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vinland 107

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I find it funny you love the manga now after writing comments like this

Gabriel Lima

Tiny angry viking timee 🥳🥳

Robert H.

This Episode is a Star Wars reference. The Frankish General Jabbathe Hutt is supposed to be reminiscent of the character of the same name in the Star Wars saga. Additionally, Vikings really transported their ships overland to overcome difficult waterways (like shown in Vikings). Smaller ships were carried by hand using poles, while larger ships were pulled over branches. To trade with the Turks, they carried their boats 10 km overland to reach the Black Sea.


This is actually the first chapter of the manga.

Robert H.

I wondered the same thing when I switched to the manga after the first season. WIT restructured the beginning to make it more linear, similar to Attack on Titan back then.


Definitely the weakest episode of the series but now we're into golden storytelling territory. :))

Nathan Elkin

Ari's definitely my favorite. Its actually astounding, they give the best character progression to a side character.

Orr Malus

Excellent storytelling. Especially the part where the main character has a little girl raped to death and her mother killed only for it to never be mentioned again. It's like it was written by the great Hirohiko Araki himself. Amazing.


Go touch some grass you fucking loser.


Guy is trying really hard to take Thors's nickname.

Alex Snell

I love how his bit is that Vinland Saga is this cavernous void of nihilism—and that History's Vikings by contrast is far more morally prescriptive and instructive lol Truly a staggering lack of perspicacity.

Orr Malus

I guess I'm the only one that finds it funny. Nobody even appreciated my JoJo reference. Tough crowd.

Jay Craig

Having now seen the whole of Season 1, it becomes even more apparent how much of a self report it is to try and claim that this show is just bad people doing bad things for no reason. Like you have to broadcast yourself as a complete simpleton with the most remedial level of media literacy to not figure out what the story is going for.


I do actually find your comments funny and wonder what you'll think of for each episode but what you said for this one is the same as for the previous one so it was just boring. While I heavily disagree with pretty much anything you say about Vinland I also find it really annoying when people just attack you in a really distasteful way like KP does. It's just ugly. It is true that you are just a being a troll at this point tho.

Orr Malus

@Rinne Fair enough, I quit VS after this episode for the fact that I thought it was Araki-level writing. I do love JoJo and I, like everyone else, know it's badly written which is part of its charm. VS however is presented to me like some masterpiece and I just don't see it. I did try to peck the brain of people here and I got two types of responses: people who were just randomly insulting me for some reason, and most strangely people who took it personally that I do not like VS. I genuinely don't know why it's so important to the latter for some random stranger to affirm VS' quality. But I do find it funny.

Alex Snell

I tried to engage with you in good faith on the first episode post but you completely ignored me. So I'll ask again: How is Vinland Saga both a hypermasculine viking power fantasy that fetishizes violence but also portrays that culture as bad and evil? Because it can't really be both and you asserted that it was. And it's hard to have a sort of dialectic when your actual criticism(whatever it is) is so logically incoherent. And some textual citations would be good too.

Orr Malus

I never said that VS specifically is a male power fantasy, I said that about the vikings motif generally. Vikings being also bad and evil goes without saying, and a show that drives this point home is predictable. That was my point. To me it's as if Thorfinn were to join the Hitler Jungen and people watched with bated breath all the atrocities he commits during WW2 only for him to later realize that "nazism is bad and should probably stop being a nazi".


That's painfully reductive. Do you believe that if the series was that analogous to your example that it would have captured so many people? For so many years? I've been reading VS since 2009, so I'm certainly attached. It's alright to not have an interest, or not extend any charity and trust that the writing around this subject will have any merit. However, the way you've paraded around your distaste makes for pretty souring discussion


just stop answering him, he's just going to get tired at some point. and if not, well, let him rant, apparently it makes him happy.

Orr Malus

@Isaac "Do you believe that if the series was that analogous to your example that it would have captured so many people?" No, hence why I asked people what is it about VS they like so much. People hint at how I'm wrong and reductive. Ok, so tell me why. I explained my train of thought several times now. People never bring any counter argument, they just lose their minds which just adds to the intrigue.

Alex cleveland

bro maybe u should just stop watching the show overall LMAO. We get that u dont like the show, so whats the point of u always coming in the comments section to just spew negative things about the show constantly smdh. I guess this show is sooooo bad to u that u dont see any great qualities from the show except ur opinionated perspective of what's horribly wrong with the show LOL... Seems very childish to spew things about rape, murder, child abuse being such horrible things CAUSE THEY ARE LOL, you dont need to tell us how bad those things are everyday in these comments. Every person with morals understand this, but u keep continuing on with the same thing and its annoying... Go do something else whether than do this random ass shit. U dont like the show...cool👏🏽


ok, just watching this because I was barely awake when you posted yesterday and could not watch earlier today. first of all, I don't really know much about history in the southeastern european countries to be honest, so i was a bit surprised when you mentioned the bombings, probably will read a bit about it tomorrow. but yeah that must have been awful to live through. you actually got me thinking and i don't even know what my first memory is... i remember i once took my floaties and jumped in a pool and my mom had to jump full clothed to get me but i think i was 4 and i also remember getting lost in a huge park and my dad found me playing with a fucking tree but i was also around that age. i don't think i remember anything before 4. anyway, just rambling i guess, i'll just watch the episode now.


nobody told u to like or dislike vinland saga. and plenty of ppl gave u counterrguments yet all you do is continue to troll and pretend ur somehow correct. for a person who never finished the show you should not be commenting on whether or not its a good or bad show. all you can say is "its not for me" and thats completely understandable. how can you understand a plot or a character development without actually watching the whole show? thats like me watching the first 3 episodes of One Piece and thinking "this some clown shit" and never actually bothering to watch the rest of the show. this show was never about glorifying the vikings. it was meant to show the atrocities that occur during this time. the whole theme of the show (without spoiling) is the journey of a young boy who was driven by vengeance and the horrors of viking traditions to learn about what being a true warrior is. the fucking theme is so obvious from the first 3 episodes. no one is a good person in this show aside from a select few. Thorfinn is a killer ofc. we all know that. hes made terrible decisions. and thats what makes his journey worthwhile to watch. the first season is only a prologue in reality to the actual story. so the fact you keep sitting here and commenting on nearly every episode about why you dislike the show because of the first 7 episodes showing how evil vikings are and thinking that everyone who enjoy the show is somehow promoting such violence is equivalent of ignorance, arrogance or just straight trolling.

amir.cricket (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 00:12:32 out from the review (the one before episode start) i started to think to myself.. there literaly moments i feel murder is impossible for me.. even in life or death situation im not sure i can ignore the brutal idea to ends someone world. yet, when im angry or self defending myself there is part of nature that tells me hurts others might fix things (they wont hurt me, or bother me and if i hurt them good, if i go easy on them they would come back to repay with extras). i describe this feeling in wonder, where the rightness? what human in my shoes supposed to do? humanity has forgotten something, since we born into such rich world of items that helps us, guids and updates us.. yet.. we still struggling to get along, we still struggling over the smallest things- belonging, land (as ground), my god got bigger musckles then your god. instead of being all knowing creature, please comeback to your sources and re-check how much facts u assure of. be good person.. try it even if its impossible to get along all the time.. keep try it since even if you doing something nice instead of poisones act, less pepoles would kill each other <3 i hope.
2022-12-18 13:32:49 out from the review (the one before episode start) i started to think to myself.. there literaly moments i feel murder is impossible for me.. even in life or death situation im not sure i can ignore the brutal idea to ends someone world. yet, when im angry or self defending myself there is part of nature that tells me hurts others might fix things (they wont hurt me, or bother me and if i hurt them good, if i go easy on them they would come back to repay with extras). i describe this feeling in wonder, where the rightness? what human in my shoes supposed to do? humanity has forgotten something, since we born into such rich world of items that helps us, guids and updates us.. yet.. we still struggling to get along, we still struggling over the smallest things- belonging, land (as ground), my god got bigger musckles then your god. instead of being all knowing creature, please comeback to your sources and re-check how much facts u assure of. be good person.. try it even if its impossible to get along all the time.. keep try it since even if you doing something nice instead of poisones act, less pepoles would kill each other <3 i hope.

out from the review (the one before episode start) i started to think to myself.. there literaly moments i feel murder is impossible for me.. even in life or death situation im not sure i can ignore the brutal idea to ends someone world. yet, when im angry or self defending myself there is part of nature that tells me hurts others might fix things (they wont hurt me, or bother me and if i hurt them good, if i go easy on them they would come back to repay with extras). i describe this feeling in wonder, where the rightness? what human in my shoes supposed to do? humanity has forgotten something, since we born into such rich world of items that helps us, guids and updates us.. yet.. we still struggling to get along, we still struggling over the smallest things- belonging, land (as ground), my god got bigger musckles then your god. instead of being all knowing creature, please comeback to your sources and re-check how much facts u assure of. be good person.. try it even if its impossible to get along all the time.. keep try it since even if you doing something nice instead of poisones act, less pepoles would kill each other <3 i hope.