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mr robot 205

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Like I mentioned I feel with Tyrell, Elliot sometimes has these almost childish innocent moments that endear him so much to me. I think it's because of the contrast of him being this badass hacker who confronts people when he owns their information and feels powerful causing we as the audience to be accustomed to him having a plan and being able to let him take the wheel, but when it comes to psychological battles he seems so helpless. It's a small thing, but even just him hearing Ray's outlook on life and then asking us what we think about it in the past few episodes... It's an interesting moment to me where it sort of breaks down those walls of confidence in the protagonist and shows how reliant Elliot is on other people when it comes to inner issues.


Exactly my thoughts! That's the main reason why he is so relatable.


is Mr. Robot 2x03 reaction out yet? i dont see it


Yes its out. You will need to scroll down the feed its not marked as "mr robot" which means you cant find it with the filter function.


the guy Joanna is paying off is basically stuck between a rock and a hard place. The government is only allowing people to receive $50 from banks due to the hack (someone has mentioned this already in the full reaction post). He needs money but he doesn't want to be involved in Joanna's whole cover-up of Tyrell's car. He's begrudgingly taking the money cause he really has no other choice if he wants to survive in the current state of things. Not sure what the FBI could do with Tyrell's car either but I suppose it warrants Joanna giving him hush money. If I had to guess, it'd probably conflict with Joanna getting Tyrell's severance pay sooner which she desperately needs as the bodyguard said their funds are running low.


ROT13 S2 spoilers Gur fprar bs Wbnaan frrzvatyl orvat jvyyvat gb guebj Gleryy haqre gur ohf gb trg gur zbarl nyjnlf pbashfrf zr va ergebfcrpg. V thrff ure cyna jnf whfg gb nterr gb vg gura abg zrrg ure raq jura Fpbgg tvirf ure gur frirenapr. Juvyr va gur rcvfbqr vg frrzf yvxr fur'f ybbxvat bhg sbe urefrys naq ure puvyq nobir rirelguvat, va ergebfcrpg jr xabj nyzbfg rirelguvat fur qbrf va guvf frnfba vf gb cevbevgvmr pyrnevat Gleryy'f anzr, juvpu vf va pbzcyrgr pbagenqvpgvba gb jvyshyyl vzcyvpngvat uvz va Funeba'f zheqre. N ybg pna or fnvq nobhg ubj Wbnaan'f npgvbaf ner n zvk bs rzcyblvat ybat-grez fgengrtl naq gnxvat nqinagntr bs fubeg-grez fvghngvbaf, ohg gb zr gurer'f ab pbaprvinoyr ernyvgl jurer gurer jnf nal gehgu gb gur qrny fur cebcbfrq gb Fpbgg


Her words were she was onyl looking to confess that her husband didn’t come home the night Sharon was murdered. Not sure the FBI could do anything with that. She was probably trying to fool Scott (a drunk one) on a technicality.


I don't like Joanna, or Tyrell, but I won't say I'm biased because I think I have a rightttt not to like the American Psycho types (even if they're Danish & Swedish variants respectively). Joanna doesn't need Tyrell's severance money as desperately as most people to qualify as desperate. That stroller she has (which you never see go up those tiny townhouse stairs because it's too fancy to be practical): top dollar. All her dresses, Tyrell's suits, her earrings she got probably in some twisted gross way: $100,000+. I touched 1 item in a LV shop in Hong Kong just to see 1 price tag. Just a silk shirt was over thousands of dollars, I grabbed my fellow poorass bf and practically ran out the store terrified we'd accidentally break something. Joanna so desp needs that money because she's still a capitalist pig even during this major hit against capitalism and she values her comfort over other people.