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mr robot 3x04

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I see Angela's arch as being a tragedy since meeting Whiterose. I don't feel for her any less, it's just sad that she's allowed her desire for reconnection with her mother to make her psychologically malleable. Am I the only one who loved the Mr. Robot character from the beginning? I know he's framed as an antagonist for the most part - and with good reason - but in addition to having some of the best lines in the show, it's clear that he's trying to help. He loves Elliot as much as either Darlene or Angela and let's be honest, he knows Elliot far better than they do. Hell, he knows Elliot better than Elliot knows himself. Although it's warped and convoluted, he might the the only means by which Elliot is capable of self love.

Ron B

I was very much a fan of Robot since the pilot. The speech he has to Elliot in Times Square during the season 1 finale is one of my favorites.


I think he's one of the more complicated characters for sure, though I will say the screen presence thanks to Christian Slater is very powerful. ROT-13 series spoilers! V'z tbvat gb or naablvat sbe n frpbaq naq whfg nfx, vfa'g vg tvivat gbb zhpu njnl gb fnl Natryn'f fgbel sbe gur erfg bs gur frevrf vf n gentrql? Gentrqvrf qba'g raq jryy, naq gurfr gjb ner fgvyy ba gur srapr nobhg Natryn'f sngr. Rira va frnfba gjb gurl jrer qrongvat vs ure nep jbhyq raq gentvpnyyl be abg, fb rfcrpvnyyl abj vg srryf yvxr na haarprffnel fcbvyre


ROT-13 3x5 spoiler-ish Qb lbh thlf guvax gurl'yy abgvpr gur bar-fubg rssrpg bs gur arkg rc? Naq vs fb, jura? V svaq gung vg inevrf ohg trarenyyl crbcyr graq gb abgvpr jura Ryyvbg znxrf uvf jnl gb uvf qrfx. Ohg gurl unira'g abgvprq nal bs gur ernyyl ybat gnxrf fb V ubarfgyl jbhyqa'g or fhecevfrq vs gurl qba'g ernyvmr nsgre svavfuvat gur jubyr rcvfbqr. Gurl'yy qrsvavgryl or vasbezrq nsgre ol gur pbzzragf gubhtu fb vg'f tbbq. Rvgure jnl V'z fb rkpvgrq. V erzrzore yrnqvat hc gb gur rcvfbqr vg jnf ulcrq hc gb orvat fbzrguvat fcrpvny, naq vg orvat fubg va gur fglyr bs bar ybat gnxr jnf gur bayl vqrn V unq frra gung znqr frafr gb zr fb V abgvprq vg cerggl rneyl ba va gur rcvfbqr naq zna vg jnf evirgvat


Gurl'yy 100% abgvpr ol gur arjf napube frpgvba ng gur yngrfg


True, true. Also... could have it in a matter of hours from now! Exciting. Could also be in another day, but still. Gonna be a good one