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mob 3x05

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Orr Malus

Thumbnail game on point.


Best cliffhanger in the game lmao. That shirt deserves honest critique my man Dimple spitting facts! Can't wait for you guys to react to the next one


i think one other anime you might enjoy a lot is Land of the Lustrous. It's only 12 episodes but is absolutely amazing.


Cannot wait for the next ep

Nathan Elkin

That show is just weird, lol. There are plenty of shows people recommend, but this suggestion is one show I wouldn't recommend to anyone. It's the kind of show you should find on your own, and watch because you don't know what else to watch and this looks different from what you're used to. I'm not saying it's BAD, just weird af.

Nathan Elkin

I do need to point out that the story itself is great, I just couldn't vibe with the weird 3D interpretation of their gem like hair and bodies. I heard someone say they avoided the uncanny valley by using 2D faces on the 3D bodies, but I'd argue it does the opposite. I felt very uncomfortable looking at a 2D face still being animated while the rest of the body is broken and still. It just didn't look right to me.

Nathan Elkin

GOD DAMN IT, now I'm going to watch the show, so I don't feel like a hypocrite. I tried watching it once, but seeing all the praise online as I'm doing some research, I don't want to be made the fool.


Easily one of my favorite manga and anime of all time. Incredible sound track, scenery, characters, voice acting. I think they blended the 3D effects very well. The backgrounds and lighting alone are on another level. I won't go into details on the story but I think it's incredibly unique and the mystery and questions you want answered keep the pages turning. I'm current on the manga and have loved the flow of the story and the character arcs. I think it's worth another shot and if you were seeing good reviews on it I definitely agree with that. Very well done series in every aspect that stands out against everything else I've seen and read over the years.