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so you saw us being so happy watching fmab and mob and you decided it’s time to hurt us


vinland 102

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no answer you, no, the manga it's not done. i read up to the last volume because i prefer the official translations and up to what i've read at least 2/3 more seasons could be done.

Orr Malus

In Vikings we are shown the brutality of the Norse culture but it's to create contrast between the antagonists and the main character. We're rooting for Ragnar (and his family) because they are better more moral people by comparison. There is no such contrast in Vinland Saga.


cbjxjska i did not realise lola thought thorfinn was 15. please, someone sedate me, that's fucking hilarious. ok, i'll stop commenting now and just watch the reaction but please, that was too funny and now i can't concentrate on the video, i'm just laughing.


The soundtrack and visuals.. Vinland Saga is too good

Robert H.

I had already written this under the last video, but the manga is currently at about 200 chapters and will probably end at Chapter 215 - 240. And the reason why the manga is not finished after 17 years is for a very simple reason: the manga was released monthly, just like Attack on Titan. And 200 months equals about 17 years :D

Jay Craig

Hahaha poor Lola I felt so bad for her getting roasted at the beginning for Thorfinn's age, don't worry you get like 98% of things right it's ok to be wrong once in a while


Lola's face when Milena said she wanted to delete that part while editing to save them the embarrassment was hilarious xD


yeah, just checked and in the english edition the last volume is the 12th so i read up until ch.17. in a month or so the next volume will ve out. and yeah, 17 years is a lot but of course with one chapter per month it's going to take forever if you make a longish manga

Sky Alderson

I was worried for you the transition from the wholesomeness of FMA:B would be harsh. I still am but I think your reactions will be really interesting. In a sense, FMA:B is for you what Vinland is for Thors, this place free from the cruelty of the one you're currently at, so necessary to give you hope but so far away it seems like a dream.

Alex cleveland

The manga author confirmed that the final arc for the Vinland Saga manga is at play, so thats why people know how many seasons will probably be left for certain amounts of anime seasons. Manga authors usually always says on Twitter or an interview that they are in their final arc stage for their manga.

Robert H.

They don't really even have to say that. When Eren started the Rumbling, every normal-thinking person could already think that we are close to the finale. It's similar with Vinland Saga.

Robert H.

But I've generally found that manga chapters published monthly are also just better. The authors can take more time for their planning and cover a few more things. The Death Note manga, for example, which was published weekly, has lost quality in my opinion. The author had to think about how the story was going to go every week and had to make spontaneous decisions that weren't so good in retrospect. Moreover, manga released monthly are sometimes real art (the drawings). You can hang the drawings of the Beserk manga in a museum. They are just so much more detailed, playful and picturesque.


tbh i'm not that well versed in manga, i've only read this, aot, jjk and chainsaw man. started fullmetal too. aot i started after s3 i think and read up till the chapter that was out at the time so i remember it was monthly because it was painful to have to wait for a chapter that i read in less than 10 minutes. with chainsaw man i read it many moths ago and i thought it was finished until i read the last chapter and thought "it can't end like this" and there's new chapters now but i haven't read them. with jjk i read till a few chapters after the perfect preparation arc and stopped for a while because again, it was painful to have to wait a month. so in a few moths i'll just binge read it again 😂. never read/watched bersek but i've heard good things.

Robert H.

The Beserk manga is just incredibly picturesque and darkly drawn. Just to have a comparison: Here are two Attack on Titan panels in Berserk style (4 x 22 spoilers, in case anyone hasn't seen it yet). https://imgur.com/a/gcWQAqQ

Alex cleveland

Im just saying in general even if the manga is in its final stages, authors still want to confirm it. Like how MHA manga was told it was going to be ending this year, but the author had to come and say he would be extending the storyline. Any manga author can switch up the climax for their resolution/ending and make the ending completely different. One Piece author does it too a lot


the art looks pretty amazing, that's for sure. but the author never got to finish it right?

Chris V

Oh boy here we go! You girl's really know the anime tropes by now 😅 Love that you're already mentally preparing

Robert H.

Unfortunately, no. The author died last year. However, his right hand and longtime friend is now finishing the work, which will ultimately end the manga with incredible 420 to 500 chapters. But I still find Hirohiko Araki the most impressive, who has been publishing two chapters for his JoJo series every month for over 40 YEARS. 975 chapters have been drawn by this man.


yup this show isnt sunshine and roses

Daolord Badlands

I would say that while HunterXHunter has it's tragic elements, they aren't the focus of the show. There's a lot to love about HunterXHunter, if you end up watching it I'm sure you won't regret it.


"No one has enemies". This show is gold!!


40 years? almost 1000 chapters? that's commitment. Well, at least it'll be finished, that must be a relief for the fans.

Kara the gamer girl from Mars

Hate watching is a thing I guess lol I hope you keep giving us your takes about a show you clearly know nothing about because it’s amusing


The tragic element is that anyone who doesn't like HxH is gonna be punching the air for a year waiting for another anime to fill that slot.

Calvin Delaney

Exactly, the show is great but you would be talking about Week after Week of some episodes that are just fights also. Its not really a show I would have someone react to unless they are reacting to 3 other Animes at the same time.

Daolord Badlands

I see your point, but even if they aren't watching multiple anime at a time, I think it would still be well worth a watch.

Orr Malus

I don't know that the kid is going to go through the same life path as his father did but in the most drawn out way possible? The only way a person can't predict this is if they never watched another show or movie before.

Daolord Badlands

Yeah, if you don't like HxH that's gonna be a bit of a bummer, but you're never gonna please everybody.


I agree, that's why a good middle ground is to not suggest 150+ episode long series.

Daolord Badlands

Sure, HxH has more episodes than most, but if you're just looking at runtime it's not longer than Breaking Bad or Better call Saul. It's got more episodes than them but they're half the length(sometimes even a third of the length). I get that more episodes means it'll take longer to get through because of their schedule, but it's objectively shorter than other shows they've reacted to time-wise. I don't think a good middle ground is outright dismissing a show because of how long it'll take for them to get through it, and it's not like they're only gonna be reacting to HxH once they start it. they're gonna be reacting to other stuff simultaneously, just like they're doing now.


Have you heard of the phrase ‘it’s not the destination. It’s the journey’. There are sooo many stories that use this. So what’s exactly wrong with someone being able to predict where a story is going when the building blocks for it are clearly laid out for you by the storyteller themselves?


They don't upload to Patreon based off run time. I do think it is a good middle ground because there's ton of great anime out there that aren't 150+ episodes and monopolize a tight schedule. Any way you slice it HxH is taking up a shit load of time that could potentially be spread out to 5~10 other series.

Daolord Badlands

I never suggested that they upload based on runtime, I was just saying that they've uploaded shows with greater runtime. I still disagree with eliminating shows based on how many episodes they have. Just because you can fit in a variety of great shows within the same timeframe doesn't make the longer show any less great, or any less worth watching. I guess maybe we'll just agree to disagree.


Your argument seemed to suggest because it had less run time than the other shows that somehow it was relevant to HxH not monopolizing the Patreon schedule since that was my original argument. And like we both said, you can't make everyone happy so it seems like we can both acknowledge that maybe suggesting a 150 episode series is a little selfish. If it's on the poll and wins with a 90% pick rate sure, let's all happily dive on in but I highly doubt that would be the outcome. You're also right that because it's a longer show doesn't make it any less worth watching. That's where the human element comes in and you ask yourself, is this show really so good that it needs to be watched before multiple series that can be consumed within the same time frame. To everyone who loves HxH it is. To everyone else, it's not. That's my counter argument for everyone suggesting HxH and why I don't want to see it on a poll anytime soon and really hate the vocal HxH fan boys & girls that think it's so grand that it needs to monopolize a limited schedule before every other top anime.

Daolord Badlands

I only brought up HxH because Milena mentioned it, and as much as I'm advocating the show in this back-and-forth, it's not like I'm crusading for it. At the end of the day it's their choice on what they watch, I don't whine about what they decide on. Even if they never watch HxH I'm sure I'll be fine lol.


Yeah, just voicing my opinion on why I think recommending HxH is dumb without being vague.


Someone made a genuine comment about their thoughts on HxH and you made it all about you and your apparent grudge against all the suggestions for the show lol. They’re allowed to suggest it, the girls are allowed to watch it, and you’re allowed to not be happy about it. Just take it easy champ.


I can also have an argument on a board where people pay to view anime being watched and discussed with a comments section so I assume other people are also willing to argue their points about why an anime should or shouldn't be suggested. Seems like a normal discussion on a paid anime forum. Daolord isn't the only person who may read my comments so instead of saying "I don't think HxH should be on the next poll" I went into more detail while also discussing the points Daolord brought up. Someone else is welcome to counter what I brought up instead of saying "take it easy champ" ? Yeah I do think it's dumb to recommend a 150 episode show to viewers who are new to anime. Why put 150 episodes of one story from one studio instead of getting a broader introduction.

Daolord Badlands

It's all good here, I don't think anyone's feelings are gonna be hurt by our disagreeing. He makes a valid point about how it might be better for them to watch more and varied shorter works before diving into a longer series. I can't even say I wholeheartedly disagree with him lol.

Justin Spencer

Omg that thread is too long hxh is my favorite anime of all time I think the girls would love it based on their reaction to brotherhood I think gon is as endearing as the boys of this show but it is long. Obviously watch the 2011 version for the same reason you choose brotherhood ❤️


We also know throughout the whole FMAB that Al will get his body back and they'll beat the bad guy. Doesn't make the journey any less interesting to watch. But I do agree with the other guy that your comments about this are amusing. Haha.


obviously, nothing. '99 is criminally disrespected...