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we didn’t have time to edit band of brothers so we’ll start it this week

tue - mr robot 1x04

wed - vinland saga 1x05

thu - mob 3x05

fri - mr robot 1x05

sat - vinland saga 1x06

sun - band of brothers 1x01



It's awesome that you're watching band of brothers


Dont sweat it, we're just happy you two are reacting to these awesome shows


Please do mob 5&6 together 🙏🏼


They don’t read the comments bro, not even on their popular posts


Fair enough, I’m still tryna get them to react to the fmab bloopers but even when I get the top comment on YouTube they don’t see it


Or...they see it and they dont want to watch it. I would rather they upload a normal episode of a show (with how busy their schedule is) instead of some cringe fmab bloopers.


The bloopers are very popular, highly requested, and the girls love the show so they’d have a cool reaction. The world doesn’t revolve around your tastes


Must say those bloopers are not that great, I also love the show but eh it's okay but not worth a reaction video per se

Robert H.

Guys, seriously, enough with the nasty and hateful comments already. If I don't feel like reading the comments on PATREON anymore, then neither do these two. There is no reaction to the bloopers from FMAB, and no reaction to AOT in 9 minutes. You don't have to like every show they watch, but you don't have to mention it under every new post either. And they read the comments, but rarely reply. It's been that way for over a year now since I've been on their Patreon here. And about the upload plan: It comes when it comes. Just be a little more relaxed. On average, in 4 weeks you get 7-8 episodes each of two shows and 3-4 episodes each of the other two shows.


They definitely read comments. It's just that they stick pretty closely to just show episodes and OVAs.


Well said. That's all there is really. Be patient, be nice, and they do notice when we leave little nuggets of information.

Orr Malus

I think the problem is their reaction channel is slowly turning into a "please watch my favorite show!" channel. My point about Vinland Saga still stands: what's the point of having them watch a show they're not enjoying? If they're not looking forward to watching it then they're not looking forward to editing it. Hence all the delays and complaints about updates. This is not just valid for VS, I think it also applies to Band of Brothers, a show which I love but definitely wouldn't recommend it to them because they don't fit the target audience.

Jay Craig

'The world doesn't revolve around your tastes' from the turbo loser posting the same thing in every single comment section no matter what it's for, and getting ratioed every single time by the majority of people who do not care about FMA:B bloopers.

James Long

Awesome, didn't know they were going to do Band of Brothers. Can't Wait!

Jay Craig

You are projecting your thoughts and feelings onto two people who do not know who you are Orr, you have absolutely zero actual knowledge of why any upload happens at any specific time.


@Orr Malus Did you watch their reactions to the first 3 episodes of Vinland Saga dipshit? They love the show so far and this is the first time an emotional part has happened so of course they are crying and are down for this reaction. All the complaint are from losers like you who are mad your favorite show didn't win the poll so you come to the comment section to troll and bitch. Now fuck off.


Band of Brothers is amazing

Sky Alderson

"Please, since you HATE Vinland Saga, react to [RANDOM SHOW I LIKE] it's better in every way to anything you'd ever watch and it wil bring you love, fortune and happiness"


Y’all literally harass me every time I post this comment and have the nerve to call me a loser? How pathetic, y’all must be middle schoolers. I keep asking because every fmab fan wants to see it considering dozens of people requested it. Imagine crying over someone else requesting a reaction 🤣

Orr Malus

You mean the ones where Milena went on a 10 min rant about how much she's not enjoying it and how now before starting a new show they'll do some research instead of blindly trusting recommendations? Dipshit.


Wtf since when LM reactions comment sections were so toxic. Get a grip people or they'll stop interacting with us at all and reasonably so.


It’s the troll named Orr Malus. Every new episode he trolls and bitches in the comments crying about how he hates Vinland Saga and everyone who watches it are psychos because the anime he wanted didn’t win the poll . I’m surprised they haven’t banned him already. What a useless cunt he is.


KP your swearing really doesn't help. And you've been very hostile towards anyone that says they don't like certain anime shows. Just lay off. People can say they don't like a show. But L+M will keep doing their thing and we just want to support them. So just discuss the shows and leave appreciative comments. It's not hard.


I don’t see any Mr. Robot videos. The videos must be Patreon tier 3 only.


Theres not liking a show and theres constantly showing up after every episode to bash it and clearly troll. Its literally him vs all the people in the comment section. Were here to discuss the show while hes here to start fights. Its not hard.


@Orr Malus milena also said that there's a difference between a good story and a story where she deeply likes what's happening because it's wholesome. Don't take out what you want to understand. They hate what's happening in AOT because it's emotionally hurting them but they love it because it's a good storyline. And AOT is one of their favorite show. Enjoying something can have different layers. You can like something as art but not liking it humanly because it's sad or whatever

Matt Peterson

Are you going to re-upload The Boys 3x06?