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hunter episode 12

________________________ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LMreactions twitter - https://twitter.com/LMreaction tv time - lola - skysstillblue, milena - oneofthe100



If you guys are ever wondering which episodes of an anime you can skip this (https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/hunter-x-hunter) is the best way to find out.


lmao, honestly my dream now is for you to never quite nail the intro, love how hard your trying, so close yet so far :P


Next episode is a recap because its the end of the cour. Episode 26 is another recap because its the end of another cour. Thats how anime works. Somestimes they change openings at 24 episodes, when its a double cour anime season. ONgoing eternal anime like HxH, dont necessarily respect that, since i believe it was not a seasonal show


Multiple people are pointing out that the next episode is a recap. Honestly, I don't mind when reaction channels watch recap episodes. I'm here for their reactions and commentary, not the show itself. In other words, if Milena and Lola are fine with watching recaps, I'm completely on board with that decision.  :) A lot of reactors forget what they've watched, especially when a series is longer or if they're reacting to multiple shows at a time. In addition, most people miss out on things during their first watch-thru. For those reaction channels, I think recap episodes are a good opportunity to refresh their memories before continuing. Milena and Lola, on the other hand, seem to have great memories. They always provide in-depth discussions post episode, and they usually pick up on details that other people miss. Watching a recap episode for the purpose of refreshing their memories might be unnecessary, but that's not the only reason to watch a recap. By revisiting scenes that were watched before getting to know a character, you're able to see the same content from a different perspective. Nothing tops Attack on Titan when it comes to revisiting earlier episodes and experiencing them in a new light, but I still think it's fun to rewatch. If they want to watch the recaps, I hope they do. If they'd prefer to skip those episodes, that's fine too. There's no harm in letting them know that an upcoming episode is filler or a recap, but I hope people will allow them to decide for themselves when it comes to watching or skipping something.