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mob 2x09

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Alex cleveland

why r u recommending things when they not even asking for any yet? Yall just spam shows for no reason lol. they doin S3 after this season.... i hope u know that


Bro, you are a menace. Stop recommending or people are gonna flod the chat with recommendations.

Alex cleveland

Fun Fact: The teleporting guy named Shimazaki is actually has the same VA as Sasuke from Naruto!! Since I think one of you guys watched Naruto when u were little and know some of the characters! And yes, Shimazaki is prob my fav esper right with Mogami!

Nathan Elkin

Lol, imagine Reigan taking down one of the Ultimate 5. I live to see it.

Nathan Elkin

I love when y'all give shout-outs to the comments. Makes my day.

Orr Malus

Keep in mind that Mob Psycho is supposed to be meta. So in other shows where the age of the protagonist is supposed to reflect the age of the reader/watcher, in Mob Psycho the kids are kids and they use a kid's way of thinking. I remember you talking about how mature Ed and Al were for their age. You are correct but in the real world teenagers don't think like adults, they think like teenagers. The heroes and the villains in Mob Psycho are teenagers who behave like teenagers, this is what drives the plot. But there are also adult characters (Reigen, the parents, even the PM) which behave how an adult behaves when dealing with a teenagers: they ignore them because they know it's just a "phase" they're going through. Reigen's character spelled it out in the previous season when he said that the Scars were just children who never grew up. And what happens when a child acts out? An adult puts them in their place.


Interesting comment, but FYI that's not really what the word "meta" means. Also Shounen manga/anime is theoretically written for kids (or boys, specifically) in their tween/early teen years. So the age of the reader is supposed to be the same (or slightly less) then the age of the protagonists - of course they're read/watched by older people. There's also the "Seinen" category where the reader is "supposed" to be older teens/people in their 20s. Also, to be more specific, one of the main themes of mob psycho is the concept of "Chūnibyō" or "middle schooler syndrome" where middle-school aged kids see themselves as the "main character" - from wikipedia: "Chūnibyō (中二病) is a Japanese colloquial term typically used to describe early teens who have grandiose delusions, who desperately want to stand out, and who have convinced themselves that they have hidden knowledge or secret powers. It translates to "second year syndrome" (i.e., middle-school second-year), and has been called "eighth-grader syndrome" in English-speaking countries." Some of the characters definitely display this.

Orr Malus

That "middle schooler syndrome" you referred to is called "gamma male" or "secret king" in the West. They exhibit a series of traits which are universal across cultures. Gamma's never really grow up, which is something that was pointed out in season 1. Gamma's are exclusively male. They also hate "jocks" (or "chads") which is why the writer decided to make the guys from the Body Improvement Club the epitome of male virtuosity.

Orr Malus

Interesting enough the first novel that was ever written, "The Tale of Genji", references this exact type of male pattern of behavior.