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fmab 46

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Yay, thanks for the upload!


is it going to be a mistake? there's a possibility for a great cliffhanger... lol, that's an understatement this is going to be fun to watch


Unpopular opinion but i don't like the bloopers at the end, they take away from the character in my opinion and they aren't funny either. I wonder if you would like them


Bloopers are a must at the end of FMAB.


same, i don't really like them. i wouldn't mind if they'd watch them but i don't think they're funny at all and at some point i find them even cringy


You either find the bloopers funny or you find them very cringe I would say the latter but each to each his own.

Nathan Elkin

The bloopers are fun, just voice actors being real people


Not sure if this is ever confirmed but Ed thought that he might have been sleeping and eating extra to supply Al's body with energy in the portal dimension. Now that Al's body has been pulling his soul for a while and essentially claiming his own energy Ed has grown a lot in a really short time because of it. That or puberty.. :D


??? What do you mean you don't know if it's a spoiler? That spoils A LOT. Why can't people contain themselves? Say that at the end of the series.


Please delete this

Jey Siksa

I love this episode so much, everytime i watch the scene where Alphonse is trying to run away while fading out of consciousness and the material his gloves are made of start going limp because his soul is going inbetwern. Such top notch animation gets me everytime

Alex cleveland

The glow up though for everyone especially Ed and Winry is crazy 😛. Love the characters growing up on us while watching the series!


thats obviously a huge spoiler

Jey Siksa

Please delete this


theres a theory that ed got taller so quickly because when he healed his stab wound in ep 41 he mentioned he used part of his lifespan to do so. maybe losing a year or 2 fast forwards puberty but its all really just conjecture


It definitely is. Why would you type this out?

Nathan Elkin

I'm glad I can finally point this out because I'm pretty sure we have been given enough information by this point. One of my favorite aspects of this show is how it slowly ages up the kids. A while back, Ed had the theory that he is as short as he is because his body not only need rest and nutrients for himself, but also Al's body as well. As Al continues to black out more and more often, especially over the past 3-4 months that we weren't shown, Ed has started to grow faster and faster. It may seem pretty dramatic, but this is honestly how big Ed would have been at this age if they had normal lives. I mean, just compare him to his father when he was Ed's age. So ya, I love how Ed slowly grows up in this show because at this point, he is indeed taller than Winry.

Nathan Elkin

I also want to point out this isn't ever stated in the show, but it is pretty much the excepted explanation for his growth.


Hmm, well this doesn't actually reveal anything specific about what happens within the span of those episodes. It's not a spoiler in that sense, but it does still reveal relevant information about future episodes, so I think it would have been better left unsaid.


This is definitely a spoiler. Delete that.

Joey Joseph Jojoson

when you don't know whether it is a spoiler of not, the best practice is to be silent.


Ed definitely mentions that theory earlier. I’m rolling with that theory too


Ed definitely mentions that theory earlier. I’m rolling with that theory too

Koala Banana

I genuinely believe it was done purely so he looked hotter in the romantic scene with Winry. It does make sense given Hoenheim's size. However I can't shake the feeling that in order to sell the romance Ed needed to be taller. Given the choice a writer will make their male romantic lead tall.

Koala Banana

My theory is that the Winry romance would have been awkward if he weren't taller than her.


@Koala Banana That seems like such a weirdly specific assumption to make, especially considering all the show has done to have his growth spurt make sense.

Koala Banana

I mean... there's one outlandish theory about sharing energy between the real world and the portal, having their "spirits crossed" in the transmutation. He says that "might explain" why he's short. Doesn't seem like a great explanation to me. And yeah I'm just miffed that my short king became an ordinary man. It's back to loving Krillin and Android 18 for me.

Nathan Elkin

@Koala Banana Lol, they threw in an entire scene with Ed explaining it to the audience just for the hell of it, because the author just does things on a whim. The short jokes also had no significance, the author just wanted to shit on short people, because why not?

Robert H.

I think there is a misunderstanding: Olivier is not angry and disappointed with Alex for going against the government, but for not fighting for his ideals. If he had started a revolt against the commanders, his sister would respect him. If he had fought for the government, she would have seen this as the fulfilment of his duty, which she would also have respected.


When you put it that way, she sounds a little like Kimblee. Like she respects people with total commitment to their ideals (even if she fundamentally disagrees) more than people who agree with her but don't stand firm in their beliefs.