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mr robot 4x09

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Some relief! In Season 3 it felt like there was no hope and Season 4 is tough on the viewer as well. What a payoff


Darlene = MVP


I think there are few ends as iconic as Phillip Price's. Getting drunk and watching your archenemy fall apart, dissing her the entire night is genuinely iconic. Him and Darlene are 100% the mvps o the ep, Darlene carries a lot of the heavy lifting. I didn't realize until rewatch how much Darlene really struggles to succeed at what she wants to do, and it makes her contributions this ep all the more awesome. She doxed all of them and kept them there with nothing but a mask, a suit, and her phone This is probably the first episode to really leave you feeling optimistic and hopeful and I love it for that. Probably my favorite ep of the series


Phillip went out like a boss

Preston Smith

We're in the endgame now


This was such a good episode and it was an absolute blast watching your reaction. The catharsis is truly real. It's a stunning episode through-and-through. A classic 'hack' ep and maybe the best one in the show. The return of F Society, if only in spirit. The switch from Mr Robot to Elliot. Peak Price/Whiterose camp banter. The soundtrack (which unfortunately still isn't available on streaming). The editing! The sets! Ahhhh! When Angela was killed, it was shocking and horrible. But for some of us rewatchers, her death is easier to reconcile knowing where the show ends up. It is for me at least. If she didn't die so suddenly, without buildup or release, this episode wouldn't have hit me as hard. I was bawling the first time and have cried every time since. I will give a minor shoutout to Whiterose's assistant Wang Shu (played by Jing Xu). I wish we would have had someone like her earlier in the show, just a very competent rational person to better highlight some of Whiterose's flaws. I love that they just let her leave without killing her, it shows that people can leave the org without dying. Very much looking forward to next episode reaction!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyx9wWFOH2c Here's the music at the end of the ep! It was never released on streaming for some rights reason along with most of the soundtrack in the back half of S4 (which is frustrating because I think it's easily the best work Mac Quayle did for the show) but at least there's SOMEthing out there


Wang Shu's departure scene was originally a bit longer, they have her actually mock the idea that she needs to shoot herself in the head instead of leaving, and says that she'd only been there for the machine, not Whiterose. Kinda wish they'd kept it in bc it's the most characterization she got but the point still gets across. Def separates her from her predescessor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyx9wWFOH2c If it's any consolation this one and I think a few others were uploaded to YT


I didn't know that about the original scene. It makes sense and is interesting! I think it works in the show though. It implies the Dark Army includes a lot of sensible, hard workers who are just good at their jobs without being super fanatical. Yeah, Mac Quayle (the composer) uploaded a bunch to YouTube but there's no full soundtrack album release unfortunately. Some tracks just don't exist at all as mastered listenable versions. I think he said he was working on it but there were some issues and this was ages ago now, which is sad, but so it goes.


They're aware and mention this in the discussion :)


Bro not them calling me out in the intro discussion 😂 I was just going off the past as a basis! (That being said, I got reminded the other day of the legendary penultimate Death Note episode review. Forgot how funny that was)


Cinematography is fantastic this episode, for example the power dynamic change when Price and Whiterose are outside on those steps. The camera is looking down on Price, and looking up at Whiterose putting Whiterose in a position of power and Price looking small. Once the hack goes through, the camera positions change, and the power is slowly shifted over to Price as the camera begins to navigate from looking down on him - to looking up to him. On the contrary, the camera looking at Whiterose as Price takes control, moves from looking up to her, to looking down at her - putting Price in the full position of power during that exchange. Great episode


Mac Quayle is such a huge part of what makes Mr. Robot. The soundtracks he makes for the series are so essential. This episode was straight catharsis.


Good episode. I mentioned in a previous post that I was looking forward to this one so Darlene could redeem herself from all the plans she screwed up in the past, lol. Although I think she did well in the 4x5 Virtual Realty hack, this episode really has her out in person and maneuvering things around like with the fsociety video which was a great full circle thing to include (along with the top 1% speech) that we probably didn't have since 2x8 -- actually she top 1% monologue was in that episode as well, lol.


ROT-13 series spoilers Yby gurz jbaqrevat vs Natryn rire fnvq fbzrguvat jnf bss nobhg Ryyvbg, naq gung orvat n jubyr fhocybg bs uref va frnfba bar ohg vg trgf fjrcg haqre gur eht orpnhfr lbh whfg nffhzr vg'f trarevp cebgntbavfg fghss jvgu uvz orvat ohfl jvgu sfbpvrgl naq Ze Ebobg. V guvax vg fubjf n favccrg bs gung fprar va gur synfuonpx zbagntr frdhrapr va gur svany rc fb gurl'yy or erzvaqrq, ohg lrnu V jnf njner bs gung ohg gur guvat gung oyrj zl zvaq jnf gur ynlref naq fhoirefvba bs gur jubyr guvat naq vagrecynlvat punenpgre qlanzvpf eribyivat nebhaq frnfba bar Natryn. Jvyq fghss.


4x4 really feels like a Christmas movie (like the third act of one), and 4x5 does too, but that shot of Darlene on the phone outside to Elliot in this episode REALLY looks like a Christmas movie, lmao. I still miss my precious extreme rule of thirds cinematography but the more centered framing with softer lighting is too beautiful to deny


most satisfying episode, Phillip great. Angela was my favourite character, so that's what I wanted from this season.


I can’t believe how underrated Mr Robot is, even on your channel it gets less likes than other shows, same on YouTube there’s less views. It is by far the best show yous are watching right now and I love everything yous are watching too so I’m not biased against anything. So sad that more people don’t know about this show they’re really missing out


out of curiosity what was the penultimate review for death note lmao I know they view the show as a miss


I think it was like 10 seconds long because they immediately went into the finale, you can see by comparing the video durations of the penultimate episode and the finale on their channel


Vg qbrf fubj gung pyvc va gur svanyr lrnu, nybat jvgu fbzr F1 Xevfgn pyvcf. Fbhepr: V jngpurq gur fprar ba LbhGhor yvxr 5 gvzrf va cercnengvba yznb


Even while it was airing it had low ratings. It would have been cancelled if it had not been for the critial acclaim. The great reviews kept it going. It is certainly a very underrated show in terms of viewership. It ought to have a way bigger fanbase for how good it is.


USA (the network Mr Robot aired on) and AMC (the Breaking Bad / Better Call saul / Mad Men network) both have a good track record of supporting their shows. Or they used to, not sure these days. Breaking Bad viewership didn't pop off until like s3, arguably s5 - viewership peaked at 1.5M for Season 1 and by the final episode it was 10 Million which is wild. I think if Mr Robot and Breaking Bad were modern Netflix shows they wouldn't have made it to seasons 2 or 3 lol 😩


Crab I see you sprinkling in Mad Men references under these posts every now and then

Ron B

I was most definitely waiting for this one with bated breath too haha LM are the first ones I've seen from reactors give Darlene smoke for her messups, whereas everyone else (and critics/female developers whilst it was airing) praised her for being such an idol for female developers. 😊 But we love Darlene regardless so it's all good!


The scene where Price says that Angela actually does live on in the people who loved her is still one of the most beautiful things in this show for me, the actor really killed it in this scene


I missed that! Thanks


The amount of people I've recommended this show to at the office (work) and their first immediate reaction upon hearing the name of the show is "So, it's a show about robots?". It's always their first reaction / thought. Additionally, the marketing team for Mr. Robot have literally done the worse job imaginable in terms of advertising their show, for example their official YouTube page is lacking in activity and whenever they do upload a video or a scene they never include "Tags" which are key for viewership for people to locate their videos based off keywords they enter in the search. They also remove / copyright strike every fan made trailer out there, and the official trailers for the TV series have all been removed from YouTube (only available based off your geographical location). It's a shame because it's literally one of the finest shows out there, but it's so poorly marketed / advertised that it's kind of poetic at the same time. They're shooting themselves in the foot basically.

Colin Huckestein

Even just by this episode, this would still have been at least a contender for my favorite season. And if I'm trying to be objective, I'd probably consider 4x07 the best individual episode of the series... but the last three episodes of the show are my favorite part of the show. And the finale is my personal favorite episode, and is not only what absolutely cemented season 4 as my favorite but is also what cemented Mr. Robot as my favorite show I've ever seen. I hope this story ends up resonating for you the way it did for me in the end. And I know it's been said a lot but re-watches are insane with this show. I can't recommend enough at least going back and watching those first few episodes again after you've finished the show, it's just so cool how well the story was planned out.