinforces why this is my favorite reaction channel by a mile (and I watch a lot of reaction channels too lol). Lola and Milena are great


Yeah, this is probably the weakest episode of the season for me (I go back and forth between this and 4x10). Not ideal for how close it is to the end, but eh not everything can be flawless


I want to say they're overcomplicating it all with the Whiterose thing, but granted it is pretty coincidental the way it works out


Something about this episode just hits different, probably my favorite on rewatch


Elliot’s and whiterose’s world is the same because is a perfect world…for both of them, for everyone


I'm late to the table with this meme, but I'm sure the Mr. Robot and BCS fans will appreciate it: https://i.redd.it/b6026tpfixo91.jpg


Cool fact for those that didn't know this, but Rami has a genuine identical twin in real life (but he didn't play the role of Elliot's other ego). Just thought I'd pass that on


Ok, I'm definitely naming my next pet "Whoami"! (8:28) Thank you Lola!


oddly enough it sort of reminds me of m83’s outro (the climax especially), i wonder if the producer had that song in mind


Ima need you to explain the Tyrell death scene / sounds (those weird noises), as well as that blue light to me after this series finishes, I recall you mentioning it would be spoilery - but I still to this day do not understand the Tyrell death part even after we hear the sounds in the finale again with Tyrell / the hole - I've always wanted to know


Shoutout to Sam Esmail for the colossal restraint it took to make 4 seasons of a show called Mr Robot, but wait until the final episodes to use the song Mr Roboto by the Styx. Unparalleled. Looking forward to the final episode


You think this is bad? This chicanery? He's done worse! He strangled a woman to death on a roof! And he gets to be CEO of E-Corp? What a sick joke!


this bit killed me. Whoami / Woamy actually kind of a great name for a pet


That was definitely planned from the beginning. Reminded me of "badfinger - baby blue" in the last episode of Breaking Bad. Just that Mr. Roboto is even more fitting in this case: "You're wondering who I am (secret secret I've got a secret)"


Yeah the lyrics are so relevant, can't believe I never thought to google the song before the ending. I'm sure some people did.


It was a dramatic metaphorical reveal of his death. Earlier in the episode, he hears the same sound in the distance and says to Elliot: "Do you hear that? It's the sound of death." It's also another computer allegory - the "blue screen of death."


"whoami" is a computer command that prints info about the current user, that's why it without spaces


I don't want to sound rude but I'm not sure why people want the whole Whiterose explained like they are five years old. Whiterose and her followers (and Angela by extension) believed in the machine/parallel universes so blindly that they couldnt see anything else. Almost like a religion. There's no magic or hallucinogenic gas. Just pure brainwash and faith in something they believed could actually be real.


Guilherme, agreed, in my view Mr Robot is a story about the power of human's mind. We literally watched for 4 seasons how a guy talks to an imaginary person and no one questions it (because of the trauma). That's what happened to Angela too. She was desperate at that point and when people are desperate they tend to believe in things that are not real. Imagine that worlds most powerful person comes to you, keeps you alive and tells you about her plan, backed by science and 30-year old project built by top-class engineers. It wouldn't work for the audience, because we know who Whiterose really is and like Krista said "it only works in a controlled setting - just me and him". And even then Angela still had doubts, wanted reassurance that no one will get hurt. Of course when so many people died she needed it to be true as there was no way back. The point that everyone has a weakness, and even Elliot was ready to refuse the reality and stay in his "perfect" world by the end of this episode as well.


I don’t know if it’s true but I heard that the drawings (in the computer) on this chapter were actually made by a fan of the series…


people get radicalised into magical cults in real life all the time, despite there being no evidence / real magic. some of those cults end in death. people get radicalised into all sorts of belief systems and conspiracies based only on words, images, theories etc. I think the sad truth is that we're all way more succeptible to radicalisation and manipulation than we want to believe, like we all want to believe we would never do what Angela did but under the right circumstances a lot of us would believe unbelievably things.


What are the chances 4x13 is tonight? 🥺 Or are we getting the Monday upload today since things got shifted?


@Guilherme Cardoso I think with LM specifically they're hung up on the terminology of "I'll show you what I showed Angela", and like I mentioned back in the painful S3 parallel universe discussions, they are/were highly sceptical of a fully grown woman like Angela who is (or tries to be) very rational being duped into believing that time travel exists and her mother can be brought back to life, after a 28-minute conversation. I just hope they don't get stuck on it when there's no answer. @Dustywood I don't remember saying that. The Tyrell death is a weak part of the show to me, so it may have been someone else or there was some other context I was talking about


Tuesday is usually Mr. Robot day and considering it’s already recorded I would hope it would be on schedule.


Personally I don’t find it coincidental at all. The mindscape is so similar to what Whiterose was describing because fundamentally she and The Mastermind are trying to create the same thing: a world free from pain and suffering where everything is perfect. There is really only 1 variation of that world if everything is perfect


If I were a content creator personally I would just release them together and surprise my fans. Then write that the next show starts the following week or something like that. I think thats a "better move" than back-to-back release a day after. But maybe my reasoning is too much like a business and they just wanted one more day to edit the reaction. I hope it releases today but I dont plan for it.


@Dustywood That was me who said that. Personally, I just think there’s something poetic about his death. Tyrell was a man who so desperately tried to be important and in control that he had no moral reservations about what he had to do to achieve his goals. But he was also a tragic character and no matter what he did everything he conspired towards and committed heinous acts for meant nothing. After trying so hard to be important he gets to die alone for an unimportant reason that wasn’t about him. And I think that’s exactly what his character deserved. I also mainly said it was spoilery because many people still thought Tyrell could be alive after that episode so I didn’t want to confirm it through commenting. As for the blue light he was staring at, common consensus is that it’s a reference to the blue screen of death that happens when Windows has a fatal system error. I can understand the criticisms but I get what Esmail was going for and can appreciate it for what it is.


Hey @LM, any chance for full reaction upload of 4x13 tonight given you already watched it? :p


I am watching along and think I'll wait for the finale to be out to watch both at the same time. Excited to see how this story ends.


I`m glad to be wrong on this. "It's happening, It's happening, It's happening"


This show is so good man, Peak. You guys should replace it with The Wire. Your uniquely Serbian point of view on that show will be fascinating. The characters are great and the themes are rich