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vinland saga 1x01 full.mp4

This is "vinland saga 1x01 full.mp4" by lm react on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Just watched the full and god it was a bitch to synch up this time. As far as I'm aware the names that are familiar from Vikings are not related at all. It's just that they were popular names. Names like Bjorn and Ragnar were quite popular if I'm not mistaken. Maybe Harald it's the same? To be completely honest the last seasons of Vikings are kinda foggy in my mind. Since tve show switched the focus to Ragnar's children I lost a bit of interest in the show. Thorfinn is one of my favourite main characters from a show. And yeah, both the intro and the outro ate great. Can't wait to keep watching your reactions to this, I think you're going to adore this.

Orr Malus

Even though I'm no fan of Vinland Saga, I'm actually excited to see a woman's take on the show. The "vikings" motif is about the male power fantasy: do what you want, take what you want, might makes right. It will probably end up pissing Lola off more than HoD haha.

Orr Malus

Are you using VLC player? It can play two videos at once. It syncs them automatically.


no because i don't have the shows downloaded and also my computer is fucked so i usually watch one thing in the tablet and the other in my phone. but my ipad is ancient and the animxplay web is working like shit lately and with so many adds popping so it's been hell when it's something i have to watch online


I remember watching the first season of Vinland Saga back when it aired in 2019. Hard to believe it's been three years! I always love your reaction videos, but this time, watching along will also serve as a great refresher ahead of Season 2. :)

Seni Adeyemi

How is it a male power fantasy? It’s an historical fiction that doesn’t glorify the depravity of the Vikings.

Orr Malus

Historical fiction and male power fantasy are not mutually exclusive. Viking culture revolved around raping and pillaging other lands, primarily by way of the sea. Their boats were not filled with women. Audience-wise the vast majority of vikings-oriented shows are males therefore the producers will inevitably cater to them. I'm not making a criticism, I'm just pointing things out.


This show is definitely up there with Attack on Titan for me. The characters are so rich and the story is perfectly paced. A brilliant, deep and beautiful story. :)

Tim Kane

Watching Vinland Saga and thinking its about indulging a Viking power fantasy is like watching Schindler's List and thinking it celebrates Nazis cause they're dressed nicely. You've literally missed the point of the entire show The show is juxtaposing the idealism of its themes and characters against the brutal reality of the era and a culture that accepts violence from episode 1.

Willem Dafoe

I can only imagine you dropped the show after the first 5 minutes to get it this wrong...

Robert H.

WIT's animation style for classic anime is really recognizable. Funnily enough, you will experience a Déjà vu with season 2. WIT had to give up the anime because of financial problems. Mappa is animating the second season, with much of the animation team remaining the same. They had to leave WIT (financial problems, many employees had to leave / freelancers could not continue to be financed without making losses).


Ahh I'm so excited for this Reaction. I really loved the first season and the Manga is even better afterwards. Season 2 is going to be amazing as well so I'm really hyped already :)

Orr Malus

In the first episode we learn that vikings are bad and that everyone should be like Thors. The rest of Vinland Saga is the same lesson except drawn out as much as possible, and this is not a spoiler because I only saw maybe 3 episodes and haven't read the manga. I genuinely don't understand why people are so into this show. Why would anyone want to sit through countless rapes and murders just to see a very predictable story unfold? I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely would like to know what the appeal of this show is (aside from the great animation).

Orr Malus

@Tim Kane "Watching Vinland Saga and thinking its about indulging a Viking power fantasy is like watching Schindler's List and thinking it celebrates Nazis". This is a terrible analogy because Schindler's List is from the perspective of the victims whereas Vinland Saga is from the perspective of the victimizers.

Nathan Elkin

Since no one else clarified it yet, I'll give a brief explanation. The show starts in Iceland, and it's fairly accurate as far as large-scale conflicts and real-world tactics go (minus a couple of broken characters that defy physics). Vinland is supposed to be a representation of the American continent, but the show never clarifies which part of the continent they actually discover. It's based on real-world history because Leif Erikson was a real person and actually did discover North America about 600 years before Columbus. It is a very sad show, and will not satisfy the traditional story tropes you typically expect from anime because much like Mob (but in the opposite way), the themes and message of this show are much more real and vulnerable than most shows attempt to portray, and that's what makes this show hit so much harder than most. I would like to point out one specific episode for personal reasons. When you watch episode 18, by that point you will be fully on board with the story and which characters you like/dislike, so I'd ask that you watch episode 18 with as objectively neutral opinion's as possible, or in other words, being as open-minded as possible. The way the show approaches a certain topic that most find controversial/complicated helped me realize something about myself and also helped me understand the simplicity of things like hate, love, and our connection to the world. This ain't a spoiler, but this is one of my favorite aspects of the show, so I wanted to put it out there.

Nathan Elkin

I use https://animixplay.to/ and Picture-in-Picture for anime so I can cover their copy of the episode while their video is in full screen. I use this website because the ads are minimal and you actually get the subtitles, unlike Crunchyroll which for some reason doesn't work with subtitles when in PiP. If pop-ups and ads are particularly bad, you can always custom block them in your browser settings for that specific website.


@Nathan Elkin oh that looks useful. what's picture-in-picture? an app? i'm at work right now so i can't really look into it, but i'd love to be able to play it all in the tablet

Tim Kane

You literally admitted you’ve only seen 3 episodes and then call the story “predictable” and “from the perspective of the victimizers” Funny you didn’t predict the story has multiple story arcs told specifically from the point of view of the people that get raided and pillaged. That’s not even a spoiler. The first scene literally features a guy abandoning a life of violence. If you thought this is gonna be a show about Vikings are awesome, you just lack the most basic ability to comprehend stories This is the equivalent of watching one episode of Breaking Bad and bitching about how it’s a boring predictable show about how cooking meth is awesome


I had the same problem with PiP subs but only in Microsoft Edge, have you tried with firefox?


If you guys love Vikings, you'll for sure love this one. Leif (the old guy telliing stories) is actually a historical explorer who is thought to have been the first European to have set foot on North America, like five hundred years before Columbus. The theme of this show is amazing, and it's Wit Studios who made this first season which maybe explains why it kind of look similar to Attack on Titan. Vinland Saga is without a doubt top three Seinen manga a long with Berserk and Vagabond. So happy for you guys!


@Orr Malus I saw you make this dumb comment again and was going to ignore it. Knowing your previous arguments come from the total knowledge of 3 episodes baffles me that you argued that hard and are arguing yet again here. How do you try to make an argument with such a flimsy base to stand on? Saying the story is "predictable" yet you have no idea how the story unfolds. The delusion and confidence is unreal.

Kara the gamer girl from Mars

i am really baffled by your take on this but I feel like you’re getting a lot of shit for your opinion even though you did say you’re genuine about wanting to learn what the appeal of the show is and if that’s true then I’d recommend watching Merphy Napier first video on it titled “Vinland Saga a new favorite”. You’ll also get to see a woman’s perspective on the story I guess lol

Orr Malus

@Tim Kane, again, terrible analogy. Breaking Bad is a show about a good person turning bad, the appeal is watching the events that get him there. Vinland Saga is, as I accurately predicted and you fanboys confirmed, a show about a viking doing horrible viking stuff then realizing that doing viking stuff is bad. Like I've said, it's just the first episode but drawn out. I asked a simple question and all I got was a lot of non-answers: strawmen and insults. I'll ask again, why expose yourselves to horrific violent imagery in order to watch a character learn that hurting innocent people is bad?

Mahni Alizadeh

I think you'll love this. the ending to season 1 made me bawl my eyes out lol

Nathan Elkin

If you only use a tablet, it’s not really possible as far as I know. It’s not an app, it’s more like a feature or tool. I comes with some apps when you play a video, like if you have YouTube playing a video and you open a different app, the YouTube video will shrink into one of the corners and keep playing. But you can’t play two videos at once like that on a phone or tablet, and that feature is ingrained in certain apps so can can add it if you wanted. The version I use though is a browser extension I’m assuming you can get on any browser. Just like with your handhelds, certain websites when using a computer will offer the PiP tool, but for most they don’t. The extension I’m using is called PiP - Picture in Picture Plus, and if the option isn’t in the video player box for whatever you’re watching, you just have to click the extension up top and it will create a new window with a clean border showing just that video. You can expand or shrink that window to a certain extent, and it has a play/pause button that can’t be used without triggering annoying pop-ups or new tabs when using risky websites. There are a lot of niche extensions like that which can make your online usage much smoother and accessible, I’d definitely recommend looking into some.

Kara the gamer girl from Mars

As much as I would love to fangirl about VS and talk about why it’s worth it i can’t because your question is kinda terrible (no offence). You’re just making assumptions about a show you clearly have very surface level understanding of and expecting an answer based on those assumptions which are inaccurate in my opinion. If you don’t want to watch the show because of it’s violence that’s very much understandable, you don’t have to justify it by pointing out that the story is simple even though you have no idea what the story is.

Alex Snell

So I'm confused. How is Vinland Saga both a masculine viking power fantasy and portraying that culture as bad and evil?


"I feel like it's gonna be that kind of show that makes me cry" - Honestly, what show isn't, Lola? :P


Because horrific action scenes are bad ass and we have entire genres of medium dedicated to this. People like battle scenes, action scenes, horrific scenes, broken character, unhinged characters, immoral characters. None of this prevents a good story being told or us viewers being able to understand that we are watching bad people do bad things for the sake of entertainment and the story. Berserk is gruesome yet one of the top regarded manga ever created, but you'd probably dumb it down to "gore and guy swinging sword" in the same way you're doing to Vinland Saga. Did I not answer your question directly, for a second time as I had done previously and yet you never responded to it. You then come here and for some reason start a conversation on a topic you know nothing about yet give off the sense that you had understood the story and tell the viewers what to expect based off your 3 episodes of viewing. Incredible. Gotta be trolling at this point.


eyoo? it takes 24 hours to edit the ep?


Honestly, deserved. It's a badge of honor for Lola to cry for a show and Death Note was comparatively weak compared to the other shows they've reacted to recently.


I have joined to Paetron due to this show. Great you started! Thanks