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mr robot 1x10

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i'm 28 years old and i have never done drugs, not even weed, the closest thing to being high i've experienced was seeing MGMT live on a festival. now i have to add watching this episode and the one of elliot experiencing withdrawls to the list. i swear i spent the 54 minutes of this episode with a frawn on my face because i didn't undestrand anything that was happening on my screen. this is just a thought, so don't spoil me because i have not watched anything past this episode, but i don't know how to interpret darlene's situation in elliot's mind. all the pictures he had in the cd were of their dad, their mom and elliot himself. the only picture that had darlene in it was the physical copy. and now that he's allucinating his family he pictures all of them exept darlene. my iterpretation of that right now can go both ways, she was the only good thing in his life back then or something really bad happened between them as children so he tried to erase her or somoething like that. idk, i'm just really confused and i really want to keep watching but i actually like watching this at the same time they do. it's interesting watching an episode for the first time and listening to someone talk about it and how they interpret it right after. by the way, on that scene with tyrell's wife (sorry, can't remember the name) i actually thought "wow, she looks exactly like angelina jolie in this scene" and two seconds later lola mentioned the same. and last thing. i'm also confliced about angela right now. i really thought she joined them to "destruct them from the inside" but idk if that's where her storyline is going and i'm afraid because i don't really want her to go to the dark side.


I very much enjoy reading your thoughts in the comments after these episodes. It's almost like I'm getting a 3rd person's reaction lol. You're asking good questions! I totally get wanting to binge the show but I actually think watching 2 episodes a week is a pretty perfect pace for it. Binging this show can almost make it even more confusing and harder to remember things as it all kind of just runs together, but at the same time, I think getting the story only once a week is a reason some people fell off during season 2. The only thing I will say is things DO eventually get explained so don't worry!


@Dante thanks :) i actually would be an awful reactor because i usually watch things with a sraight face even when i'm liking what i'm watching. except comedies, i actually laugh my ass off watching some sitcoms, today i even scared my cat watching the sex life of college girls because i laugh REALLY loud at once scene. well, i'm glad to know my questions will be answered because i have many of them. but yeah, for the moment i have the patience to watch it like this. i was ding the same with band of brothers but i watched ep 2 with them and i could barely pay attention to the reaction because too many things were happening in the show and the way it was filmed gave me a headache so i just decided to watch ahead.


With regards to the DID portrayal: This show takes artistic license with the symptoms, in service of accurately portraying how it FEELS to live with DID and experience delusions/memory loss. Since this is a TV show, if Mr. Robot was a disembodied voice, we would know immediately he was in Elliot's head. It would make us just be observing his symptoms instead of being in his head. By making Mr. Robot a visual character, we are put into Elliot's shoes - we aren't sure if he is Real or Not. Overall this show depicts the experience of how d.i.d feels very accurately, especially as it goes on. It just has to use artistic license on the symptoms/method to get that across.


They do a good job of representing it metaphorically - you both caught on early that Elliot and Mr. Robot will switch where they are standing in the scene based on who is "fronting", retreating to the back of a room or stepping in front of one another. It isn't literal but it's accurate to the experience


I'm 29 years old, so I'm technically your senior, by 1 year, and as your senior, I definitely recommend taking some drugs at some point in your life - it will change your entire perspective on them. For the last century they have been demonised and ridiculed, putting aside the benefits of several types of drugs / the medical benefits from studies that are only really just starting to take place now. For example, "Shrooms" are now being used as a medicine to treat hearing loss for example, weed helps with seizures, all sorts of things. At least give everything a go I say! Unless it involves a needle or anything that requires chemical makeup from a lab, avoid these. Anything natural, give it a go! Weed in particular to begin with! I'm a daily weed smoker myself, hold down full time job, have my own place and responsibilities - it's not the "devils lettuce" as we're taught growing up! #dodrugs


This show definitely excels at blending the surreal with the mundane, and it's why I have a special spot for the second season. Can't wait for your thoughts on it too, I've also been appreciating you reacting alongside the girls


This is how I feel. And I'm glad you mentioned that it really conveys the feeling well as the show develops. I made a comment on the full reaction expressing that too -- there's a lot of questions and issues that the initial reveal brings up, and I love that the show takes its time developing them as it progresses through the story Got some more unnecessary ROT13 cipher messages to expand on what I mean XD. Spoilers for the show! Gur tveyf unir gnyxrq n ybg nobhg nffhzvat gung Ryyvbg gnxvat uvf zrqf jbhyq znxr Ze Ebobg tb njnl, naq gung gur tbny vf gb trg evq bs uvz. Ohg gur frpbaq naq guveq frnfbaf qb n tbbq wbo bs rkcybevat gur ebhgr bs pbasyvpg irefhf pbbcrengvba. Vg'f vzohrq va fb znal bs gur cybg naq punenpgref gb nanybtbhfyl unir gur nhqvrapr guvaxvat nobhg vg jvgu Ryyvbg naq Ze Ebobg. Gung'f nyfb jul V'z gelvat abg gb pbeerpg gurz ba nalguvat gung gur fubj jvyy riraghnyyl qrirybc, orpnhfr V jbhyq engure gurve haqrefgnaqvat bs Ryyvbg'f pbaqvgvba vf cebcbegvbany jvgu uvf haqrefgnaqvat, tebjvat ng gur fnzr gvzr gb perngr n orggre ivrjvat rkcrevrapr. Vg nyfb orpbzrf zber snpghnyyl npphengr yngre ba, V oryvrir. V jngpurq vg nf gur fubj pnzr bhg, naq gur bar guvat V ernyyl sryg gur jevgref qebccrq gur onyy ba jnf gur snpg gung Ryyvbg qvqa'g frrz gb unir arneyl rabhtu genhzn gb qrirybc QVQ. Yvxr, abg gung vg'f n pbzcrgvgvba, ohg sebz rirelguvat V'ir ernq -- naq vg znxrf frafr pbafvqrevat jr'er gnyxvat nobhg gur oenva fcyvggvat vagb qvssrerag vqragvgvrf jvgu nzarfvnp jnyyf -- vg glcvpnyyl vaibyirf frkhny genhzn naq bpphef sebz n zhpu lbhatre ntr. Fb Ryyvbg orvat chfurq bhg bs n jvaqbj jura ur jnf rvtug sryg yvxr n fgergpu, ohg gur eriryngvba va gur svany frnfba fubjf gur jevgref jrer njner bs guvf.